Canterbury District Health Board

An agency that no longer exists or person who no longer holds office and A District Health Board

From 1 July 2022, Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora) took over from all former District Health Boards (DHBs). This page lists requests made to this former DHB before that date.

To make a new request, please contact Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora).

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

84 requests
Kia ora Moshe, Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request to Canterbury DHB.   Aku mihi nunui,   Faye Tiffin...
Dear Garry Smorg   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request CDHB 10766(a).   Kind regards   Kathleen Smi...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Information not held.
Dear Gloria   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request CDHB 10081   Kind regards   Kathleen Smitheram...
Kia ora,   Please find attached response to your OIA request.   Ngâ mihi   Sophie Lyons   SLT Administration Support       South Cant...
Dear Harold   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request ChChD 10925.   Kind regards   Kathleen Smitheram...
Dear J Thomas-Maude   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request WCDHB 9707.   Kind regards   Kathleen Smi...
Drinking water safety plans
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Cody C on .
Dear Cody,   I refer to your request for Please supply any drinking water safety plan(s) approved by CDHB.   This was request was transferred...
External Consultant Spend
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Evans on .
Dear Mr Evans,   I am writing to advise, as Canterbury DHB hasn’t received verification, we are closing our OIA request.   Lara     Nâku...
Expected clincial working hours
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to amber saxton on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Amber   I emailed you on the 15 March 2022 asking for you to verify your eligibility under the Official Information Act to make a request of...
I am surprised not to have received a response from my last message, on this now, long overdue request. Just to be clear, I have no wish to see any...
Dear Zacharia   Please find attached our response to your request CDHB 10320.   Kind regards   Kathleen Smitheram   Canterbury District...
Dear Cody,   Please find attached our response for this Official Information Act request to Canterbury DHB.   Lara Williams Administrator |...
Dear Brian   Please find attached our response to your  Official Information Act request to Canterbury DHB.   Lara Williams Administrator |...
Kia ora and thank you for your email to Canterbury DHB’s general enquiries email inbox. This inbox is monitored Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 5:00p...
Dear Brian   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request to Canterbury DHB.   Kind regards   Lara Williams...
pet CT Referral Suppliers
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Miriama   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act requests CDHB 10735 & WCDHB 9620.   Kind regards   Kathl...
Dear Paul Jones   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request CDHB 10713. Kind regards   Kathleen Smitheram...
My Q3 was avoided, not answered. I want to know who is responsible when poisoned animals and poisoned carcasses cause harm outside the permitted bounda...
Dear Anna-Lisa   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request to Canterbury DHB.       Nāku iti noa, nā  ...
Thanks for your response, my questions have been answered. Cheers, David Palmer
Dear Sacha van den Berg   Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act requests CDHB 10613 and WCDHB 9559.   Kind regard...
After hours home visit funding
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Cody C on .
Dear Cody C “The Canterbury DHB does not provide funding to the 24-hour surgery to reduce the cost of home visits or for free home visits”. Kind rega...
Kia ora Kathleen, Thank you for providing that information Ngā mihi, Elodie Green
Dear N Vaughan   Both the Canterbury DHB and the West Coast DHB responded to an extensive request at the end of last year (as did all the DHBs) re...
Risks of surgical procedures
Request to Canterbury District Health Board by moshe livne. Annotated by moshe livne on .
After forwarding my complaint to the ombudsman, I got a detailed response. The dataset can be accessed at

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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