This person's 13 Official Information requests
OIA re freedom Camping
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Sue Grey on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Ora Sue
Please find attached the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s
response to your Official Information Act request.
Medsafe, Ivermectin correspondence and restrictions
Response by Ministry of Health to Sue Grey on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Sue
Thank you for your request for official information, received by the
Ministry of Health (the Ministry) on 23 November 2021 for: ...
PCR testing efficacy and veracity
Long overdue.
Why are we still awaiting this crucial info.
I will make another request today to pursue this and raise another couple for good measure.
Absolute n...
1080 Poisoning incident at Bromley
Partially successful.
November 12, 2019 WorkSafe NZ advises that they've transferred part of the request, specifically around Question 10, to the Environmental Protection Ag...
Effect of fluoride, 1080 and other discharges on fish fertlity
Response by Stuart Nash to Sue Grey on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Sue
On behalf of Hon Stuart Nash, Minister of Fisheries, please find a
response to your OIA request.
Kind Regards,
Does 1080 adsorb to plastic and other substances?
Response by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited to Sue Grey on .
Dear Sue
I refer to your request of 21 October concerning information on protocols
for sampling water for 1080. Our responses to your italicised qu...
Why do other countries have more stringent RFEMR limits?
Response by Kris Faafoi to Sue Grey on .
Kia ora Sue,
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngâ mihi nui
Executive Relations team
Ministry for the Envi...
Report on 1080
Response by Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment to Sue Grey on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Ora Sue Grey,
Further to previous correspondence we attach a final set of information
within scope of your fourth question below. This was in...
Evidence of possums eating eggs
Response by Department of Conservation to Sue Grey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Sue,
Please find attached a response to your request of 13 October 2019.
Kind regards
Department of Conservation
Caution - This me...
Removal of 1080 poisoned deer and other carcasses from.molesworth
Response by Department of Conservation to Sue Grey on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Sue,
Please find attached correspondence relating to your request of 16
September 2019.
Kind regards
Department of Conservation
TB in possums
Response by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited to Sue Grey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Sue
A reply to your request of 23 May concerning TB in possums and supporting documents have been sent to you by email.
Kind regards,
Pamela Pye
Harm from 1080 poison and what proactive follow up is there by the EPA
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Sue Grey on .
Dear Sue,
Please, find attached the response to your Official Information request.
Kind regards,
Saioa Polin
Official Correspondenc...
1080 testing by Landcare of native birds other wildife, farmed stock, humans, foods etc
Response by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited to Sue Grey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Sue
The attached reply to your request has been posted to the FYI website
today but we were unable to include the PDF report, which is now atta...
This person's 2 annotations
PCR testing efficacy and veracity
Long overdue.
Yes please if someone can follow up.
Information Supplied to COVID-19 Vaccinators
Some very good questions about Vaccinator training, pregnancy ect. Feeble answers who don't match with anecdotal information