Requests similar to 'Managed Spectrum Park Statutory Declarations'

The Managed Spectrum Park Licence Agreement March 2015 (ISBN: 978-0-478-43393-7) (Licence Agreement) governs the use of Management Right 258, a shar...
Response to your Official Information Request ref: 2223-3048 Tçnâ koe Jonathan Please find attached the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employme...
Kia ora Jonathan Brewer,   On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I acknowledge your email of 3/12/2024 requesting, under...
Dear Mr Brewer   Please find a letter attached regarding your recent OIA request.     Ngā mihi Melanie     Senior Ministerial Advisor...
  Dear Mr Watkins Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Information Request made on 15 February 2020.   Kind regards,   Mini...
Broadband Map Successful.
Dear Mr Brewer,   Please find attached an acknowledgement letter regarding your recent Official Information Act request.   Kind regards,  ...
Dear F Landis   Please find attached a response to your request.   Radio spectrum management   Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employmen...
Dear Aidan, Please see attached letter and document in response to your request for information. Ngâ mihi, Jenny Ministerial Services Advisor Te Wh...
Kia ora John I have uploaded the response to this website as per your request (had to combine the documents into one file as I didn't see the option f...
Broadband Challenge Grant Audit
Request sent to Ministry of Economic Development by Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
In September of 2006 the MED announced that a grant of $2,372,353 was made to Smartlinx 3 for an urban fibre network that would "encourage competiti...
Lightwire Limited gained a radio transmission licence at 471 SAINSBURY ROAD PIRONGIA in February 2021 on RSM licence number 282277. Please release...
Telco Equipment
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Chris McCashin on .
Information not held.
Dear Chris,   Please see attached letter in response to your request for information.   Ngâ mihi nui,   Ministerial Services   Te Whaka...
5g Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Bruce, Please find attached the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's response to your Official Information request of 27 June 20...
Dear Cody, Please find attached letter in response to your request for information. Ngâ mihi, Ministerial Services Te Whakatairanga Service Deliver...
RBI2: Rural Wireless Coverage Maps
Request sent to Crown Infrastructure Partners by Jonathan Brewer on .
RBI2: Rural Wireless Coverage Maps In May 2014 the Ministry of Business, Innovation, & Employment along with NZRS Limited began to collect coverag...
Tēnā koe Hemant,   On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, please find attached our response to your Official Information...
Waka Kotahi / Vodafone Shared Trenches and Ducts
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Dear Jonathan,   Please find attached the response to your request of 20^th September 2021 for information under the Official Information Act 1982...
Delivering better broadband for Marlborough
Request sent to Marlborough District Council by Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Beginning in April 2015, Marlborough District Council (MDC) engaged in a number of activities related to improving broadband in the Council's footpr...
Tçnâ koe Wendy   Please find attached MBIE’s response to your request for information.   Nâku noa, nâ   Ministerial Services Building, Re...
Dear Jonathan,   Please find attached a letter advising of an extension to your request of 20^th September 2021 for information under the Official...
Amateur radio operator's in New Zealand
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Nathan on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nathan,   Please see attached letter in response to your request for information.   Ngâ mihi nui,   Ministerial Services   Te Whak...
Tçnâ koe Cody   Please find attached the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment’s response to your information request.   Ngâ mihi  ...
Kia ora   Please find attached MBIE’s response to your request for information.   Ngâ mihi   Carlie   Senior Ministerial Services Advis...
Nga Taonga Sound and Vision (NTSV) have stored a large quantity of Nitro-Cellulose films (Nitrate) at the Radio New Zealand AM Radio Transmission si...
5G Rollout
Response by Kris Faafoi to Zane O'Neill on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Please find attached a response to your request from Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Hon Kris Faafoi. The l...