Total Number of Hired PGY1 House Officers

Mohammed A M made this Official Information request to Canterbury District Health Board

The request was successful.

From: Mohammed A M

Dear Canterbury District Health Board,

Based on the Official Information Act, Could you please provide me with the followings:
- the total number of PGY 1 house officers positions filled in by ACE matching system (2014 - 2019)
- the total number of PGY1 house officers positions filled in by NZREX graduates (2014-2019)
- the total number of PGY1 house officers filled in by candidates from a comparable healthcare system e.g. UK, Ireland, USA, etc (2014-2019).

Yours faithfully,
Dr Mohammed A M

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From: Communications
Canterbury District Health Board

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Nga mihi

Canterbury DHB Communications team



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From: Kathleen Smitheram
Canterbury District Health Board

Attachment CDHB 10133 Acknowledgement letter 1 7 2019.pdf
373K Download View as HTML

Kind regards


Kathleen Smitheram


Canterbury District Health Board and West Coast District Health Board

Official Information Act Co-ordinator, Planning and Funding

Level 2, 32 Oxford Terrace

PO Box 1600

Christchurch 8140



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From: Mohammed A M

Dear Kathleen Smitheram,

Following on my previous OIA request regarding the number of hired PGY1 house officers (2014-2019), could you please provide me those numbers broken down by year?

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohammed A M

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From: Kathleen Smitheram
Canterbury District Health Board

Yes, our response is broken down by individual year.

Kind regards
Kathleen Smitheram
From: Mohammed A M
July 14, 2019
Dear Kathleen Smitheram,
Following on my previous OIA request regarding the number of hired PGY1
house officers (2014-2019), could you please provide me those numbers
broken down by year?
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohammed A M

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Link to this

From: Kathleen Smitheram
Canterbury District Health Board

Attachment CDHB 10133 Decision Letter 26 7 2019.pdf
357K Download View as HTML

Kind regards


Kathleen Smitheram


Canterbury District Health Board and West Coast District Health Board

Official Information Act Co-ordinator, Planning and Funding

Level 2, 32 Oxford Terrace

PO Box 1600

Christchurch 8140

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From: Kathleen Smitheram
Canterbury District Health Board

Attachment CDHB 10133 Response 29 7 2019.pdf
253K Download View as HTML

Dear Dr Mohammed A M


Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
CDHB 10133.


Kind regards


Kathleen Smitheram


Canterbury District Health Board and West Coast District Health Board

Official Information Act Co-ordinator, Planning and Funding

Level 2, 32 Oxford Terrace

PO Box 1600

Christchurch 8140

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