Requests similar to 'Data held on the UAP/UFO phenomena'

Request sent to New Zealand Defence Force by Andrew Arkins on .
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Andrew Arkins, and I am writing to make a formal request for information regarding Unidentified Aerial...
Tēnā koe Andrew                                    Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zea...
Inquiry Regarding UAP and UFO Phenomena
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Andrew Arkins on .
Information not held.
  Kia ora Andrew Arkins   Please find attached a response to your OIA request from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to your email of 10 August 20...
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request information under the Official Information Act 1982 concerning New Zealand's involvement...
I hope this message finds you well. I am replying to your OIA response as I would like to point out a discrepancy in the handling of Unidentified Ae...
I am writing to request access to information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) regarding the Ministry of Defence's (MOD) involvement wi...
Good afternoon Jared Please find attached a response to your request. Regards Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Fo...
UAP activity in/around NZ
Request sent to New Zealand Defence Force by N. S. Hudson on .
Information not held.
I have read previously on another FOIA that: "The NZDF has no role or responsibility relating to reports of UAS/UFO. It is standard practice that an...
Good morning Andrew,   Please find attached the response to your request.   Regards,   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Office of...
Ref: 2324-1937   Kia ora Lee Jared   Please see the attached letter in response to your recent OIA request of 10 March 2024.   Ngā mihi nu...
I hope this message finds you well. Under the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982, I am seeking information regarding the involvement...
Good afternoon Jason, Please find attached a response to your request. Kind regards Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Office of Chief of Defe...
To the Government Communications Security Bureau, There has been increasing global interest in Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), with recent discl...
Thank you for providing an indication that reportings of UFOs have occurred. You have pulled all information relating to 'UFO' but can you provide a...
[UNCLASSIFIED] Kia ora N. S. Hudson   Please find attached response to your OIA request of 24 April 2024.   Ngā mihi   Executive Services...
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, I hope this letter finds you well. With the global attention on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) f...
Waikato DHB ransomware attack inquiry briefings
Response by Andrew Little to Scott on .
Tçnâ koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Treaty...
Fact check on early covid19 infomation
Response by Andrew Little to Michael Bryant on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Treaty...
Tçnâ koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Treaty...
ID2020 - Little
Response by Andrew Little to S Hill on .
Long overdue.
Tçnâ koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Treaty...
Suicide Prevention Office
Response by Andrew Little to James on .
Tçnâ koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Treaty...
Suicide Prevention Office 2nd request
Response by Andrew Little to James on .
Tçnâ koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Treaty...
Tçnâ koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Treaty...
Salaries of members of the Waitangi Tribunal
Response by Andrew Little to John Aitchison on .
 Tēnā koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister of Immigration, Minister for the Public...
Court open day
Response by Andrew Little to john luke on .
 Tēnā koe   Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Andrew Little MP, Minister of Defence, Minister of Immigration, Minister for the Public...