What can I do when a MP blatantly lies in a newspaper, and I can PROVE IT

Mary Wright made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

Currently waiting for a response from New Zealand Police, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Mary Wright

Dear New Zealand Police,
I have been trying to get justice for the many heinous crimes committed against me by my ex-husband for many years. The solicitor general advised me what to do.
I have just discovered that he is a Covert Narcissist the worst type of abuser BIG TIME.
Do a search online for this and you will see what I mean.
My problem is my age, once you get to a certain age people will not listen nor help You. They ASSUME YOU ARE PAST IT. Which I am not.
I have gone as far as contacting a well-known MP for help via email then sending a large box of evidence by courier with signature.
I sent this person a large box of evidence and was ignored.
In the end I asked for all my documents to be sent back to me.
Which I did receive thinking like most people I can't do anything about this. this was late last year, and the evidence is stored safely away from my home'
Well just recently this MP BLATANTLY LIED IN A NEWSPAPER ARTICLE and i CAN PROVE THIS, because I received a freebie newspaper with this article in,
This person would not help me, and I think this is disgusting considering the status and also with the elections coming up in October I can if I want to EXPOSE this person FOR THE BLATANT LIAR, this person is,
What do you advise me to do. I lost everything I ever worked for with this despicable abuse and I want justice for the many heinous crimes committed against me over a long period of time. More than 3 decades.
I have already lodged complaints with several police stations to no avail. one even told me IT WAS AGAINST MY EX-HUSBANDS RIGHTS TO LODGE THIS SERIOUS COMPLAINT.

Yours faithfully,

Mary Wright

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