Requests similar to 'Information regarding installation of "traditional maori korowai" in foyer of Wellington hospital'
Cost of monstrosity on site of Paul Irons murder - by local cop's son:
Request sent to South Wairarapa District Council by Katherine Raue on .
Long overdue.
I hereby request ALL information regarding the so called "work of art" by Konstantin Dimopoulos which was installed in Featherston - apparently on t...
Governance Structure of New Dunedin Hospital Project
Response by Health New Zealand to ODT on .
Kia ora ODT,
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Governance
Structure of the New Dunedin Hospital Project on 8 July 2024. Ple...
Kia ora Austin
Please find attached decision letter in response to your request for official information.
Ngā mihi
Office of the Vice-Chancel...
What is the statutory status of Te Whatu Ora
Follow up sent to Health New Zealand by Grace Haden on .
Partially successful.
thank you for your response
I note that the healthy futures act specifically sets up a Maori Health Authority
which has now been called Te Aka...
Statistics for vaccinated as opposed to unvaccinated including transmission
Response by Health New Zealand to Grace Haden on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Grace,
Thank you for your request for information on 11 July 2023. Please find
attached our response to your request.
If you have any...
meaning and legitimacy of Manatū Hauora ,Te Aka Whai Ora and Te Whatu Ora
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by Grace Haden on .
while I respect the fact that Maori is an offical language and have refered to the legislation which you have mentioned, I cannot see any legiti...
Dc's with either unofficial or given a name?
Request sent to KiwiRail by Colby James on .
Partially successful.
Hi I have something I like to ask of you about the Dc's why they had names? firstly I know on the list back in the days I know that?
*Dc 4006 was u...
Hauora a Toi, Contracted/Funded Services within the MHA & Wellbeing Space
Response by Health New Zealand to T Smith on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, please get...
OIA request- Ministry of Justice Expert Panel for Domestic Violence
Response by Ministry of Justice to john luke on .
Tēnā koe Mr Luke
Please find attached response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Kia ora Tommi
Please see attached a response to your request for official information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
M[1]inistry of Health i...
Request for copy of Locality Plans, drafts and decision-process
Follow up sent to Māori Health Authority by Chris Matenga on .
Awaiting classification.
I've requested any information you can provide regarding the progression of locality plans under the Pae Ora Act, noting s55 requires consultation pr...
Dear William
Please find attached a response from Rob Pope, Director, Office of the
Chief Executive to your official information request of 16 Decem...
Contract requirements and quality assurance for PATHA update of guidelines
Response by Health New Zealand to B Evans on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
Thank you for your request for information about Gender Affirming Primary
Care on 4 July 2024. Please find attached our response to your...
Pressure from government agencies on Youth in Custody report
Response by St Thomas of Canterbury College to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Hello Alex
Thank you for this email. My apologies I thought I had dispatched a copy
of the youth custody report (attached) and media statement a...
All agendas, minutes and associated papers relating to Regional Integration Team meetings October 2023 - 18 March 2024
Response by Health New Zealand to Megan Day on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Megan,
Thank you for your request for information regarding Regional Integration
Team Meetings on 17 March 2024. Included in this part of...
Kia ora Polly,
On behalf of Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zelaand please find attached the
response for your follow up request for official information....
American giant Discovery purchased Mediaworks December 2020, 5 weeks after election
Request sent to Willie Jackson by Brian Mullane on .
Long overdue.
In December 2020, 5 weeks after the general election, it was announced that American media giant Discovery had purchased Mediaworks, a privately own...
Number of Kakariki tested for 1080.
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Benseman, further to your 15 December 2018 OIA request please find
a reply and a parakeet nesting success report.
Kind regards
Abortion statistics for Rotorua 2024
Response by Health New Zealand to Jenny Chapman on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Jenny,
Thank you for your request of 03 March 2025, for the following
Please provide the following statistics for abo...
Covid advisory group minutes from 2022 to present
Response by Health New Zealand to Al on .
Kia ora Al,
Please find attached a response to the remaining parts of your request.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of...
Kia ora,
Thank you for your requests for information dated 21 November 2023. Please
find attached our response to both requests.
If you have any q...
Iwi and Hapu engagement -subdivision Lot 30 DP 348513
Response by Kaipara District Council to Craig Innes on .
Kia ora Craig
Thank you for your request for information relating to The Rise Limited.
Council notified Ngati Manuhiri and Ngati Whātua as well...
Kia ora Linda
Please see attached letter relating to your official information act
Ngâ mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatû Hauo...
Inquiry regarding complaints about 2018 and 2021 Maori Council committee elections, and Matthew Tukaki
Request sent to Ministry of Māori Development by Katherine Raue on .
Partially successful.
I request all information held by the Ministry regarding numerous complaints to the Maori Council regarding the triennial elections in 2018 and 2021...
Kia ora koutou,
Thank you for your request for information, I apologise for the delay.
Please find attached our response to your request.
If y...