Engagement Scores & free-text

Sarah Hillsdene made this Official Information request to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

The request was refused by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.

From: Sarah Hillsdene

Dear New Zealand Trade and Enterprise,

Please supply your recent Staff Engagement scores by division/business-unit, along with all anonymised free-text comments/feedback collected via the survey.

Lastly, what were the scores last year - compared to this year?

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Hillsdene

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From: Ministerials
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Kia ora Sarah,

Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 request (the Act) to NZTE, received 15 August 2024 requesting:

Please supply your recent Staff Engagement scores by division/business-unit, along with all anonymised free-text comments/feedback collected via the survey.
Lastly, what were the scores last year - compared to this year?

In accordance with the Act, NZTE will make a decision on your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within 20 working days of 15 August 2024. The latest date for a decision on your request is 12 September 2024.

Kind regards

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From: Ministerials
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Attachment OIA 24 25 13 Response Letter Engagement Scores Free Text.pdf
170K Download View as HTML

Hi Sarah,

Please find attached NZTE's response to your OIA request.

Many thanks,

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Things to do with this request

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise only: