Intention to reside in New Zealand

Michael Thuan made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

The request was partially successful.

From: Michael Thuan

Dear Department of Internal affairs.

This is an OIA request.

I am seeking clarification on the requirement of intention to reside in New Zealand as stipulated by the Citizenship Act. Specifically, the Act states that "the applicant intends, if granted New Zealand citizenship, to continue to reside in New Zealand." I have several questions regarding this requirement:

1.What is the definition of "reside"? Is it acceptable for a person to intend to reside in both New Zealand and their home country, and to travel frequently between the two?
2.Are there any case laws that the citizenship office references when determining the term "reside"? For example, like term "ordinary resident" or "resident" defined in the Overseas Investment Act or the Work and Income Act.
3.If a person intends to live in another country in the future (e.g., 10 years later) but not immediately after being granted citizenship, is this considered as intending to "continue to live in the country"?
4. What are the internal guidelines/training documents that case officers use to determine an applicant's intention to continue residing in New Zealand?

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,
Michael Thuan

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From: SDO Official Correspondence
Department of Internal Affairs

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Attachment Appendix A OIA 2324 0902.pdf
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Attachment Appendix B OIA 2324 0902.pdf
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Tēnā koe Michael,


Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act 1982


Ngā mihi,


Vi Saena| Official Correspondence Advisor
Te Pāhekoheko, Kāwai ki te iwi | Operations, Service Delivery and

Te Tari Taiwhenua  The Department of Internal Affairs
7 Waterloo Quay, Wellington




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