We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are M Paroli please sign in and let everyone know.

Cancellation of Parking Infringements in relation to broken yellow lines

M Paroli made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for M Paroli to read a recent response and update the status.

From: M Paroli

Dear Wellington City Council,

I hereby request the following information (D1.P1), whilst talking into account the information immediately succeeding this sentence (D1.P2) (with restrictions in place; notably D1) [and with due respect for the listed order]:

Division 1:
Part 1:
- D1.P1.1 Infringement Offence(s):
• D1.P1.1A “Parking within an area marked with broken yellow lines,” or
• D1.P1.1B “In that you being a person in charge of a motor vehicle [Insert Licence Plate] did cause it or allow it to be parked on part of a roadway marked with a broken yellow line,” or
• D1.P1.1C “No person, being the driver, shall stop, stand or park a vehicle whether attended or unattended on a road controlled by the marking of a broken yellow line.”

Part 2:
- D.1P2.1 Explanation (with due regard) to a specific rejection towards an Infringement Notice Cancellation:
• D1.P2.1A “The explanation provided does not demonstrate the parking of the vehicle on the prohibited area was done in an emergency.”

- Any reason(s) as to why (if applicable) any Infringement Notice has been cancelled (in contradiction/opposition to addition information [as stated within the D1.P2.1 interjections], whilst taking into account (in all its fullness) the reason(s) [as stated within the D1.P1.1 interjections], and preceding the date of submission for a time period not exceeding or deceeding one year; whilst taking into account any pertinent information, in regards to the above question, a list, of the following information (if applicable), of whether or not, [a(/any)] taxi service vehicle(s), [a] bus(es) (both as stated [and in contradiction to what is written] within the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, specifically Part 1 – Preliminary Provisions, Section 1.6 – Interpretation), [an] emergency service vehicle(s) (whilst not responding to or on route to, at, or fro to an emergency),[a] garbage collection vehicle(s) (whether or not they are currently operating whilst on a job), [a] courier vehicle(s) (not limited to any specific company, and whilst they are operating on a job), that has acted without due regard taken to D1.P1.1 (and any subsequent interjections under this Part) and D.1.P2.1 and in which the response was a cancellation of an Infringement Notice due to action taken by the Wellington City Council, which contradicts what is stated in D1.P2.1A.

Yours faithfully,

M Paroli

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From: BUS: IRO
Wellington City Council

Thank you for your email, sent to the Issues Resolution Office at Wellington City Council.

This email address is monitored daily. Your email will be assessed and actioned in due course.

We appreciate your patience.

Wellington City Council Issues Resolution Office.

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From: Chris Brown
Wellington City Council

Hello M Paroli.

Thank you for the below request.

Please accept my apologies for the time taken to respond, but we have been trying to work through your request to identify exactly what it is you are looking for.

Are you able to please re-advise us of what you are seeking, and explain the use of the prefixes D1.P1.1 etc, as they do not have any relevance that we can see to parking/vehicle infringement rules.

Thank you

Kind regards

Chris Brown | Issues Resolution Officer | Governance and Assurance | Wellington City Council
P 04 801 3479
E [email address] | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email may be confidential or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the recipient or recipients named in this message. Please note that if you are not the intended recipient you are not authorised to use, copy or distribute the email or any information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please advise the sender immediately and destroy the original message and any attachments.

-----Original Message-----
From: M Paroli [mailto:[FOI #4741 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 11 October 2016 7:24 p.m.
Subject: Official Information request - Cancellation of Parking Infringements in relation to broken yellow lines

Dear Wellington City Council,

I hereby request the following information (D1.P1), whilst talking into account the information immediately succeeding this sentence (D1.P2) (with restrictions in place; notably D1) [and with due respect for the listed order]:

Division 1:
Part 1:
- D1.P1.1 Infringement Offence(s):
• D1.P1.1A “Parking within an area marked with broken yellow lines,” or
• D1.P1.1B “In that you being a person in charge of a motor vehicle [Insert Licence Plate] did cause it or allow it to be parked on part of a roadway marked with a broken yellow line,” or
• D1.P1.1C “No person, being the driver, shall stop, stand or park a vehicle whether attended or unattended on a road controlled by the marking of a broken yellow line.”

Part 2:
- D.1P2.1 Explanation (with due regard) to a specific rejection towards an Infringement Notice Cancellation:
• D1.P2.1A “The explanation provided does not demonstrate the parking of the vehicle on the prohibited area was done in an emergency.”

- Any reason(s) as to why (if applicable) any Infringement Notice has been cancelled (in contradiction/opposition to addition information [as stated within the D1.P2.1 interjections], whilst taking into account (in all its fullness) the reason(s) [as stated within the D1.P1.1 interjections], and preceding the date of submission for a time period not exceeding or deceeding one year; whilst taking into account any pertinent information, in regards to the above question, a list, of the following information (if applicable), of whether or not, [a(/any)] taxi service vehicle(s), [a] bus(es) (both as stated [and in contradiction to what is written] within the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, specifically Part 1 – Preliminary Provisions, Section 1.6 – Interpretation), [an] emergency service vehicle(s) (whilst not responding to or on route to, at, or fro to an emergency),[a] garbage collection vehicle(s) (whether or not they are currently operating whilst on a job), [a] courier vehicle(s) (not limited to any specific company, and whilst they are operating on a job), that has acted without due regard taken to D1.P1.1 (and any subsequent interjections under this Part) and D.1.P2.1 and in which the response was a cancellation of an Infringement Notice due to action taken by the Wellington City Council, which contradicts what is stated in D1.P2.1A.

Yours faithfully,

M Paroli


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

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From: M Paroli

Dear Chris Brown,

Thank you for your response.

In regards to where you state, “and explain the use of the prefixes D1.P1.1 etc, as they do not have any relevance that we can see to parking/vehicle infringement rules”; if you read what I asked carefully, it actually explains it.

However, on that note, I will rearrange my request into a simpler way in the hopes that the Wellington City Council can understand fully that I am asking.

So, here it is:

Any reason(s) as to why an Infringement Notice has been cancelled (for any of the reasons as listed immediately succeeding this sentence):

• “Parking within an area marked with broken yellow lines.”
• “In that you being a person in charge of a motor vehicle [Insert Licence Plate] did cause it or allow it to be parked on part of a roadway marked with a broken yellow line.”
• “No person, being the driver, shall stop, stand or park a vehicle whether attended or unattended on a road controlled by the marking of a broken yellow line.”

Specifically for any of the following vehicles types, but not limited to any of the below:
• [a(/any)] taxi service vehicle(s),
• [a] bus(es) (as stated within the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, specifically Part 1 – Preliminary Provisions, Section 1.6 – Interpretation),
• [an] emergency service vehicle(s) (whilst not responding to or on route to, at, or fro to an emergency),
• [a] garbage collection vehicle(s) (whether or not they are currently operating whilst on a job),
• [a] courier vehicle(s) (not limited to any specific company, and whether or not they are operating on a job),
• [a] private motor vehicle(s)
• [a] council motor vehicle(s)
• [a(/any)] company vehicle(s) [of any type or variation]

In which any of the above vehicle types have acted without due regard taken to any of the reasons listed above, and in which the response was a cancellation of an Infringement Notice due to action taken by the Wellington City Council, which contradicts what is stated below:

“The explanation provided does not demonstrate the parking of the vehicle on the prohibited area was done in an emergency.”

The above is for a time period not exceeding or deceeding one calendar year from the date of my original question.

Yours sincerely,

M Paroli

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From: Chris Brown
Wellington City Council

Attachment M Paroli BYL s report.xlsb
90K Download

Hello M Paroli,

Thank you for your email, and for simplifying the actual request part somewhat. Believe it or not, it does help us to help you when the request is easier to understand.

In response, the Council's Parking Enforcement team have provided the attached spreadsheet. This details all parking infringement notices received for parking on broken yellow lines that were subsequently cancelled, and the reasons for the cancellation (for the calendar year period preceding the original date of your request).

I trust this assists.

Kind regards

Chris Brown | Issues Resolution Officer | Governance and Assurance | Wellington City Council
P 04 801 3479
E [email address] | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email may be confidential or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the recipient or recipients named in this message. Please note that if you are not the intended recipient you are not authorised to use, copy or distribute the email or any information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please advise the sender immediately and destroy the original message and any attachments.

-----Original Message-----
From: M Paroli [mailto:[FOI #4741 email]]
Sent: Saturday, 7 January 2017 6:15 p.m.
To: Chris Brown
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Cancellation of Parking Infringements in relation to broken yellow lines

Dear Chris Brown,

Thank you for your response.

In regards to where you state, “and explain the use of the prefixes D1.P1.1 etc, as they do not have any relevance that we can see to parking/vehicle infringement rules”; if you read what I asked carefully, it actually explains it.

However, on that note, I will rearrange my request into a simpler way in the hopes that the Wellington City Council can understand fully that I am asking.

So, here it is:

Any reason(s) as to why an Infringement Notice has been cancelled (for any of the reasons as listed immediately succeeding this sentence):

• “Parking within an area marked with broken yellow lines.”
• “In that you being a person in charge of a motor vehicle [Insert Licence Plate] did cause it or allow it to be parked on part of a roadway marked with a broken yellow line.”
• “No person, being the driver, shall stop, stand or park a vehicle whether attended or unattended on a road controlled by the marking of a broken yellow line.”

Specifically for any of the following vehicles types, but not limited to any of the below:
• [a(/any)] taxi service vehicle(s),
• [a] bus(es) (as stated within the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, specifically Part 1 – Preliminary Provisions, Section 1.6 – Interpretation),
• [an] emergency service vehicle(s) (whilst not responding to or on route to, at, or fro to an emergency),
• [a] garbage collection vehicle(s) (whether or not they are currently operating whilst on a job),
• [a] courier vehicle(s) (not limited to any specific company, and whether or not they are operating on a job),
• [a] private motor vehicle(s)
• [a] council motor vehicle(s)
• [a(/any)] company vehicle(s) [of any type or variation]

In which any of the above vehicle types have acted without due regard taken to any of the reasons listed above, and in which the response was a cancellation of an Infringement Notice due to action taken by the Wellington City Council, which contradicts what is stated below:

“The explanation provided does not demonstrate the parking of the vehicle on the prohibited area was done in an emergency.”

The above is for a time period not exceeding or deceeding one calendar year from the date of my original question.

Yours sincerely,

M Paroli

-----Original Message-----

Hello M Paroli.

Thank you for the below request.

Please accept my apologies for the time taken to respond, but we have been trying to work through your request to identify exactly what it is you are looking for.

Are you able to please re-advise us of what you are seeking, and explain the use of the prefixes D1.P1.1 etc, as they do not have any relevance that we can see to parking/vehicle infringement rules.

Thank you

Kind regards

Chris Brown | Issues Resolution Officer | Governance and Assurance | Wellington City Council P 04 801 3479 E [email address] | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email may be confidential or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the recipient or recipients named in this message. Please note that if you are not the intended recipient you are not authorised to use, copy or distribute the email or any information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please advise the sender immediately and destroy the original message and any attachments.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #4741 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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From: M Paroli

Dear Chris Brown,

Thanks for that. That did summarize what I was after.

Yours sincerely,

M Paroli

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From: Chris Brown
Wellington City Council

Thank you for your email,

I am out of the office on leave until Thursday 9 February 2017, and will respond to your email on my return.

If it is important and cannot wait until I return, please email the Issues Resolution Office on [Wellington City Council request email].

Kind regards,


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are M Paroli please sign in and let everyone know.

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