Requests similar to 'Policy on providing staff contact details to clients'

Dear E Clark   I apologise   Her is the signed copy of the reply to your email of 19 March 2014.   Yours sincerely   Pia Wihapi   F...
Date of update of webpage
Response by Ministry of Social Development to B Johnston on .
Dear Mr Johnston   Attached is the reply to your request for information.   Yours sincerely     Pia Wihapi Advisor Ministerial and Ex...
Dear D Dahya   Attached is the reply to your requests for information of 3 March 2016.   Yours sincerely   Pia Wihapi Advisor Ministeri...
Dear Alex Harris,   please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act request of 1 November 2012.   Regards Official...
Alex Harris [1][email address]   Dear Alex Harris, On 6 September 2017 you emailed the Ministry requesting, under the Official Information Act...
ZX Security
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex Harris   On 9 January 2019 you emailed the Ministry requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982, the following information:  ...
Advice on drug-testing beneficaries
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex Harris,   please find attached a letter regarding your Official Information Act request of 31 August 2012.   Regards Official and Parli...
Dear Alex Harris,   Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act Request.   Regards Official and Parliamentary I...
Dear Alex Harris,   Please find attached a letter advising of the need to extend both of your Official Information Act Requests of 7 June 2012   R...
Dear Alex Harris   Please find attached a letter regarding your Official Information Act request relating to five Family Start Providers.   Regard...
Student Loan Repayements and Defaulters
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Alex Hedley on .
Information not held.
Dear Alex Hedley,   Thank you for your email received 13 September 2013, requesting information under the Official Information Act 1982. Please fi...
Dear Alex Thank you for your emails. The Ministry does not typically undertake reviews of responses to Official Information Act requests, unless i...
Submission to OIA review
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex   Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act request concerning the Ministry's submission to the Law Co...
Dear Alex Please find attached a letter in response to your Official Information Act request. Regards Tanya Howlett Tanya Howlett Manager, Offici...
Dear Alex,   On 25 May 2016 you emailed the Ministry requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982, information regarding the relocation fro...
Accomodation Benefit pre 1992
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Brendon Mills on .
Partially successful.
  Tçnâ koe Brendon Mills   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request.   Nâ mâtou noa, nâ   O...
Data Warehousing Costs
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Dave Body on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Body, As per our phone conversation today, the Ministry of Social Development is refining your Official Information Act request dated 15 Jan...
CPP deductions from NZ superannuation
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Barnaby Perkins on .
Partially successful.
Mr Barnaby Perkins [1][FOI #2919 email]     Dear Mr Perkins   On 8 July 2015 you emailed the Ministry requesting, under the Official Infor...
Suicide statistics caused by the Future Focus
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Brett Cooper on .
Information not held.
Dear Brett Cooper,   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request of 27 February 2013.   Regards Of...
'Covered by ACC'
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Anthony Jordan on .
Good morning Mr Jordan   I am writing in response to your email enquiry dated 30 August 2019 to the Ministry of Social Development.   Unfortun...
Dear Mr Dawson   Thank you for your email of 7 April 2016, and I note that email is the most ideal means of communication.   You have asked fo...
Costs of Defending Failed False Name Use
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Gregory Soar on .
Partially successful.
    Good morning Mr Soar,   As per your email sent on 10 January 2019, this email is to confirm that your request made on 23 November 2018 for...
WINZ Conversation recording policies
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Cody C on .
Partially successful.
    From: OIA_Requests (MSD) Sent: Thursday, 9 July 2015 9:47 a.m. To: '[email address]' Subject: Your Official Information Act request   De...
Good afternoon Mr Hicks   Please find attached a letter from the Ministry of Social Development.   Yours sincerely   Ministerial & Executiv...
Good afternoon Mr Mills.   Please find attached a letter from the Ministry of Social Development.   Yours sincerely   Ministerial & Executi...