This person's 47 Official Information requests
Document titled Learning from the PTL process
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Stephen,
Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your
request, which we received on 14/02/2025.
If you have any...
DOC Briefings On RAL / Mt Ruapehu
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen,
Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your
request, which we received on 29/01/2025.
If you have any...
Updated advice to MoC on Concession Delegation
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen,
Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your
request, which we received on 20/12/2024.
If you have any...
Cabinet Paper Whakapapa Support
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to AnonSkiGuy on .
Tēnā koe Stephen,
Please find attached a letter update regarding your recent request for
information (ref. DOIA-REQ-0008018).
Ngā mihi...
Whakapapa Ski field Concession Application
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Stephen,
At your request, please find attached part 1 of 2 of our response to your
OIA of 31 August 2024. The second part will follow in...
Whakapapa make good costs
Clarification sent to Department of Conservation by AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia Ora DOC
On 18 October you informed me that this request was being assembled and would be provided by 23 October.
This date has passed. The doc...
Commercial Filming In Tongariro National Park
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen,
Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your
request, which we received on 31/08/2024.
If you have any...
Financial Impact of the ongoing RAL saga
Response by The Treasury to AnonSkiGuy on .
Partially successful.
Dear Stephen,
Attached is the response to your Official Information Act request. Please
note that this response has been signed out via an elect...
Procedures for Concessions Hearings Board Appointments
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 06/06/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Advice to Govt Agencies & Ministers
Response by Office for Māori Crown Relations—Te Arawhiti to AnonSkiGuy on .
Tçnâ koe
On behalf of Hui Kahu, Regional Director, please find attached the second
and final part of our response to your OIA request.
Life Pass Holders
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen,
Please find attached a letter and documentation from the Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment relevant to your recen...
Negotiations with WHL post watershed
Request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by AnonSkiGuy. Annotated by AnonSkiGuy on .
Partially successful.
About 30 items are identified and then all are withheld largely on commercial grounds.
Turoa Concession Application - Appointment & Direction to report writer
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 17/05/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Turoa Decision Support Document
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 16/05/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Surrender of Licence for Turoa & Whakapapa
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 03/05/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Updated Costs for Administration, liquidation, Receivership
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to AnonSkiGuy on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Stephen,
Please find attached a letter and documentation from the Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment relevant to your recen...
Decsion Maker Turoa Concession
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen,
Thank you for your request received on 26/03/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our second tran...
Cab paper on Last Chance Cab funding
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia Ora,
Please find attached correspondence from Hon Shane Jones,
Office of Hon Shane Jones
Office of Hon Shane Jones
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 19/03/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Removal Costs for Downhill Ski Club Lodge
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 26/03/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Turoa Information from Marie Long, National Programmes and Regulatory Services
Response by Department of Conservation to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 16/01/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your request received on 16/01/2024 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Dataroom Access
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to AnonSkiGuy on .
Kia ora Stephen,
Please find attached a letter from the Ministry of Business, Innovation
and Employment regarding your request for official info...
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your requests to the Department of Conservation. This
response addresses both OIAD-3841, and OIAD-3781.
If you have...
Kia ora Stephen
Thank you for your requests to the Department of Conservation. This
response addresses both OIAD-3841, and OIAD-3781.
If you have...
This person's 3 annotations
Negotiations with WHL post watershed
Request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by AnonSkiGuy. Annotated by AnonSkiGuy on .
Partially successful.
About 30 items are identified and then all are withheld largely on commercial grounds.
Concession notification dates Mt Ruapehu
Partially successful.
DOC responded by treating my questions as a new OIA - 3608
Calibre partners appointed receivers to RAL
Request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by AnonSkiGuy. Annotated by AnonSkiGuy on .
Extension to 22 December advised.