Requests similar to 'Rakaia Catchment Environmental Enhancement Society Funds'
ECan's exercise of review of consent conditions for Manawa Energy Coleridge/Rakaia
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Kia Ora David
Please see attached response to your LGOIMA request.
Kind regards
Environment Canterbury
[1]Environment Canterbur...
ECan's application of Glyphosate into the Rakaia River
Request sent to Environmental Protection Authority by David Haynes on .
Long overdue.
In your 6 July 2022 response to my OIA of 16 March 2022 requesting a copy of the Advice Letter sent to ECan regarding their application of Glyphosate...
January 2022 Lake Coleridge Flow Data
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Dear David
Please see attached response to your LGOIMA request.
Kind regards
Lillian Sewell
Please note I work Mondays Wednesdays and...
National Water Conservation (Rakaia River) Order 1988 Reprint 7 March 2013
Request sent to David Parker by David Haynes on .
Dear Minister
We would be grateful if you could reply to the letter we sent you 1 March 2022 which I have reproduced below:
Dear Minister
Lake Coleridge Water Measurement
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Kia ora David
Please find attached correspondence related to your LGOIMA request.
Ngā mihi
Michelle Chung
Michelle Chung
Resource Consent Details for Manawa Energy & Central Plains Water Limited
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Partially successful.
Dear David
Please find attached response to your LGOIMA request.
Kind regards,
Environment Canterbury
[1]Environment Canterbury...
Abstraction Records for Rakaia River
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora David
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA):
Request for information
I refer to your information re...
Abstraction Records for Rakaia River
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora David
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA):
Request for information
I refer to your information re...
Kia ora David
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA):
Request for information
I refer to your information re...
Copy of education and advice to ECan re glyphosate use on Rakaia River
Request sent to Environmental Protection Authority by David Haynes on .
Further to the email from Rhianna O'Connell, Compliance Officer, EPA, please provide the 'education' letter provided to ECan on the use of glyphosate...
Monitoring of Nitrates in Wastewater Discharged to Land
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to David Haynes on .
Partially successful.
Dear David
Please find attached response to your LGOIMA request.
The information is available at [1]Environment Canterbury LGOIMA
Good morning Mr Jones,
Please find attached a release letter regarding your LGOIMA request.
Kind regards
Selwyn District Council
All correspondence and internal notes regarding decision making of applicants for the Christchurch West Melton Water Committee 2017
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Matthew Percival on .
Partially successful.
Dear Matthew,
Please find attached, our reply to your LGOIMA request along with relevant
Kind regards,
Jill Atki...
Public transport vehicle ownership
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Tim Frank on .
Dear Tim
Please see attached response to your LGOIMA request.
Kind regards
Lillian Sewell
Please note I work Mondays Wednesdays and
Passenger Statistics by Stop and Route, Provision of Facilities at Stops
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Isla Stewart on .
Information not held.
Dear Isla,
Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act 1987 Request
I refer to your Local Government Official Information and Mee...
Low Cost Low Risk transport projects
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Tim Adriaansen on .
Please find attached this Council’s response to your recent request for
Selwyn District Council
2 Norman Kirk Drive, Roll...
Requests to fund Te Kaha - Canterbury's Multi-Use Arena
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to George Bryant on .
Kia ora George,
Please see attached response to your LGOIMA request.
Kind regards,
Environment Canterbury
[1]Environment Ca...
Water consumption figures:
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Bernadette Facer on .
Kia ora Bernadette
Your LGOIMA has been passed to the Science team for response and I have
been advised by one of our senior scientists that, un...
Lessons Learned Report - Fraud and Conflict of Interest
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to J.K on .
Kia ora J.K.
Please find enclosed our response letter and the report ‘Project Allisson
– Key Learnings’.
Ngâ mihi,
Environment Canterbur...
Ukraine Laundry - Military Aid / Corruption - FTX Bankruptcy
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Chris McCashin on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Chris McCashin,
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Div...
CHEMICAL SPRAYING - Rakaia and Styx Rivers
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Graham Carter on .
Dear Graham
Please find attached a response to your request under the LGOIMA (1987).
Kind regards
Anna Paris
Executive Officer Op...
Dear Tim
Please see letter and information attached regarding your request for
Official Information.
Selwyn District Counci...
How is the Council using its rights under the Public Health Act to inspect rental housing properties?
Response by Selwyn District Council to Aaron Packard on .
Dear Mr Packard
Please find attached Council’s response to your recent LGOIMA request.
Selwyn District Council
2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolle...
ECC/EOC Seismic Resilience
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Frank on .
Awaiting classification.
Please find attached Council's response to your recent request for information which was transferred to us by Environment Canterbury on 22 June 2023....
Results and Costs of surveys conducted on Bus Usage
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Gavin Millar on .
Partially successful.
Hello Mr Millar
I attach the reply to your Official Information request along with copies our surveys.
Regards Sharon Clough
Sharon Clough
Personal A...