Design documents and drafts of latest documents for Teitei Drive
Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc made this Official Information request to Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
The request was refused by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities.
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
Dear Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities,
We would like to request the following information, these are files that are not already publicly listed on your website, or have been modified since the date they were added to your site. These can be final documents or drafts.
1) No street parking design layouts have been provided to date showing an aerial view & the number of proposed parking spaces, please provide these designs.
2) Design documents related to swale design were known to be insufficient and incorrect in June and were incorrect in the Resource Consent application. Please provide latest stormwater design documents and discussions relating to the stormwater design and the modifications.
3) Please provide documentation discussing or relating to what will be done with the additional lots over and above the 44 residential lots. For example, the current build requirement for CIP is for 44 houses to be built, however 46 residential lots exist on the design and consent; Please provide any discussions or documents or plans or considerations for the additional lots.
3a)) The S&P Agreement signed between RDC & KO contained milestone dates, Milestone 1 was for the completion of the Master plan by 30th September 2023. Please provide the latest copy of the Master Plan
3b) The same agreement mentioned above (4) has a condition
3c) A condition within the agreement states a satisfaction date of 30th June 2024 for HNZ Build Approval Condition. Please advise if this condition has been met yet, and if not, what is the condition based upon.
3d) Please advise if any conditional dates or milestone dates have been modified from the original agreement, and if so, when were these done and what are the new dates proposed.
3e) Please provide conditional & milestone dates KO has with MHUD or CIP or whomever the funding is with; and also advise if any of these dates have been extended and if so to what dates.
4) In the agreement stated above, point 17.3 discusses the worker-rental homes, please advise if any conflict of interest is registered against this item; i.e. that partners (Ngāti Rangi, RDC & KO) are unable to purchase these properties
4a) and that no affiliation with these companies will have first right of refusal; that a third party will be chosen that does not conflict or have an association with these partners.
5) OIA information released to date discussed a draft agreement between Ngāti Rangi; please elaborate what the agreement provides for? (unless you can provide a copy)
5a) Does the agreement give preferential access to any of the housing?
5b) Does the agreement provide any incentive for Ngāti Rangi to have become a partner to the Teitei Dr project?
5c) Does the agreement provide any preferences to Ngāti Rangi?
6) This query should be dealt with under section 35 of the RMA (subsection 5(g), (ga) and (gb). - See 95A (3)(a) as to request to notify), however your partner RDC has failed to provide the details and multiple complaints have been lodged with the Ombudsman for the failures. So as a partner with access to the information, we ask you to immediately provide latest S92 notices and response and any communications regarding the consent since acceptance on 25th July 2023
7) Provide any and all communications (related to Teitei Drive) internal to KO, or between any partners or other government agencies, or contractors working on the project that are not currently covered by the pro-active release already on your website up until today the 27th October 2023
7a) Please provide any other communications regarding Teitei Drive that fit the same scope as above (internal to KO, or between any partners or other government agencies, or contractors working on the project) that were missed in the pro-active release (possibly due to a confined search parameter to select sources).
8) Please provide the spend to date on the Teitei Drive Project
9) Please provide the total number of people within KO working on the Teitei project and the FTE hours spent on the project to date.
Yours faithfully,
Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
Dear Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities,
I have not received an acknowledgement to this request which will be due by November 24
Yours faithfully,
Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
From: Clint Owens
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
Good morning Barry,
Thank you for your request to Kâinga Ora – Homes and Communities, dated 27 October 2023, for the following information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
"We would like to request the following information, these are files that are not already publicly listed on your website, or have been modified since the date they were added to your site. These can be final documents or drafts.
1) No street parking design layouts have been provided to date showing an aerial view & the number of proposed parking spaces, please provide these designs. REFER TO OI 23 434 – RESPONDED 9 OCT 2023; CONCEPT MASTERPLAN & INTEGRATED TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT IN RESOURCE CONSENT DOCS ON OUR WEBSITE NOTES 2 PARKING SPACES PER HOME WITH ADDITIONAL STREET PARKING
2) Design documents related to swale design were known to be insufficient and incorrect in June and were incorrect in the Resource Consent application. Please provide latest stormwater design documents and discussions relating to the stormwater design and the modifications.
3) Please provide documentation discussing or relating to what will be done with the additional lots over and above the 44 residential lots. For example, the current build requirement for CIP is for 44 houses to be built, however 46 residential lots exist on the design and consent; Please provide any discussions or documents or plans or considerations for the additional lots.
3a)) The S&P Agreement signed between RDC & KO contained milestone dates, Milestone 1 was for the completion of the Master plan by 30th September 2023. Please provide the latest copy of the Master Plan
3b) The same agreement mentioned above (4) has a condition
3c) A condition within the agreement states a satisfaction date of 30th June 2024 for HNZ Build Approval Condition. Please advise if this condition has been met yet, and if not, what is the condition based upon.
3d) Please advise if any conditional dates or milestone dates have been modified from the original agreement, and if so, when were these done and what are the new dates proposed.
3e) Please provide conditional & milestone dates KO has with MHUD or CIP or whomever the funding is with; and also advise if any of these dates have been extended and if so to what dates.
4) In the agreement stated above, point 17.3 discusses the worker-rental homes, please advise if any conflict of interest is registered against this item; i.e. that partners (Ngâti Rangi, RDC & KO) are unable to purchase these properties
4a) and that no affiliation with these companies will have first right of refusal; that a third party will be chosen that does not conflict or have an association with these partners.
5) OIA information released to date discussed a draft agreement between Ngâti Rangi; please elaborate what the agreement provides for? (unless you can provide a copy) REFER TO OI 23 553 – RESPONDED 24 OCT 2023; REFUSED COPY OF DRAFT AGREEMENT AS NOT SIGNED
5c) Does the agreement provide any preferences to Ngâti Rangi? SEE ABOVE NOTES
6) This query should be dealt with under section 35 of the RMA (subsection 5(g), (ga) and (gb). - See 95A (3)(a) as to request to notify), however your partner RDC has failed to provide the details and multiple complaints have been lodged with the Ombudsman for the failures. So as a partner with access to the information, we ask you to immediately provide latest S92 notices and response and any communications regarding the consent since acceptance on 25th July 2023. UNDER SECTION 92 OF THE RMA COUNCILS CAN REQUEST FURTHER INFORMATION FROM AN APPLICANT BEFORE MAKING A DECISION ON A RESOURCE CONSENT APPLICATION -
7) Provide any and all communications (related to Teitei Drive) internal to KO, or between any partners or other government agencies, or contractors working on the project that are not currently covered by the pro-active release already on your website up until today the 27th October 2023: REFER TO OI 23 642 – DUE 14 NOV 2023
7a) Please provide any other communications regarding Teitei Drive that fit the same scope as above (internal to KO, or between any partners or other government agencies, or contractors working on the project) that were missed in the pro-active release (possibly due to a confined search parameter to select sources). REFER TO OI 23 642 – DUE 14 NOV 2023
8) Please provide the spend to date on the Teitei Drive Project
9) Please provide the total number of people within KO working on the Teitei project and the FTE hours spent on the project to date."
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 24 November 2023, being 20 working days after the day your request was received by Kâinga Ora in accordance with section 15(1) of the Act.
If we are unable to respond to your request by the due date, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
We may also contact you if further clarification or refinement of your request is required to enable a decision to be made.
Kind regards,
Clint Owens
Senior Advisor
Government Relations
National Office: (04) 439 3000
People, Governance & Capability
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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
Dear Clint Owens,
This is Rebekah, a member and Secretary of the Society.
We have 5 members in a subcommittee working on OIA's through this account, with that number likely to grow in the near future, trying to obtain information that has yet to be provided, and looking through the information.
Answer 1: refers to
- Page 15 - shows 2 parking spaces per lot
- Page 16 - Isthmus shows a 18m wide road with a sidewalk on either side with recessed parking on the right hand side going through the sidewalk and over the person. There is a 1m side berm and a 1.5m walkway shown, if the walkway and side berm was removed, the parking space would be 2.5m however there would no longer be a pedestrian walkway. We note the swale side berm is also on this side of the road and will likely be a deep cut over 1m in depth, not usable as pedestrian walkway plus culvert driveway access over swales. We also note that a loading zone would require 3m wide parking space, for moving trucks, delivery trucks, etc.
- Page 16 - Isthmus for 14m wide road, we consider the same issues.
As per the original question, please provide an aerial view & the number of proposed street parking spaces.
Questions 2,3,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,4,4a noted 24 November 2023 due date.
Answer 5: Noted
Answer 5a: We understand as per Answer 5 that there is no formal agreement, however question 5a asks whether the informal unsigned agreement will give any preferential access to any of the housing or land?
Answer 5b: The agreement has been discussed as saying the two additional lots were not specifically listed, which could be considered that different wording could have been used, such as "additional lots over and above the 44 lots" could be allocated to Ngati Rangi. Please provide actual wording referred to in the "ENGAGEMENT IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR LEGISLATION" and whether any incentive has been provided to Ngāti Rangi to partner with Teitei Drive.
Answer 5c: still stands, is Ngāti Rangi receiving any assets or discounts in return for their involvement as an incentive.
Answer 6: We still request all updates to the resource consent that proceed the date you uploaded the original resource consent files, this is to include the section 92 notices but is not limited to the section 92 notices.
Answer 7: We note REFER TO OI 23 642 – DUE 14 NOV 2023, I will touch base with the members to obtain a copy of these, could you advise which member this sits with?
Answer 7a: We note REFER TO OI 23 642 – DUE 14 NOV 2023, I will touch base with the members to obtain a copy of these, could you advise which member this sits with?
Questions 8 & 9 noted 24 November 2023 due date.
Yours sincerely,
Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
From: Clint Owens
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
Good afternoon Rebekah,
Your clarifications/additional questions will incorporated into the existing request and resulting response.
Kind regards,
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From: Clint Owens
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
Good morning,
I am writing to advise that Kāinga Ora is unable to respond to your 27 October 2023 Official Information Act (the Act) request (and subsequent additional questions of 8 November 2023) within 20 working days due to the level of work involved to prepare the response and consultations necessary to make a decision on the request. Therefore, Kāinga Ora is extending the due date for response under sections 15A(1)(a) and 15(A)(1)(b) of the Act by 50 working days, with the new date for response now 24 February 2024. Kāinga Ora will respond sooner if it is able to.
Kind regards.
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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
Dear Clint Owens,
We are unhappy with your response as the information should be at hand, are not complicated, is fresh in the minds of those working on the project and not archived or difficult to correlate.
We have made a complaint to the Ombudsman to investigate: however If it assists I would be happy for any of the above to be provided "piece meal' while we wait.
Yours sincerely,
Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
Kia ora Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
Please find attached a response to your request, as below.
Ngā mihi
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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
Dear Kainga Ora Correspondence,
Your answer to question one stated information had already been provided to us and that "It notes two parking spaces per home with additional street parking"
Your supporting document "OI 23 651 Section 92 Integrated transport assessment combined material Redacted.pdf" includes an email from 26th July 2023 from Todd Lanewell states under point 2, "Social housing in which car ownership is low and that some of the house topologies are going to only support a parking demand of only one car per dwelling".
1./ Why has KO continually claimed that two car parks will be provided for when they clearly knew back in July 2023 that this wasn't the case?
2./ If you consider the above an opinion, please look at the supporting documentation you provided and see for yourself under OIA responses you have provided; NZTA conditions recently provided even state that its conditional on 2 car parks per dwelling
3./ The current Teitei Drive encroaches on Carrot Park and will need to go through consultation to legally vest as a legal road; thus no consent should be granted based on no legal road exists for Teitei Drive. Please advise if this has been reviewed
Yours sincerely,
Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
Kia ora Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents’ Society
Your email below, dated 16 February 2024, is being considered a request
for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 15 March 2024, being 20 working days after the day
your request was received by Kāinga Ora in accordance with section 15(1)
of the OIA.
If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe.
We may also contact you if further clarification or refinement of your
request is required to enable a decision to be made.
Ngā mihi
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From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
Kia ora Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents’ Society
Please find attached a response to your request.
Ngā mihi
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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
Dear Kainga Ora Correspondence,
there is no attachment
Yours sincerely,
Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc
From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities
Attached now.
From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 9:54 AM
To: [FOI #24558 email]
Subject: OI 24 115 ORS - Design documents and drafts of latest documents
for Teitei Drive - additional questions -response
Kia ora Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents’ Society
Please find attached a response to your request.
Ngā mihi
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24 November
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