We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mr ED Hirsche please sign in and let everyone know.

CIPS report

Mr ED Hirsche made this Official Information request to Ministry of Education

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Mr ED Hirsche to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Mr ED Hirsche

Dear Ministry of Education,

I note the PMs maths announcement over the weekend.

1. Please release a copy of the CIPS report which the figures were drawn from.

2. Please release a copy of all advice given to either the Minister, or the Prime Minister or their respective offices, or DPMC, about the CIPS report. This should include formal advice (briefing notes, reports etc) but also any less formal advice such as emails, notes of meetings, texts,

Yours faithfully,

Mr ED Hirsche

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From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Tēnā koe mō tō īmēra mai ki te Tāhuhu o Thank you for your email to the
te Mātauranga.   Ministry of Education.  


He urupare aunoa tēnei hei whakaatu kua This is an auto generated response
tae mai tō īmēra confirming your email has been
ki a mātou. Kaua noa e whakautu i tēnei received. Please do not respond to this
karere.   message.  


Mea ake nei ka urupare tonu atu mātou ki We will respond to your email as soon
tō īmēra.   as possible.  



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From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Kia ora

Thank you for your request for information below. The Ministry will consider and respond to your request in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).

Under section 15(1) of the Act, we are required to make and inform you of our decision on your request as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case not later than 20 working days after the day on which your request is received. You can therefore expect to receive our decision on your request on or before the 2nd of September 2024. If more than 20 working days are needed due to the potential workload and/or consultations involved in answering your request, we will notify you accordingly.

In the interim, if you have any questions about your request, please email [email address].

Ngā mihi

Enquiries National Team | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education | MC

We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent outcomes
He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai ōna huanga

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James Beavis left an annotation ()

On the first point - the full reports are on Ed Counts and NMSSA.otago.ac.nz, released a day or two after the announcement

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From: Mr ED Hirsche

Dear Enquiries National,

This request is now overdue. Please provide it promptly.

Mr Hirsch

Link to this

From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Tēnā koe mō tō īmēra mai ki te Tāhuhu o Thank you for your email to the
te Mātauranga.   Ministry of Education.  


He urupare aunoa tēnei hei whakaatu kua This is an auto generated response
tae mai tō īmēra confirming your email has been
ki a mātou. Kaua noa e whakautu i tēnei received. Please do not respond to this
karere.   message.  


Mea ake nei ka urupare tonu atu mātou ki We will respond to your email as soon
tō īmēra.   as possible.  



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From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Attachment Acknowledgement 1333619 Official Information request CIPS report.txt
3K Download View as HTML

Kia ora

Please note the attached advising you of the extension to your Official Information Act request (sent to you on the 6th of August 2024).

Ngā mihi

Enquiries National Team | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education | MC

We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent outcomes
He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai ōna huanga

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From: Mr ED Hirsche

Dear Enquiries National,

The attachment to your previous email is not an extension notice, nor have I received one from you. The attached message is an acknowledgement notice and states that you will provide a response by 2 Sept, yesterday. Accordingly, please provide a substantive response now, as required by the act.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Hirsch

Link to this

From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Tēnā koe mō tō īmēra mai ki te Tāhuhu o Thank you for your email to the
te Mātauranga.   Ministry of Education.  


He urupare aunoa tēnei hei whakaatu kua This is an auto generated response
tae mai tō īmēra confirming your email has been
ki a mātou. Kaua noa e whakautu i tēnei received. Please do not respond to this
karere.   message.  


Mea ake nei ka urupare tonu atu mātou ki We will respond to your email as soon
tō īmēra.   as possible.  



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Link to this

From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Attachment OIA 1333619 Extension.html
4K Download

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Attachment 1333619 Extension.pdf
358K Download View as HTML

Kia ora

Apologies, the extension letter referred to is attached now.

Ngā mihi

Enquiries National Team | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education | MC

We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent outcomes
He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai ōna huanga

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From: Mr ED Hirsche

Dear Enquiries National,

I am very surprised that it will take you an additional 20 days to consider this request. 'Consultations' would only need to be with DPMC. Why should that take 40 working days?! Please provide a clear explanation as to why you need an extra 20 days, otherwise, as suggested in your letter, I will have to consider asking the Ombudsman to review this request.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Hirsche

Link to this

From: Mr ED Hirsche

Dear Enquiries National,

I am very surprised that it will take you an additional 20 days to consider this request. 'Consultations' would only need to be with DPMC. Why should that take 40 working days?! Please provide a clear explanation as to why you need an extra 20 days, otherwise, as suggested in your letter, I will have to consider asking the Ombudsman to review this request.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Hirsche

Link to this

From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Tēnā koe mō tō īmēra mai ki te Tāhuhu o Thank you for your email to the
te Mātauranga.   Ministry of Education.  


He urupare aunoa tēnei hei whakaatu kua This is an auto generated response
tae mai tō īmēra confirming your email has been
ki a mātou. Kaua noa e whakautu i tēnei received. Please do not respond to this
karere.   message.  


Mea ake nei ka urupare tonu atu mātou ki We will respond to your email as soon
tō īmēra.   as possible.  



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From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Tēnā koe mō tō īmēra mai ki te Tāhuhu o Thank you for your email to the
te Mātauranga.   Ministry of Education.  


He urupare aunoa tēnei hei whakaatu kua This is an auto generated response
tae mai tō īmēra confirming your email has been
ki a mātou. Kaua noa e whakautu i tēnei received. Please do not respond to this
karere.   message.  


Mea ake nei ka urupare tonu atu mātou ki We will respond to your email as soon
tō īmēra.   as possible.  



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From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Tēnā koe Mr Hirsche


We have allowed an extension of 20 working days because consultations are
required with both the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the
office of the Minister of Education. To ensure we allow sufficient time,
we have factored in 10 working days to allow for this consultation. We
then have allowed five working days to consider any feedback and finalise
the response accordingly, and a further five working days for necessary
approvals prior to release.

We consider that this extension is reasonable, but note that, as always,
the response will be provided as soon as possible within that timeframe.


Nāku noa, nā,

Official and Parliamentary Information | Ministry of Education | ED


He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai
ōna huanga
We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent

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Link to this

From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Attachment image001.png
3K Download

Attachment 1333619 Response.pdf
195K Download View as HTML

Attachment 1333619 Appendix A Redacted.pdf
1.7M Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe ED,


Please find attached our response to your request of 5 August 2024
regarding the Curriculum Insights and Progress Study (CIPS).


Nāku noa, nā,

Official and Parliamentary Information | Ministry of Education | TF


He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai
ōna huanga
We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent
[2]Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga



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From: Mr ED Hirsche

Dear Enquiries National,

Thank you for your response to my CIPS related OIA. Please can I check one point: my scope of request was broad in relation to format and explicitly included all forms of communication such as text messages, meeting notes and the like. Can you please confirm that your response has covered these?

Yours sincerely,

Mr ED Hirsche

Link to this

From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Tēnā koe mō tō īmēra mai ki te Tāhuhu o Thank you for your email to the
te Mātauranga.   Ministry of Education.  


He urupare aunoa tēnei hei whakaatu kua This is an auto generated response
tae mai tō īmēra confirming your email has been
ki a mātou. Kaua noa e whakautu i tēnei received. Please do not respond to this
karere.   message.  


Mea ake nei ka urupare tonu atu mātou ki We will respond to your email as soon
tō īmēra.   as possible.  



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Link to this

From: Enquiries National
Ministry of Education

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Kia ora,


In response to your query, when considering your request, we focused on
advice, and excluded information on operational matters such as how to
present the data. We considered information held in all formats.


Nāku noa, nā,

Official and Parliamentary Information | Ministry of Education | LJ


He mea tārai e mātou te mātauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai
ōna huanga
We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mr ED Hirsche please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Ministry of Education only: