The full details and settlement between The Commerce Comission and FoodStuffs

Dayna made this Official Information request to Commerce Commission

Currently waiting for a response from Commerce Commission, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Dayna

Dear Commerce Commission,

I am requesting the full details the court procceedings and agreement/settlement reached between you and Food Stuff in June of 2024 following your commencement of proceedings against Foodsfuffs in regards to "anti-competitive land covenants". As this information relates to every single person in New Zealand as a consumer we as a society deserve to be aware of this information. Hiding this information is a breach of public trust and questions whether we are considered at all in the commerce commisions actions acting as the voice for us. We shouldn't be kept in the dark about the details around this especially given everything else happening currently within the supermarkets and the never ending rising prices of something essential to maintain life. Many many consumers are suffering poverty, hunger, anger, confusion, stress and many other things that are negative impacts on the consumer. To learn that these charges have been filed before the court and a settlement reached without any clarity or openness to the public regarding this only enhances and magnifies many of those negative impacts of the physically, mentally and emotionally struggling people of this country

Yours faithfully,
D. Kennedy

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From: Dayna

Dear Commerce Commission,

I am still awaiting your response to my request. There is one week until the given time to respond will be exceeded. Please note I am watching my request closely as the information requested is and will continue to be of interest not only to me but the general public and we shouldnt have this information withheld from us. I will escalate this matter to the ombudsman should you continue to ignore or fail to respond to my request over the next 7 days.

Yours faithfully,

D Kennedy

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Things to do with this request

Commerce Commission only: