Total number of PGY1 positions filled in outside of ACE matching system in last 5 years

Pariket Dhabuwala made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

The request was successful.

From: Pariket Dhabuwala

Dear Ministry of Health,

Could you please provide the exact figure of last 5 years for the following:

1. Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in across all DHBs in New Zealand outside of ACE matching system by UK/Canada/Ireland graduates

2. Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in across all DHBs in New Zealand outside of ACE matching system by NZREX graduates

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Pariket Dhabuwala

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Ministry of Health

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Dear Pariket Dhabuwala

Thank you for your request for official information, received by the
Ministry of Health on 22 October 2016. The Ministry's reference number for
your request is: H201604284

You requested:

Could you please provide the exact figure of last 5 years for the

1. Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in across all DHBs
in New Zealand outside of ACE matching system by UK/Canada/Ireland

2. Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in across all DHBs
in New Zealand outside of ACE matching system by NZREX graduates

Your request has been received and logged.  You can expect a reply no
later than 21 November 2016 as required under the Official Information Act

Please note that a working day is defined in the Act as ‘any day of the
week other than a Saturday, Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day,
Labour Day, the Sovereigns birthday, Waitangi Day and a day in the period
commencing 25 December in any year and ending 15 January in the following

If a large amount of information has been requested or if the Ministry
needs to consult in order to make a decision, we may need to extend this
date (this is provided for in section 15A of the Act).  We will advise you
if such an extension is necessary.

The Ministry's reference number for your request is: H201604284

Yours sincerely,

Samantha Irons l OIA Co-ordinator
[MOH request email]
Government Relations l Ministerial, Executive and Government Services l
Office of the Director General


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Dear Pariket Dhabuwala

Please find attached a letter regarding your request for official

Kind regards,

Samantha Irons l OIA Co-ordinator
[MOH request email]
Government Relations l Office of the Director General

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attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege.
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From: Rachael Dell [WairDHB]

Dear Pariket


Thank you for your OIA request received from the Ministry of Health on 1
November 2106 about the number of house officer positions filled in
Wairarapa. You can expect a response by Tuesday 29 November 2016.


Warm regards


Rachael Dell

Communications Advisor

Wairarapa DHB
06 946 9800 ext 5840


I work Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm


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From: Jeanette Dawtry [TDHB]

Good morning,


Thank you for your request for official information, received on 1
November 2016.


Your request has been received and logged.  As required under the Official
Information Act 1982, we will respond to your request within 20 working
days.  You should receive a response on or before 29 November 2016.


Kind Regards






Jeanette Dawtry

Corporate Administration Assistant

Taranaki District Health Board

Phone 06 753-7777 Ext 8649
E-Mail [1][email address]




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From: Matthew Rogers (WDHB)

Dear Pariket


Thank you for your OIA request received via transfer from the Ministry of
Health yesterday, 1 November 2016.


We will respond to your request within 20 working days of the date it was
received by us.  However, should we have difficulty in meeting that
deadline, we will be touch with you as to the reason why.





Matt Rogers I Director - Communications I Waitemata DHB

Level 2, 15 Shea Terrace, Private Bag 93-503, North Shore 0740
p: 09 486 8920 ext 8912  I ddi: 09 440 6912 I m: 021 228 9432      



[2]Legal Disclaimer


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From: Michael Baker [CCDHB]

Attachment 4284 Request.pdf
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Dear Pariket


Thank you for your request for official information, received by Capital &
Coast District Health Board on 2 November.


Your request has been received and logged. As required under the Official
Information Act 1982, we will respond to your request within 20 working
days. You should receive a response on or before 29 November.


If a large amount of information has been requested or if the district
health board needs to consult in order to make a decision, we may need to
extend this date (this is provided for in section 15A of the Act). We will
advise you if such an extension is necessary.


Our reference number for your request is: 2016/257






Michael Baker

Communications Advisor  | Communications Team | Capital & Coast District
Health Board | Upoko ki te uru hauora

M: 027 558 8886 | T: 04 806 2278 | Ext: 82278 |
[1][email address] | [2]


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From: Katherine Evett

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Attachment 4284 Request.pdf
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On behalf Jim Green, Chief Executive, Hauora Tairâwhiti…

Kia ora Pariket,


Thank you for your email, in which you requested information under the
Official Information Act 1982, about PGY1 house officer positions. Please
find our response below


1.       Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in across our
DHB outside of ACE matching system by UK/Canada/Ireland graduates.

2.       Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in across our
DHB outside of ACE matching system by NZREX graduates.



If you are not satisfied with this response you may contact the Office of
the Ombudsmen, phone 0800 802 602.


Naku noa, na





Katherine Evett
Communications Advisor
Phone 06 869 0500 ext 8115
[mobile number]
Address: 421 Ormond Road, Gisborne 4010
[2] Tairawhiti





From: [3][email address] [[4]mailto:[email address]]
On Behalf Of [5][MOH request email]
Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2016 3:07 PM
To: [6][email address]; [7][email address];
[8][email address]; [9][email address];
[10][email address]; [11][email address]; Jim
Green <[12][email address]>; Toni Lexmond
<[13][email address]>; [14][email address];
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Cc: [40][MOH request email]; [41][email address];
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[50][email address]
Subject: Transfer of request for official information


Hi team,
MOH  has received the following OIA request and I have been advised that
MOH are unable to provide the Information requested and instead this
should be transferred to the DHBs as the lead agencies. As I understand it
the Northern Alliance will be involved it the response for the respective

Please find attached the original request and transfer documentation that
has been issued to the requestor.

Kind regards,

Samantha Irons l OIA Co-ordinator
[51][MOH request email]
Government Relations l Ministerial, Executive and Government Services l
Office of the Director General

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From: OIArequest

Dear Pariket Dhabuwala

Re: Official Information Act request – PGY1 House officer positions


The Nelson Marlborough District Health Board acknowledges receipt of your
request for Information under the Official Information Act 1982, as
transferred from the Ministry of Health and received on 2 November 2016.


Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate person/service for
response within 20 working days.


Best Regards



Maree Nevill, Administration Co-ordinator - Official Information requests
and ACC Treatment Injury, Clinical Governance Support

Nelson Marlborough Health  Private Bag 18, Nelson 7042 Phone: 7522
External: 03 546 1522 Mail [1][email address]


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From: Kathleen Smitheram

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Attachment CDHB 9499 Acknowledgement Letter 3 11 2016.pdf
427K Download View as HTML



Kind regards


Kathleen Smitheram


Canterbury District Health Board and West Coast District Health Board

Project Facilitator, Planning and Funding

Level 2, 32 Oxford Terrace

PO Box 1600

Christchurch 8140

(DDI (03) 364 4134| 6: 03 364 4165 | *[email address];




Values – A matou uara

Care and respect for others - Manaaki me te kotua I etahi

Integrity in all we do - Hapai i a matou mahi katoa i ruka i te pono    

Responsibility for outcomes - Kaiwhakarite i ka hua



Check out our web site:
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From: Karina Thomson

Attachment 4284 Transfer.pdf
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Attachment 4284 Request.pdf
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On behalf of Helen Mason, Chief Executive




In response to your Official Information Act request dated 22 October 2016
to the Ministry of Health, transferred to BOPDHB on 1 November as


We do not have the national information but have commented from a BOP
perspective below. 


The exact figure of last 5 years for the following:

1.            Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in
across all DHBs in New Zealand outside of ACE matching system by
UK/Canada/Ireland graduates


For the BOPDHB, no UK/Irish/Canadian PGY1 graduates have been employed.  
The main reason for this - there have always been sufficient number of NZ
graduates available.

2.            Total number of PGY1 House officer positions filled in
across all DHBs in New Zealand outside of ACE matching system by NZREX


2011/12                       5             2 x Tauranga & 3 x Whakatane

2012/13                   4             2 x Tauranga & 2 x Whakatane

2013/14                       4             2 x Tauranga & 2 x Whakatane

2014/15                   4             1 x Tauranga & 3 x Whakatane

2015/16                   5             2 x Tauranga & 3 x Whakatane




Karina Thomson

Executive Assistant

to Helen Mason, Chief Executive Officer

and Gail Bingham, GM Governance & Quality


Bay of Plenty District Health Board

Private Bag 12024

Tauranga 3143


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From: Kathryn Leydon (NDHB)

Attachment Dhabulwala PGYI positions 7 Nov 16.pdf
48K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket



Northland DHB’s response to your recent Official Information Act request
is attached.




Yours sincerely

Kathryn Leydon


Director Governance & Compliance 

Northland DHB

Tel 09 430 4100 ext 60640

[mobile number]

Fax 09 470 0001

email [1][email address]



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From: Shan Tapsell

Attachment 2016 11 11 P Dhabuwala PGY1s.pdf
20K Download View as HTML



Shan Tapsell

Assistant Communications Officer

Lakes District Health Board

Rotorua Hospital

Pukeroa Hill

Private Bag 3923

Rotorua Mail Centre

Rotorua 3046

Phone (07) 349 7955 extn:8491


From: Shan Tapsell
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2016 1:55 p.m.
To: '[email address]'
Subject: FW: Lakes DHB OIA response to OIA




Shan Tapsell

Assistant Communications Officer

Lakes District Health Board

Rotorua Hospital

Pukeroa Hill

Private Bag 3923

Rotorua Mail Centre

Rotorua 3046

Phone (07) 349 7955 extn:8491


From: Shan Tapsell
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2016 1:52 p.m.
To: '[email address]'
Subject: FW: Lakes DHB OIA response to OIA




Shan Tapsell

Assistant Communications Officer

Lakes District Health Board

Rotorua Hospital

Pukeroa Hill

Private Bag 3923

Rotorua Mail Centre

Rotorua 3046

Phone (07) 349 7955 extn:8491


From: Shan Tapsell
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2016 1:51 p.m.
To: '[email address]'
Cc: '[email address]'
Subject: Lakes DHB OIA response to OIA


Hi Pariket


Please see Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.




Shan Tapsell

Assistant Communications Officer

Lakes District Health Board

Rotorua Hospital

Pukeroa Hill

Private Bag 3923

Rotorua Mail Centre

Rotorua 3046

Phone (07) 349 7955 extn:8491


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From: Maree Nevill

Attachment OIA 11120 PGYI House officer positions Nelson Marlborough DHB.pdf
261K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket


Please find attached the Nelson Marlborough DHB response to your Official
Information request regarding PGY1 House officer positions.


Best Regards



Maree Nevill, Administration Co-ordinator - Official Information requests
and ACC Treatment Injury, Clinical Governance Support

Nelson Marlborough Health  Board Office, Braemar Campus, Private Bag 18,
Nelson 7042 Phone: 7522 External: 03 546 1522

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From: Ragan Clancy

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Attachment 20161116 Pariket Dhabuwala Response 11120.pdf
176K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket Dhabuwala


Please refer to the attached correspondence.







Ragan Clancy | Personal Assistant to Gregory Peploe | Human Resources |
Waikato District Health Board

Level 1, Hockin Building | Hague Road |PO Box 934 | Hamilton 3240

[1]Phone Icon07 859 9134 | [2]1098272744j4O36h 027 203 7195 |
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From: Shonelle Fergusson

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Attachment image003.jpg
1K Download

Attachment P Dhabuwala public member house positions filled 15 November 2016.pdf
377K Download View as HTML

Please refer to attached letter from Whanganui District Health Board



Kind regards



Shonelle Fergusson, OIA Coordinator for Whanganui District Health Board


Shonelle Fergusson  |  Executive Assistant to General Manager, Service &
Business Planning |  Whanganui District Health Board
p (06) 348 3348 |  extn 8348 |  f (06) 345 9390  |  [1]
| 'Better health and independence' 'He hauora pai ake, he rangatiratanga'


[2]cid:image001.jpg@01D0EBCC.1AC5A2C0[3]cid:image002.jpg@01D0EBCC.1AC5A2C0 [4]cid:image003.jpg@01D0EBCC.1AC5A2C0




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From: Elaine Keenan (ADHB)

Attachment image001.png
32K Download

Attachment 20161101 147 signed Panket Dhabuwala OIA response.pdf
54K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket


Please find attached Auckland DHB’s response to your OIA request dated 22
October 2016.


Kind regards,



Elaine Keenan

PA to Marlene Skelton

Corporate Business Manager,

( (09) 630-9943  ext 22346 | * [email address]

Auckland District Health Board | Level 1 |  Building 37 | Auckland City
Hospital | Park Road | Auckland




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From: Jeanette Dawtry [TDHB]

Attachment 2016 11 16 OIA Response P Dhabuwala Total number of PGY1 Positions filled in outside of ACE matching system in last 5 yrs.pdf
259K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon,

Please find attached OIA response.


Jeanette Dawtry
Corporate Administration Assistant
Taranaki District Health Board
Phone 06 753-7777 Ext 8649
E-Mail [email address]

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message is inappropriate or breaches your organisation's policy, please
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Email: [email address]


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From: Sarah Byrne

Attachment 1126 Pariket Dhabuwala 17 Nov 2016 re PGY1 house officer positions.pdf
82K Download View as HTML

Hi Pariket,


Please see the attached response to your Official Information request.






Sarah Byrne | OIA Coordinator| Southern DHB

Private Bag 1921, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand |DDI 03 4769454 ext 55454

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From: Anne Amoore

Attachment Pariket Shabuwala OIA HO Position Filled Outside of ACE.pdf
170K Download View as HTML

Good Morning Pariket


Attached please find MDHB’s response to the above OIA.


Kind regards




Fiona Spijkerbosch  l  PA to the Manager

Human Resources & Organisational Development
MidCentral District Health Board  l  P O Box 2056  l  Palmerston North
DDI: +64 (6) 350 8943  l  [1]




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From: Anna Monastra (WDHB)

Attachment OIA response 16150.pdf
252K Download View as HTML

Hi Pariket

Please see the attached Waitemata DHB response to your recent Official
Information Act request regarding PGY1 House Officer positions.





Anna Monastra I Senior Administration Assistant

Communications I Waitemata DHB

Level 2, 15 Shea Terrace, Private Bag 93-503, North Shore 0740
p: 09 486 8920  I [1]

[2]Legal Disclaimer


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From: Lyn Butler (CMDHB)

Attachment ATT00001.gif
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Attachment 4284 Transfer.pdf
325K Download View as HTML

Attachment 4284 Request.pdf
35K Download View as HTML

Attachment L241116 Pariket Dhabuwala OIA PGY1 House Officers.pdf
120K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket


Please find attached our response to your OIA request, transferred from
the Ministry of Health.


Kind regards





Lyn Butler

Board Secretary I EA to Geraint Martin, Chief Executive             

T: +64 9 262 9504 I F: +64 9 262 9512 I M: 021 804 334

[1][email address]

Counties Manukau Health I CMDHB Board Office

19 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland

Private Bag 94052, Manukau, Auckland 2241




From: [3][MOH request email]
Sent: Tuesday, 01 November 2016 3:07 p.m.
Subject: Transfer of request for official information


Hi team,
MOH  has received the following OIA request and I have been advised that
MOH are unable to provide the Information requested and instead this
should be transferred to the DHBs as the lead agencies. As I understand it
the Northern Alliance will be involved it the response for the respective

Please find attached the original request and transfer documentation that
has been issued to the requestor.

Kind regards,

Samantha Irons l OIA Co-ordinator
[4][MOH request email]
Government Relations l Ministerial, Executive and Government Services l
Office of the Director General

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attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
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From: Kathleen Smitheram

Attachment image001.jpg
4K Download

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Attachment CDHB 9499 WCDHB 8850 Response 25 11 2016.pdf
270K Download View as HTML



Kind regards


Kathleen Smitheram


Canterbury District Health Board and West Coast District Health Board

Project Facilitator, Planning and Funding

Level 2, 32 Oxford Terrace

PO Box 1600

Christchurch 8140

(DDI (03) 364 4134| 6: 03 364 4165 | *[email address];




Values – A matou uara

Care and respect for others - Manaaki me te kotua I etahi

Integrity in all we do - Hapai i a matou mahi katoa i ruka i te pono    

Responsibility for outcomes - Kaiwhakarite i ka hua


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From: Rebecca Greenlees [WRDHB]

Good afternoon Pariket Dhabuwala


I have an OIA I need to respond to please, can you please advise if you
are Miss, Mr, Ms or Mrs




Rebecca Greenlees

This email or attachment(s) may contain confidential or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the addressee(s). Any use, redistribution, disclosure, or reproduction of this message, except as intended, is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender and remove all copies of the message, including any attachments. Any views or opinions expressed in this email (unless otherwise stated) may not represent those of the DHB

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From: Donna Hickey [CCDHB]

Attachment OIA 2016 258 PGY1s 1 December 2016.pdf
208K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket Dhubuwala

Please find attached our response to your information request.

Kind regards

Donna Hickey




Donna Hickey

General Manager  | People and Capability| Capital & Coast District Health
Board | Upoko ki te uru hauora

M: 027 7033975 | T: 04 806 2536 | Ext:82536 | [1][email address]
| [2]

Executive Assistant | Jenny Grant | T: 04 806 2270 | Ext:82270


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From: Kathy Shanaghan

Attachment SKMBT C35161130090000.pdf
92K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket Dhabuwala
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
dated 22 October 2016.
Kathy Shanaghan | Executive Assistant to CEO
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board
Private Bag 9014, Hastings 4156
T: ++64 6 878 1690 | External Ext: 4601| F: ++ 64 6 878 1648 | M: 0278
W: [1]
Tauwhiro     Râranga te tira     He kauanuanu     Âkina

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From: Sarah Tester

Attachment image001.jpg
5K Download

Attachment 107.16 PGY1 House Officer positions.pdf
124K Download View as HTML

Dear Pariket Dhabuwala


Please see attached a formal response to your  Official Information Act
request regarding PGY1 House Officer recruitment.  


Best wishes



Sarah Tester

Administrator - Quality, Safety and Communications

South Canterbury District Health Board

Level 4, Gardens Block

Private Bag 911, Timaru

(03) 687 2990 Ext: 8290

[1][email address]



[2]SCDHB Logo master rgb


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From: Rebecca Greenlees [WRDHB]

Attachment 13122016114037 0001.pdf
343K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon Mr Pariket


Please find attached OIA response regarding House Officers at Wairarapa
District Health Board.




Rebecca Greenlees

This email or attachment(s) may contain confidential or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the addressee(s). Any use, redistribution, disclosure, or reproduction of this message, except as intended, is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender and remove all copies of the message, including any attachments. Any views or opinions expressed in this email (unless otherwise stated) may not represent those of the DHB

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Things to do with this request

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