Requests similar to 'Doc Toitū CarbonReduce programme'

DoC Carbon Footprint
Response by Department of Conservation to Chris Watson on .
Kia ora Chris Thank you for your request received on 30/03/2021 to the Department of Conservation. Please find attached our response to your reque...
How many DOC huts still rely on coal
Response by Department of Conservation to G S Hedge on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Gary Thank you for your request received on 07/10/2022 to the Department of Conservation. Please find attached our response to your reques...
Greenhouse gas emissions Awaiting classification.
We seek information on the greenhouse gas emissions of your agency. Specifically, please provide your reporting on greenhouse gas emissions of you...
We seek information on the greenhouse gas emissions of your agency. Specifically, please provide your reporting on greenhouse gas emissions of you...
Fire Control Costs 2023/24
Response by Department of Conservation to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora Alan, Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your request, which we received on 20/11/2024. If you have any que...
Commercial Filming In Tongariro National Park
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen, Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your request, which we received on 31/08/2024. If you have any...
Mokoroa Falls Track and Road
Response by Department of Conservation to Penny Sparks on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Penny Thank you for your request received on 12/12/2023 to the Department of Conservation. Please find attached our response to your reque...
Government Supply Chain Register
Response by Carmel Sepuloni to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Chris Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation, received on 18/10/2023.  Your reference number is...
Threats to DOC staff by 1080 protestors
Response by Department of Conservation to K Lane on .
Good afternoon   Please find attached the response to your OIA request.   Many thanks Megan     Caution - This message and accompanying...
Board Appointment 2024
Response by Department of Conservation to john luke on .
Kia ora John   Please find attached a response to your request.   Please let us know if you have any queries.   Ngā mihi   Governance a...
Raukumara and OSPRI and co
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Long overdue.
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 07:54:58 +0000 Subject: Official Information request - Raukumara and OSPRI and co From: "T. Benseman" <[FOI #14056 email]> To: O...
OIA Requests on RAL since 1 Oct-22
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen Thank you for your request received on 13/10/2023 to the Department of Conservation. Please find attached our response to your req...
Kia ora Stephen, We note that your request was received on 20 November 2023, making a response due on or before 18 December 2023. In this case, an ext...
Kia ora Stephen Thank you for your request received on 03/05/2024 to the Department of Conservation. We are advising you that we are extending the...
the Terra Nova Foundation
Response by Department of Conservation to Victoria Muninn on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Victoria Thank you for your request received on 23/09/2021 to the Department of Conservation. Please find attached our response to your re...
Kia ora Annelies Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-260. We will en...
Kia ora Bryan Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-475. We will endea...
Kinloch Whangamata stream track - scenic reserve
Response by Department of Conservation to Maria Ferguson on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Maria Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-692. We will endea...
Powellaphanta Augusta Snails
Response by Department of Conservation to Talia P on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Talia Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-830. We will endea...
Kia ora Amanda Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-1205. We will end...
Letter claiming ownership of the Blumine Island
Response by Department of Conservation to Morgane Solignac on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Morgane Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-1435. We will en...
Vaccine passports Abel Tasman National Park
Response by Department of Conservation to Ms Evans on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ms Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-1756. We will endeavo...
full DOC policies on feral dogs in Northland
Response by Department of Conservation to Claire Valpy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Claire Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-2278. We will end...
Waipoua Forest Consultation of Hapu / Iwi
Response by Department of Conservation to Asha Andersen on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Asha Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-2418. We will endea...
Te Urewera co-governance budget
Response by Department of Conservation to B Whyman on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora B Thank you for your official information request to the Department of Conservation. Your reference number is OIAD-2498. We will endeavou...