Transparent Democracy

Amanda Murtagh made this Official Information request to Christopher Luxon

Currently waiting for a response from Christopher Luxon, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Amanda Murtagh

Dear Christopher Luxon,

1. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts, emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 2 May 2024 to date, regarding the decision of your Office, that it will not consider the proposal for a Transparent Democracy system, submitted 2 May 2024 by Stars Flight Limited.

2. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts, emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 1 August 2021 to date, regarding the decision of the previous Prime Minister's Office regarding a proposal for New Zealand regarding the Transparent Democracy system, submitted 1 August 2021 by Stars Flight Limited.

Yours faithfully,

Amanda Murtagh

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From: Christopher Luxon (MIN)
Christopher Luxon

Kia ora Amanda,

Thank you for your email received today, 3rd October 2024, in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows:

1. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts, emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 2 May 2024 to date, regarding the decision of your Office, that it will not consider the proposal for a Transparent Democracy system, submitted 2 May 2024 by Stars Flight Limited.

2. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts, emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 1 August 2021 to date, regarding the decision of the previous Prime Minister's Office regarding a proposal for New Zealand regarding the Transparent Democracy system, submitted 1 August 2021 by Stars Flight Limited.

Your request is being considered in accordance with the Act, and you can expect a response by 1st November 2024 (date determined by the OIA calculator).

Ngā mihi nui

Sonya Ford
Correspondence Lead Advisor | Office of Rt Hon Christopher Luxon
Prime Minister
Minister for National Security and Intelligence
Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Murtagh <[FOI #28641 email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2024 3:00 PM
To: Christopher Luxon (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Transparent Democracy

Dear Christopher Luxon,

1. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts, emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 2 May 2024 to date, regarding the decision of your Office, that it will not consider the proposal for a Transparent Democracy system, submitted 2 May 2024 by Stars Flight Limited.

2. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts, emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 1 August 2021 to date, regarding the decision of the previous Prime Minister's Office regarding a proposal for New Zealand regarding the Transparent Democracy system, submitted 1 August 2021 by Stars Flight Limited.

Yours faithfully,

Amanda Murtagh


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #28641 email]

Is [Christopher Luxon request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Christopher Luxon? If so, please contact us using this form:

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From: Sarah Boyle

Attachment MOIA Reply PMO OIA 128 2024 25 OIA 2024 25 0309 Murtagh Stars Flight Ltd Amanda Murtagh 4956831.1.pdf
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From: Sarah Boyle

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Kia ora Amanda


Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act to the
Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, dated 3 October 2024. Your
request has been partially transferred to the Department of Internal
Affairs (the Department). You have requested the following information:


“1. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts,
emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers
and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 2 May 2024 to
date, regarding the decision of your Office, that it will not consider the
proposal for a Transparent Democracy system, submitted 2 May 2024 by Stars
Flight Limited.

2. Please provide all notes and correspondence including calls, texts,
emails, and documentation including communications between other Ministers
and Government agencies and instruments of the Crown, from 1 August 2021
to date, regarding the decision of the previous Prime Minister's Office
regarding a proposal for New Zealand regarding the Transparent Democracy
system, submitted 1 August 2021 by Stars Flight Limited.”


The Department will be responding to part two of your request as it
relates to the records of former Prime Ministers. The Department will
provide its response to your request as soon as practicable and within
twenty working days. The due date for your request is 11 November 2024.



Ngâ mihi


Ministerial Services

Te Haumi | Enterprise Partnerships

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs








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From: Amanda Murtagh

Dear Christopher Luxon,

Thank you for your prompt response to the OIA dated 3 October 2024 regarding “Transparent Democracy”.

I refer to RELEASE DOC MURTAGH PMO 128 4957029.1.pdf dated 11 October 2024.

With reference to page 1, email dated 26 August 2024, paragraph 2. “However I have forwarded your documents to our advisors for their consideration”.

Please provide this correspondence.

Yours sincerely,

Amanda Murtagh

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From: Sarah Boyle

Attachment MOIA Reply PMO OIA 146 2024 25 OIA 2024 25 0347 Murtagh Stars Flight Ltd follow up Amanda Murtagh 4958889.1.pdf
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From: Sarah Boyle

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From: Amanda Murtagh

Dear Christopher Luxon,

Thankyou for your response, 21 October 2024.

Please provide digital footprints of phone call(s) made to Stars Flight Limited which includes date, time, and duration commencing 2 May 2024 to 21 October 2024.

Yours sincerely,

Amanda Murtagh

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Things to do with this request

Christopher Luxon only: