We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties please sign in and let everyone know.

Unredacted RIS for the Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill

New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties made this Official Information request to Ministry of Transport

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties to read a recent response and update the status.

From: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties

Tēnā koe Ministry of Transport,

This is a request for official information.

Under section 12(3) of the Official Information Act (the OIA) we request that you treat this request as urgent. Our reasons for seeking an urgent response are that we need the requested information in order to participate in the scrutiny of the Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill. We want to use the requested information in our submission to the select committee, whose deadline for written submissions is 29 August 2024. The strong public interest in disclosure to enable public participation in the ‘making and administration of laws and policies’ is one of the purposes set out in section 4 of the OIA.

The Ministry has published a redacted version of its Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on the legislation here: https://www.transport.govt.nz/assets/Upl...

However, it has redacted portions of the RIS on pages 3, 5, 16, 19, 20, 21, and 23.

We request an unredacted copy of the RIS.

There are strong public interests in overriding the reasons for withholding information cited by the Ministry in its partial release, not least to enable public participation in scrutinising the proposals and whether they can be effective and fair. We also note that on page 19 the text redacted relates to the bill’s consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, and there is a very strong public interest in disclosure of this information.

Under section 16 of the Official Information Act, our preferences are (a) to receive a copy of the whole of the document (b) that the information is disclosed in a text searchable format, either Word or PDF, (c) that it does not have a watermark of ‘Released under the Official Information Act’ or similar across the text and (d) that it is sent to the email address from which the Ministry received this request.

If the Ministry decides that there is 'good reason' under the OIA to withhold any of the information we are requesting, then under section 19(a)(ii) of the OIA, we further request that the Ministry provide us with the grounds in support of each withholding reason cited for refusal and the public interest factors favouring disclosure that the Ministry considered.

We look forward to the Ministry’s prompt response.

Ngā mihi,

New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties

Link to this

From: OIA
Ministry of Transport

Attachment image001.png
14K Download

Kia ora,


On behalf of the Ministry of Transport, I acknowledge your Official
Information Act request of 23 August 2024 seeking:


“The Ministry has published a redacted version of its Regulatory Impact
Statement (RIS) on the legislation here:

However, it has redacted portions of the RIS on pages 3, 5, 16, 19, 20,
21, and 23.

We request an unredacted copy of the RIS.”

We note your request for urgency and will endeavour to respond to your
request as soon as possible.


In any event we will respond no later than 20 August 2024, being 20
working days after the day your request was received. If we are unable to
respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of
that timeframe.


The Ministry publishes Official Information Act responses on our website
when there may be wider interest in the information released. This means
the information provided to you might be published after you have received


Ngâ mihi


Harry (He / Him)

Kaitohutohu - Tuhinga Ôkawa|Adviser - Accountability and Correspondence




show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Holly Jameson
Ministry of Transport

Attachment image001.png
14K Download

Attachment image002.png
177K Download

Attachment OC240996 Official Information Act Request from New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties RE Drug Driving RIS OIA CE Response letter.pdf
145K Download View as HTML

Attachment OC240996 Regulatory Impact Statement Legislative Amendments to Enable Oral Fluid Testing.pdf
1.3M Download View as HTML

Kia ora,


Please find attached the Ministry of Transport response to your request
for an unredacted copy of the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) titled
Legislative Amendments to Enable Oral Fluid Testing.


Nâku noa, nâ




Holly Jameson (she/her)

Kaitohutohu | Adviser - Safety

Te Manatû Waka Ministry of Transport

| [1]transport.govt.nz




From: OIA <[2][email address]>
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 3:52 PM
To: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
<[3][FOI #28155 email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Unredacted RIS for the Land
Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill OC240996


Kia ora,


On behalf of the Ministry of Transport, I acknowledge your Official
Information Act request of 23 August 2024 seeking:


“The Ministry has published a redacted version of its Regulatory Impact
Statement (RIS) on the legislation here:

However, it has redacted portions of the RIS on pages 3, 5, 16, 19, 20,
21, and 23.

We request an unredacted copy of the RIS.”

We note your request for urgency and will endeavour to respond to your
request as soon as possible.


In any event we will respond no later than 20 August 2024, being 20
working days after the day your request was received. If we are unable to
respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of
that timeframe.


The Ministry publishes Official Information Act responses on our website
when there may be wider interest in the information released. This means
the information provided to you might be published after you have received


Ngâ mihi


Harry (He / Him)

Kaitohutohu - Tuhinga Ôkawa|Adviser - Accountability and Correspondence




show quoted sections

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Ministry of Transport only: