Requests similar to 'Development on 144 Te Pêne Avenue, Porirua.'
Clearance of Coastal Vegetation, Titahi Bay
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Deterimination of MHWS along Titahi Bay Main Road.
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Receipt of request for official information
Thank you for your request for official information received on 13
November 2022...
Location and Specifications of Emergency Water Tanks
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Please find attached a reply to your recent Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act request relating to the location an...
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Determining Alignment of MHWS
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgment letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records &...
Information Relating to Workshops and Council Meeting
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Receipt of request for official information
Thank you for your request for official information received on 15
December 2022...
Land Use of Earthworks Associated with Artificial Wetland
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Brian
Please find attached a reply to your recent Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act request relating to earthworks asso...
Development at 36 Whanake Street, Titahi Bay
Request sent to Porirua City Council by Brian Warburton on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
There are onsite indications of a new development being undertaken, or planned to be undertaken, on the site at 36 Whanake Street, Titahi Bay.
Extent of Leased Areas - Titahi Bay
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Please find attached an acknowledgment letter for your recent request for
official information relating to leased areas on Titahi Bay...
Repair of Pavement - Te Pene Avenue
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records &...
Monitoring Compliance with Consent Conditions
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Process and Substance - Variation 1 to the Proposed District Plan
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Please find attached a reply to your recent Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act request relating to the process and...
Water Contamination Titahi Bay
Request sent to Porirua City Council by Brian Warburton on .
Long overdue.
A few days ago this comment was made on the Titahi Bay Neighbourhood Noticeboard:
"Not only are PCC putting blame on residential houses now they...
Number of state houses built between 2008-2017 and 2017-2022
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to JB on .
Good afternoon JB
Please find attached a reply to your OIA request for Kāinga Ora stock
Kāinga Ora - Homes and Commu...
Status of Wastewater Pipeline and Discharge Therefrom - Whitiriera Park, Titahi Bay
Request sent to Wellington Regional Council by Brian Warburton on .
In relation to a LGOIMA request made to PCC on 27 July 2021, and subsequently transferred (in part) by PCC to GWRC, and in respect of a discharge of...
Porirua Treatment Plant and Related Discharges
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Mr Warburton
Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to
your OIA request 2018-337.
Ngâ Mihi
Summary of Consents - Development on Property
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Scanning O...
Use of GIS Data with Development of Proposed District Plan
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brian
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your request to the appropriate
department to respond to you.
Please find attached our Ackno...
Porirua Treatment Plant
Request sent to Porirua City Council by Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Can you please provide me with the following information:
- a copy of the current consent for the PCC sewerage treatment plant at Titahi Bay and f...
Enforcement of Rule R190 in the proposed Natural Resources Plan
Request sent to Wellington Regional Council by Brian Warburton on .
There are no outstanding appeals on the proposed Natural Resources Plan (pNRP) in respect of Rules R190, R196, R197, R198 and R199.
These rules of...
Determining Alignment of MHWS - South Beach Access
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Hello Brian Warburton
Thank you for contacting us.
Your request has been refer to our Records Department.
We expect that you will be contacted in...
Harbour ByLaws and Training Policy - Titahi Bay
Request sent to Wellington Regional Council by Brian Warburton on .
Can you please send me a copy of all the documents I need so I can understand what obligations there are on the Titahi Bay Surf Life Saving Club whe...
Dear Brian
Thank you for your Official Information Act request.
Please find attached our Acknowledgment letter.
Ngā mihi,
Subdivision Consent Application - 83B Tireti Road
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Adithya Unn...
Giant Billboards Advertising Alcoholic Beverages
Response by Porirua City Council to Lance D. Lavery on .
Kia ora Lance
Please find attached the resource consent notice associated with you
request for information which I inadvertently forgot to attach ea...