Completion of Nga Ara Tuhono cycle trail
Denise Lockett made this Official Information request to Whanganui District Council
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Denise Lockett to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Denise Lockett
Dear Whanganui District Council,
After reading articles, Eva de Jong,July , Mike Tweed October, on the non completion of the Nga Ara Tuhono, Mountains to the Sea cycle trail, [I believe originated by government], noticing the lack of signage from Gilberd St and the fact that cyclist then have to proceed on a road through an industrial area, frequented by heavy trucks I have several questions occur to me.
After looking at WDC's aerial map it seems that the Downer's yard encroaches on the Council verge by maybe a metre.
So I make a request under the Official Informations Act that the following questions be answered.
1] Is council aware of Downer's encroachment onto WDC land? If so, has action been taken to remedy this trespass? Have they then considered that piece of land, along with the verge could be used in the completion of the cycleway?
2] Has WDC worked on replacing the funding withdrawn by this government and found replacement funding?
3] What steps has WDC taken to ensure the completion of the cycleway and ensure the safety of those using it? Has WDC considered, at the very least, to establish a temporary
kerbside, walking and cycle lane separated from the traffic as has been done at 59 Bryce Street. This seems to be possible at minimal cost.
Thanks you for this opportunity, I look forward to your prompt reply.
Denise Lockett
1 Taupata St
Whanganui 4501
Yours faithfully,
D Lockett
From: WDC Information Request
Whanganui District Council
Dear Ms Lockett ,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your official information request dated 17 December 2024 regarding Mountains to the Sea cycle trail.
We received your request on 17 December 2024. We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 5 February 2025. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me on (06) 349 0001 or by return email. If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact me so that these can be taken into account.
*Please note your response date has been calculated with holidays taken into account. During the Christmas/New Year holiday period work will continue on processing information requests, although delivery timeframes may be impacted. This is because the days from 20 December to 10 January are not counted as working days in the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Kind regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Lockett <[FOI #29581 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 17 December 2024 11:59 am
To: WDC Information Request <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Completion of Nga Ara Tuhono cycle trail
Dear Whanganui District Council,
After reading articles, Eva de Jong,July , Mike Tweed October, on the non completion of the Nga Ara Tuhono, Mountains to the Sea cycle trail, [I believe originated by government], noticing the lack of signage from Gilberd St and the fact that cyclist then have to proceed on a road through an industrial area, frequented by heavy trucks I have several questions occur to me.
After looking at WDC's aerial map it seems that the Downer's yard encroaches on the Council verge by maybe a metre.
So I make a request under the Official Informations Act that the following questions be answered.
1] Is council aware of Downer's encroachment onto WDC land? If so, has action been taken to remedy this trespass? Have they then considered that piece of land, along with the verge could be used in the completion of the cycleway?
2] Has WDC worked on replacing the funding withdrawn by this government and found replacement funding?
3] What steps has WDC taken to ensure the completion of the cycleway and ensure the safety of those using it? Has WDC considered, at the very least, to establish a temporary kerbside, walking and cycle lane separated from the traffic as has been done at 59 Bryce Street. This seems to be possible at minimal cost.
Thanks you for this opportunity, I look forward to your prompt reply.
Denise Lockett
1 Taupata St
Whanganui 4501
Yours faithfully,
D Lockett
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