Requests similar to 'PCR Tests in NZ'

Covid PCR test
Response by Ministry of Health to Sovereign sharna on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora   Thank you for your request for official information received on DATE 2020 for:   “The names, addresses and email addresses of each o...
Genetic Material collected by PCR Tests
Response by Ministry of Health to Barbara Belger on .
Kia ora Barbara     In response to your request, outlined below is information around handling and storing of specimen for COVID-19 PCR testing....
Kia ora Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of the Director-...
PCR testing efficacy and veracity
Request to Chris Hipkins by Sue Grey. Annotated by Brian Sandle on .
Long overdue.
For anyone who missed it the WHO have made a statement in January on testing, indicating a lot should be redone: WHO Information Notice for IVD Users...
PCR Covid 19 Cycle Threshhold
Response by Ministry of Health to Garrick Cameron on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Garrick Cameron Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office...
PCR testing
Response by Ministry of Health to Will Maynard on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Will, Thank you for getting in touch with the Ministry of Health. The CDC review did not conclude that the PCR tests being used in the U.S....
Kia ora Harold,     Please find attached a response to your official information act request.     Ngā mihi      OIA Services  Government...
Kia ora Mr Pattison,   Please find attached our response to you Official Information Act Request of 12 January 2022.   This is an active copy...
Covid PCR test
Request sent to Ministry of Health by Sovereign sharna on .
Long overdue.
Please can you provide 1) Names of the companies that have produced the SARS-COV2 testing kits in NZ . 2) Copies of the instructions and/or guide...
Tēnā koe Stephan,     On behalf of Fleur Francois, Director, Diagnostics, Readiness and Surveillance, please find attached a response to your Of...
Free pack of 3 RAT's for travellers incoming to N.Z.
Response by Ministry of Health to M.R.M. on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora M.R.M Please see attached a response to your request for official information. Ngā mihi   OIA Services Team   [1]Ministry of Health...
On February 24 2021, Dr Kelvin Watson (Group Manager, COVID-19 Testing and Supply COVID-19 Health System Response) made the following statement in...
Nucleic acid being test by PCR test
Response by Ministry of Health to Helen Wallis on .
Partially successful.
Dear Helen,    Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request dated 27 January 2022 .   Thank you and regards,...
Current Positive Cases of the Delta Variant
Response by Ministry of Health to Anna McAfee on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Anna      Thank you for your email. Responses to your questions are listed below:    1/ How many current positive cases of the Delta...
Kia ora Tess   Please see attached the response to your request.     Ngā mihi   OIA Services Team [1] [2]Ministry o...
This was the response I was expecting and not surprising. When they sign off this vaccine for children in January which they will inevitably do you...
The following URL lists Covid-19 Case count statistics, at the time of this writing there are 2698 "Confirmed Active" cases "Total since first NZ ca...
Testing for respiratory illnesses and Covid in hospitals
Response by Health New Zealand to Julia Schiller on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Julia    Thank you for your request for information regarding COVID-19 testing on 15 August 2024. Please find attached our response to your...
Under the Official Information Act 1982, I request the following information: 1. What steps, if any, has Institute of Environmental Science and Re...
Kia ora Catherine,    Thank you for your request for information regarding Variation of Expiry dates of Paediatric Covid 19 vaccines. Please find at...
Kia ora Nigel Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 8 December 2022. Ngā mihi Kelsey...
The minutes for the "COVID-19 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group meetings" minutes dated Feb and Mar 2021 state that : -all the trials have limited...
Hi Chris, thanks for that. The Reuters article hasn’t fact checked anything and they as a fact checker are conflicted with the chairman and former CEO...
Covid-19 public health measures
Response by Health New Zealand to Andrew Riddell on .
Kia ora Andrew,    Thank you for your request for information regarding Covid-19 public health measures on 4 June 2024. Please find attached our res...
Kia ora Catherine   Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information   Ngā mihi     OIA Services Team Manatū Hauora...