The SOURCE for your authority derives from where?
Angela made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Inland Revenue Department should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Angela
Dear Inland Revenue Department,
Can you supply the wet ink signature; royal assent; royal patent from Queen Elizabeth ii for any of the Acts of parliament being used as justification for taxing the people of New Zealand?
Can you please supply the wet ink signature; royal assent, letter patent from queen elizabeth ii for the 1986 Constitution Act?
NZ Government by their own admission are operating without a codified constitution, therefore operating by deception, what is Inland Revenue using as their source of authority to collect taxes on behalf of a private, for profit organisation operating for private, personal gain?
Income Tax is a private, for profit business, because Inland Revenue is a private for profit enterprise, why do men and women of New Zealand need to pay tax for conducting business on the whenua for which Inland Revenue hold no Bill of sale?
Please can Inland Revenue a private, for profit business provide the BILL OF SALE for the whenua they claim to administrate and collect taxes from?
Why are New Zealand people, and tangatawhenua liable to pay taxes to a private, for profit entity doing business on soil that they have not purchased, nor paid for?
The Babylonian priesthood and todays Bar Association derive from the Levite Priesthood of bible and continue to collect tithes in spite of the ancient covenant been long expired, how much of the collected revenue goes towards public infrastructure?
New Zealand is a map that existed only upon settlement by the NZ company, and established by way of International agreements with our ancestral Tipuna, where was there agreement for any of our Tipuna Ascendants to be Taxed and bonded?
Taxes did not exist on the soil of our ancestral tipuna, nor did IRD numbers tagging our people like cattle, where was their agreement by our tipuna to add a taxable SURNAME to their ascendants?
A Corporation is a fictional entity, and Inland Revenue is a Corporation in the business of collecting taxes from the "persons" contained in the legislation, those being artificial entities, also Natural person distinguishes from the artificial, but still a Roman Civil Law term, and differs greatly from man, woman or child of the 1611 Saint James Bible, why is Inland Revenue extending its extortion racket to men and women?
Where are men and women in NZ legislation making them liable to taxes to a foreign, private entity?
Yours faithfully,
From: Anne Morrow
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Angela
The general legislative authority for imposing and collecting taxes lies within the various Inland Revenue Acts. These are listed in the schedule to the Tax Administration Act 1994 and include the Income Tax Act 2007, which imposes tax on income and the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985, which provides for the charging of GST on goods and services supplied in the course of carrying on a tax able activity.
The Inland Revenue Acts are Acts of Parliament and are binding on all persons within the territory of New Zealand.
New Zealand Acts are publicly available. Therefore, under the provisions in section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) your request is refused.
If you are not satisfied with my response, you have the right, by way of a complaint to the Ombudsman, under section 28(3) of the OIA, to seek an investigation and review of the refusal.
Thank you for writing.
Kind regards
Anne Morrow
Officer, Inland Revenue
show quoted sections
From: Angela
Dear Anne Morrow,
You took very little time to answer my question and then did not answer it adequately at all.
Persons and Natural Persons are legal terms from the Roman Civil law, and do not account for man, woman, or tangatawhenua in legislation, so what do private Acts, by a private, for profit business have to do with man, woman or tangatwhenua here in Aotearoa?
Inland Revenue is a private corporation, and it collects taxes for which private entities?
Persons according to the Interpretatios Act are an organisation. incorporated and unincorporated, and can be natural persons, which is also a Roman Civil Law, legalese term, am I correct?
The Statute of Westminster the 1st states there is to be "no respect of persons" and tangatawhenua have a Treaty recognised internationally, why is Inland Revenue applying private Statutes to men, women and tangatawhenua of Aoteaoroa?
Human beings are defined as Monsters in Blacks First edition, so is this how IRD defines men, women and tangatawhenua, monsters?
The questions needed to be answered and rebutted point by point, this will be followed up with a complain to the Ombudsman as well, I am curious to know why IRD is charging TAX when it has no BILL OF SALE for any of the whenua here and is unlawfully extorting based on a presumption of authority, am I correct?
Yours sincerely,
Angela left an annotation ()
Tina, kia ora sista.
I think they insured us all via this act here:
New Zealand Insurance Company Trust which is now a private company THE NEW ZEALAND GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY LIMITED which is a subsidiary of CITY OF LONDON company called Trivium Europe SPV ltd, and these acts were all set up in 1908 along with Property Law act.
I am studying the TRIVIUM at the moment, so interesting to find out this is the one plundering the estates: Trivium is logic, critical thinking, Hegelian dialectics, Plato, the Trivium, the Quadrivium, the 7 liberal arts, and many other facets of human cognizance.
So looks like that is the act whereby they have allowed these private entities to administrate our estates, because they probated us via that DEATH certificate and pre-adoptive certificate bdm107a.
That certificate in legalese is a security that they deny the existence of, because criminals do not admit their crimes.
So they insure us at the time of being born, and take legal control of us, adopt us legally sometime between the rg27 and bdm107a and insure us, and they create a joinder by refusing us separation from that entity.
So i think after 7yrs when the census is done and we do not claim the private estate, they claim it.
They deny existence of Cestui Que, but the ACT above proves its existence.
Search it and you find that legislation from 1908, and that leads to Property law Act and companies act.
So they are making us into UNIT Trusts via granting a trustee company probate and this is why CRAIG at IRD refers to us as RES-idents because RES and CORPUS are trust property.
They have come in and hypothecated us and making us by deceit identify with that legal FICTION on paper, RES-idents are identifiable TRUST property.
And you can see here through the security act it shows it:
They if they are MINISTERING, must give REMEDY for those who are aware of their fraudulent conduct.
tina marie kahurangi left an annotation ()
Kiaora sis Angela' your doing some awesome research....i will look at the Trivium europe SPV ltd Quadrivium never researched that' but yes i jnow about tge hegelian dialects' its good to connect with like minded people....yes i been researching for 5 years and served 100 documents to a few agencies their CEO & Commissioners' i have challenged the jurisdiction of a judge in a sui juris' status and did expose their whole process and demanded for the bond as the beneficiary' and informed them that i was authorized to be the administrator and executor of the all capitals name..... i identified them in the court as the trustees... unlawfully practising on dry dock......and used their own act summary offences act s2' public place to lawfully eject them from that place.... before the prosecutor and security unlawfully stepped of from their ship on to the land where i was standing with members of the public.....i had three witnesses there at the time all living in the flesh.....and the whole event was recorded........they pulled me from the public space and tried to forced me through their dock door to lead me to the back' however the door would not open.......the judge suddenly left and the whole court room was the audio that was recorded i am saying to the judge' that i have the lawful right to eject you' your vessels and your ship from this space....which is in the sumnary offences act........the judge left the court room before me' and i dismissed the case......they had to take me out the proper way i came in' but not before closing the whole courthouse down.......everyone was asked to leave....i have never been back into their court since April 2021.......yet they claim to have a warrant out against the legal fiction......i know their not talking about me' the defendant' principal' legal fiction birth certificate entity.......police will not come to my dwelling they know i dwell here' trespass notice has been served to their commissioner Andrew Coster - police and court administrators are aware of the audio which is the true my affidavits of life notarized by a public notary and a tribal council member are two points and law of authority attached which is' the (Cestui que vie act 1666) ( Real estate Maori management act 1867)' and corpus jurus secondum 1&2 "absence & death......i have received acknowledgement from the privy council England' which i reminded them, that our tupuna/tipuna had a private contract with King William IV' our national flag gifted to our ancestors was erected on this soil 1834' and that the declaration signed in perpetuity is the only official royal patented recorded constitution to ever govern the nation under tikanga........another legislation is the (land tax and income tax act 1908.........established by the NZ company unlawfully......that revenue be paid back through taxing their own subjects' they could not tax maori at the time' they had no jurisdiction.......
From: Angela
Dear Anne Morrow,
We are asking for the NZ Citizenship certificate with wet ink signature that gives rise to IRD's presumption of living men and women of Te Ika a Maui a TikeTike a Taranga being taxable entiites, RESidents, occupiers, wards, inhabitants of their own whenua taonga tuku iho?
Where is the agreement by the living tangata-o-te-whenua to having taxes levied on our whenua and where is the BILL OF SALE for the whenua you are levying taxes against?
In 1908 you set up to collect taxes from the settlers to pay for the Queens marauding other peoples ancestral whenua, where is the consent from living men and women of the dual jurisdiction for your to carry out this piracy?
A taxation agent cannot just spring up from another jurisdiction and anoint itself the power to tax the people, there must be a conscious act of agreement to such an extortion racket, a private corporation has only business in dealing with legal fictions, where are the men, women and children in NZ's legislation?
Acts of parliament which have been created by the de-facto entity being the NZ Company and its subsidiaries without a PROOF OF CLAIM, wet ink signature, letters patent and operating without a codified constitution is acting without authority and consent of the people.
Using violent force and the institutions of power paid for by past generations and whilst administrating on our ancestral whenua is under extreme duress, it is not done by way of a meeting of the minds, and is digital assassination, and any monies taken from living men and women, is extortion because there is no agreement to the levying of taxes, no agreement to the creation of British Subject, Or NZ Citizen, these are forged documents.
NZ Government possess only a mere statement of claim and are extorting taxes from the whenua they have no BILL OF SALE for, if your Acts are levied by statute, where is your authority to create the legislation and statutory provisions based on the agreement of the people?
Electoral Act is another piece of legislation without Royal Assent, Letters Patent, and therefore no authority to even be here.
This being the case, where then does Inland Revenue derive its authority to take monies from the energy created by another?
PERSON of any description is a commercial legal word, and of a Roman Civil Law jurisdiction
A corporation that came and gave itself power in 1986 and did not consult the people as to this self appointment is an illegal and belligerent squatter.
Yours faithfully,
From: Angela
Dear Anne Morrow,
You have not answered the questions that were posed, do i need to make another request for you to do so?
The trust that was constructed when the REGISTRAR General of Papakura District where my birth documents were held is called a constructive trust and i am the RES of that TRUST that you all deny, and have been made so without my consent or any conscious act on my behalf or that of my mum and dad, the only way an individual can become a RES-ident or identifiable TRUST property is if they have consented to being so.
Where is the CONSENT to this enslavement and hypothecation?
The documents being FORGED by the REGISTRAR General and criminal cohorts are fraudulent mis-representation and constitute a TORT and criminal negligence by those tasked with fiduciary obligations of the awa, ngahere, moana and whenua held on behalf of the original inhabitants of Moana Nui a Kiwa, NOT New Zealand a statutory entity with only a proof of claim.
Where are the citizen SHIP certificates held, because ADMIRALTY is not the jurisdiction of those who WHAKAPAPA to the soil.
If you cannot produce a contract, or conscious act of subjugation to enslavement, then you are mere FRAUDS and pirates parasitising off the people.
Answer the questions, if you are able, or maybe just make up an excuse that things take too long to collate, or are vexatious or the same old repetitive line you always take.
Every wrongdoing against the temporal and spiritual property of another, is a trespass.
Demiurge is not God.
Yours faithfully,
From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Angela
Please find attached my response to your email of 4 July 2022.
Kind regards
Craig O'Halloran
Officer | Inland Revenue
show quoted sections
From: Angela
Dear Commissioners Correspondence,
You did not answer the questions, you are just repeating a whole pile of the same rubbish you always do.
Stop being lazy craig and answer how those who whakapapa to the soil were made into NZ Citizens without any agreement to becoming so?
You have no authority to collect taxes, you are pirates.
RES is trust legal terminology, and RESIDENT is identifiable trust property.
So you are basically UNLAWFULLY enslaving people and denying you are doing so.
Yours faithfully,
From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Angela
Thank you for your further email of 14 July 2022.
The Citizenship Act 1977 (copy attached) sets out who are citizens of New Zealand. There are three main types of New Zealand citizenship: by birth, by descent and by grant.
You can also view the Citizenship Act 1977 through this link
This response fully covers your request.
Yours sincerely
Craig O'Halloran
Officer, Inland Revenue
show quoted sections
From: Angela
Dear Commissioners Correspondence,
The citizenship act is an act created by nz parliament, and applies to residents, inhabitants and persons of the districts, these are all legal terms that have nothing to do with those who preceded the arrival of the belligerent squatter, and therefore have not had original rights extinguished and have NO agreements with NZ company, except as fiduciaries responsible for the care of our awa, ngahere, whenua, moana and taonga tuku iho.
You are violating those responsibilities and extorting money from the people, acting as kings of men, when you have none of the qualities necessary.
These are actions of pirates and thieves, and a violation of Tikanga.
Your organisation and the rest of the franchise entities extorting upon our whenua exist based on a statement of claim and due to the mandate given via the electoral act.
You have no codified constitution and are in contempt of our Native Kooti, your legislation does not carry wet ink signature or letters patent which is essential to liability.
1986 constitution act is without Royal Assent, constitutional crisis much Craig?
A no confidence vote by all the unhappy nz citizens would have your MANDATE removed, as you are a creature statute, but wrongly assume your power extends above God as an intermediary.
Double dipping, robbing the people for personal, private gain.
You are merely belligerent, and deceptive.
You have authority over those who gave it to you, one cannot become a NZ Citizen unless a conscious act took place and agreement to becoming one.
Creating legislation that enslaves by imposing an ideology we do not agree to, i think not.
You govern fictions only, and these are all legal terms which have nothing to do with men and women of the organic soil of this nation.
Keep administrating your paper, your acts of piracy are being illuminated for all to see.
Collecting tithes for the King?
I think not.
Where is the King?
No agreements with this corporation, only with the King of England, and later the Queen of England.
You have no authority to collect tithes off those who whakapapa to the soil, and your repetitive conveying of the same court case does not anymore prove your authority, it just shows that a belligerent entity has co-opted the institutions of the New Zealand people who agreed to be governed by consent, let them be governed if they so wish.
Let New Zealand people agree to be in a Roman Civil Law jurisdiction, and men, women and children of the jurisdiction of Moana Nui a Kiwa, Te Ika a Maui a Tiketike a Taranga, Niu Tirene who do not have any agreements with the NZ Company and the pirates who act as agents continue to sojourn their ancestral lands in the SPIRIT of pure love and charity.
Your presence here is not lawful, it is by force, by deception and by way of the creation fictions.
Corporations being legal fictions, do not work loss or injury to any man; it is man often in the name of a legal fiction, who works loss injury to man.
It is one thing to create a legal fiction about One, and another to deny the existence of this legal fiction.
Legality is not reality.
Legality is fiction.
Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist.
Fiction of law is wrongful when it works loss or injury to another man.
Legal fiction is wrongful when it works loss or injury to another man.
Legal fiction is legal fraud.
Fraud vitiates the most solemn promise.
Fraud vitiates a contract.
Fraud voids a contract.
Fraud is fraud, is fraud ad infinitum.
Fiction is fiction is fiction ad finitum.
A statement of claim is all you have, first in time, is best in law.
Yours faithfully,
James Sullivan left an annotation ()
What a load of bollocks. The submitter is being a right twit.
From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Angela
Thank your email of 15 July 2022.
Your comments have been noted.
Kind regards
Craig O'Halloran
Officer | Inland Revenue
show quoted sections
David Palmer left an annotation ()
Brb, gotta put some popcorn in the microwave for Angela’s next response
sue donym left an annotation ()
David Palmer streaming YouTube, this is illegal, and we do NOT consent. David Palmer.
Angela left an annotation ()
James Sullivan
Mind your business, however i choose to conduct myself is my prerogative.
If you do not like it, go play elsewhere!!!
Hugs x
Angela left an annotation ()
Tina Marie!
You too sister, keep going, love your work and persistence!
We have a Waiariki Wakaminenga set up, lots of movement afoot, this crime syndicate is beginning to lose their mandate.
We are building food security, maraa kai, permaculture, rongoa...
Arohamai sista! xx
From: Angela
Dear Commissioners Correspondence,
Warmest thanks for your response Craig, the comments ought to be noted and EW44 status provided for all those who still live according to their customs and usages, and live in the SPIRIT of pure love and charity.
Trying to enslave those who were here before the presence of the various franchise corporations is not consented to, and so i do not know why New Zealand Company and its agents persist in this deceptive practice.
Was it not enough to steal every last acre of my great grandfathers whenua?
Do we have to be on alert about being enslaved by stealth as well?
Maori is a legal term captured by the NZ parliament, and NZ parliament also has made Roman Catholic Courts in violation of agreements held, this is why the judiciary always rule in favour of the CROWN as they have been placed beneath the CROWN, with no separation of powers.
A rigged court does not rule on matters of justice, but merely further entrenches power of the so called sovereign, who is belligerent result of agreements of westphalia.
We were here first, you are a guest here, an inhabitant, a resident, legal terms you agreed to when agreeing to become a NZ Citizen.
Individuals such as myself who have ancestral Tipuna who did not agree to be enslaved, nor did they surrender any of their rights, are not subject to a Corporation, we are the Ascendants of the Original inhabitants, and by creating documents about us without full disclosure when we do not understand legalese, or legislation is an act of bad faith and a violation of the International Peace Treaty Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840, not to mention violation of International Law.
People have no faith in a government franchise corporation who provides no security for the inhabitants, and is not transparent with the taxes extorted from their wages. People have no faith in a government who acts in the interest of global elites by spending billions of taxpayer funds in the most massive transfer of wealth in NZ's history for a cold that 99.97% of the people recover from. People have no faith in the transfer of power taking place by Labour Maori caucus so they can remain in power. Why would anyone invest in such an unstable, corrupt institution as New Zealand. It's actually in contempt of our Native Kooti, as it operates outside the rule of law.
It is the duty of every man of conscience to push back against this entity, and to call out the presumption that the entity is lawfully here.
A litany of lies by all those tasked with the health of poor kiwis.
Man is not bound by any institution formed by another man, without consent.
Contract [agreement] makes the Law.
The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.
The agreement of the parties overrides the law.
Agreement gives the law to a contract.
Consent makes the Law.
For joinder to be lawful, there must be [freewill] agreement and [freewill] consent of all the parties.
The Common Law will not allow a statute to be used as a cloak for fraud.
Contempt of court is a creature of the common law.
A statute is a contractual legal instrument of commerce.
All statutes must be agreed upon.
A statute needs consent to have the power of Law.
A statute contrary to Common Law, is void at inception [ab initio].
Long use does not make lawful a void statute.
A statute is private law.
False spelling or false grammar does not vitiate an Affidavit.
A privilege, as it were, is a private law.
Vain does he who offends against the Law, seek the help of the Law.
They who commit inequity, shall not receive equity.
Sovereignty is the people, not the government.
Man makes government, therefore man is higher than government.
The government is subject to man and the Law, because man and the Law make government.
The government cannot confer a power nor a favour nor a privilege which occasions injury or loss to others.
Government is the servant of man.
The first duty of government is to protect man and the property [both temporal and spiritual] of man.
Government was not created to diminish or destroy the property [both temporal and Spiritual] of man.
The Law is not to be trespassed [traversed] upon by those in government.
Yours faithfully,
tina marie kahurangi left an annotation ()
Thats awesome Angela yes i will never stop exposing' challenging' and bringing the govetnment into disrepute' its in the interest of the public'
facebook name is mariekahurangilearntoascend' keep strong connections and build our nerworks......
Awesome sis Angela
Angela left an annotation ()
Bless sister, keep assuming the thing to be true and persist in the assumption until it hardens into fact.
We create the EXACT reality and outcome we wish to effect in our Minds sister, just like Te KOOTI did when he helped the prisoners escape from the Chathams.
Heaven and Earth will move to accomodate a hearts TRUE desire.
We keep going and never give up, as our rightful place is as self-determined ascendants of the Rangatira who never surrendered.
This captivity we have been subject to, a mere stage of consciousness that is now overcome.
I Am secure in this knowledge, and I Am also witness to the same positive outcome for you!
I know you from facebook, we have the same awesome people around us, courageous and true.
From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Angela
Thank you for your email of 15 July 2022.
While I have again noted comments, you are still required to meet your obligations under the Inland Revenue Acts and the views you have expressed do not exempt you from these obligations.
Kind regards
Craig O'Halloran
Officer, Inland Revenue
show quoted sections
From: Angela
Dear Commissioners Correspondence,
You are incorrect Craig, there are no obligations to a corrupt corporation collecting tithes on behalf of who?
On whose whenua?
RES is trust property, as are RES-idents, when you can provide the Bill of Sale, or a Proof Of Claim in a court of competent jurisdiction and not a rigged, Roman Catholic court, then you can talk of authority.
The signature of my dad executed the TRUST document, but you only manage fictions and natural persons and not those who are above your authority.
Corporations have no authority and you must know that, all illusory.
Of course those who are pirates and thieves, not to mention parasites, will always keep parasitising with the belief they are entitled to suck as much blood out of their hosts as they can.
Deluded much.
Yours sincerely,
tina marie kahurangi left an annotation ()
Craig O'Halloran' "notice to agent is notice to principal-notice to principal is notice to agent' that refers to you in your private & personal capacity' you will not be exempted under the color of law' LEGAL is not lawful' and you have deliberately & intentionally disregarded lawful notices sent to you' demanding the IRD number with no contract' no consent & no jurisdiction be cancelled. Taxes was always voluntary' and historically only applied to british settlers in possession of unauthorized land. According to (land tax and income tax 1908), there was never any lawful consent to extend that authority to native according to the principles of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 1835 signed in perpetuity by our Rangatira tupuna, and all native should know this, those who choose to ignore our tupuna legacy, have no MANA, and are on the wrong side of the law' because legal is ADMIRALTY / MARITIME not law of the land, these people are called KUPAPA and have seriously trampled on the mana of their own tupuna. Them, you & your associates are truly guilty of treason, and you will be removed from your position and held accountable in due time, that time is around the corner.
From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Angela
Thank you for your further email of 18 July 2022.
Your email has no effect on your tax obligations under the Inland Revenue Acts.
Any further correspondence from you through this forum along the same lines will be filed without further response or acknowledgement unless we decide that it requires further attention.
Kind regards
Craig O'Halloran
Officer | Inland Revenue
show quoted sections
From: Angela
Dear Commissioners Correspondence,
Original right holders have ZERO obligations to you, they only have obligations to the CREATOR, and you are not possessing what is necessary for that role.
Keep parasitising off fictions Craig, you collect tithes from New Zealand RES-idents that you have unlawfully hypothecated, acts of a criminal.
Legal fictions, persons, natural persons, all entities created for the purpose of extortion and to place under statutory jurisdiction, you have no authority over tangata-o-te-whenua without a Proof Of Claim which you appear reticent to provide?
A statement of claim and predicating your authority on a few acts of parliament do not enable you to extort taxes, you are responsible for fictions only, they and natural persons are Roman Civil law jurisidtcion.
First in time, is best in law, Original jurisdiction.
John Key almost lost his mandate due to the declining number of voters, and so will you lot, nobody is interested in corporations lack of transparency, lies and irresponsible conduct.
You will have nobody to extort from soon
The people have had enough of your theft and self entitlement.
Once again, IRD fail to prove they have authority over the people, or authority to collect taxes, they talk the same tired old rubbish, repeat they same lies and continue to act as PIRATES entitled to the peoples Estates and Cestui Que.
The fact NZ govt controls the police and military are the only reasons why you are still here, you govern by force and by deceit, nothing more.
NZ company is a criminal organisation, you chose to work for this corrupt entity and by association corrupt yourself.
Man is not created by governments, and governments rest at the bottom of the heap today as they fail to protect people and property there is no longer any function for them.
You have all shown yourself to be criminals of the highest order. Shameful.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Green left an annotation ()
Craig O'Halloran is a modern day saint. You can't even feel his eyes rolling from those responses.
tina marie kahurangi left an annotation ()
Simon Green im responding to your sacastic remark that Craig OHalliran is a modern day saint; oh my God; you will never find any saints within the govern-mental system;
Like minded people in Aotearoa, do know that Inland Revenue is owned by an international private company, who is also the same corrupted owners of the Reserve bank in Wellington;
We are not the only ones who know about this, its internationally known by other world leaders, other countries, & military; its not a secret & there are millions of people around who are awake to this, a matter of time this department will become non existent; i am a supporter of Valdmir Putin; Donald Trump; & all the other world leaders against corruption; tyrant govern-ments; fake science; and all globalist;
Change is in the air around the world arrests of corrupted leaders will be done for treason against the people of each nation; you,ll see, NZ government doesn't really know the truth, their too busy been tyrants, and pushing agenda 21; now 2030;
Angela left an annotation ()
Simon Green, we are the brotherhood of Man, not the brotherhood of a DEAD entity being New Zealand Company or Inland Revenue.
Craig O'Halloran is a pirate, legal plunder is nothing to be celebrated.
These people have no BILL OF SALE, they are just squatting on the soil as belligerents by deceit they do war on the people.
God never mentioned anything about corporations, or iwi chairs or limited liability companies anywhere, and these entities can only ever govern fictions, yoking dead to the living is not permitted.
None of these entities created anything of substance, they are pure imagi-nation.
One Power, One Plan.
Simon Green left an annotation ()
God never mentioned the internet either, but here we are.
Angela left an annotation ()
Not very enlightened response, really its silly, think about the childishness of your comment for a moment.
The internet is not trying to enslave the people, however those who control the internet use it as a means of enslavement.
God creates everything, Government create nothing but fictions and substanceless nonsense.
Dead things, trying to yoke the living to their empty and soulless world of the dead.
Controlling others brings about the same Karmic reaction in reverse, those subject to karmic law are those who do not know the spiritual law.
Hence the uncovenanted damn-nation that New Zealand INC has become or always was.
The Father-Mother God has provided abundantly for all.
In truth, when a babe is born into the world it brings with it faculties that, once set to work consciously functioning in the omnipresent etheric substance, open up channels through which unfailing supply and support come to this one.
The divine-life idea in the awakened soul is implanted in divine substance and brings forth a new being, the Son of God.
The realization of the following prayer will awaken man to the consciousness of his divine supply and support:
The idea of the one reality is quickened in me, and I am alive and athrill with the one radiant substance of Spirit.
We are not of Man, and not to be enslaved by those who worship the material over spirit.
The ONE Great Architect created the heavens and the earth, both you and me, and became you and me, so we could perfect ourselves and become Him/Her.
How blessed are we to have such a living God, Divine and ineffable.
darren sharpe left an annotation ()
Brilliantly structured...very intereseting how the original treaty was structured to the Queen and Parliament of England - under the Protestant and direct rules back to the magana Carta and Doomesday book, but immedialetly after siging, the declaration made by the charlatan governor was in regards to the Queen and Parliament of the United Kingom - so drawing in the Roman Catholic acts and corporations...and despie the protests, this was never over-turned and so the intended protection afforded between the chiefs and successors from the Queen as Trustee was usurped by the Roman Laws setting up the people as the trustees and having to pay - welive in an incredible time and have the ability to find out and uncover so much deception

Sovereign sharna left an annotation ()
Much respect Angela brilliant mahi.
The vatican holy see vault is the keeper of your trusts, bonds, titles, deaths and estates. your cusip number comes back as a recorded security which is trading.
Your birth documentation should be straightforward and transparent, however it soon becomes the most complex and secretive paper trail imaginable. ,
The modern “Birth Certificate” began as a “Settlement Certificate” issued in England in 1837 to officially record the poor (paupers), granting basic rights to benefits in exchange for recognition of their status as owned “property,” lawful slaves, also known as indentured servants and bondsmen. A child’s birthplace was its place of “settlement,” where its bond began. Thus, a “settlement” is equivalent to a voluntary slave plantation. Since 1933, all New Zealanders have been required by statute to have a Birth Certificate and a tax identification number. Since 1990, under the United Nations and the World Health Organisation (WHO), by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the birth certificate process has become an international system of “settlement.” sadly the signing of the treaty bound our people and contracted our people even more and also enabled the corrupt govt to hide our estates and trusts, by deleting land titles and creating divisions, smothering our people with a spider web blanket of deception trapping us even deeper into their fake jurisdiction - the rabbit hole doesn't ever end!!
When you are born, a “Record of Live Birth” is created as prima facie evidence of your Life. The New Zealand equivalent is a “Notification of Birth for Registration or Notification of live birth" and this is your Affidavit of Life, with details that absolutely identify you. It shows your given name as a unique “title,” i.e. John. The autograph of your Mother establishes your Estate (an Estate must come before a Trust). Your Mother and the State are now Trustees in an “expressed” Public Trust, of which you are the Beneficiary. You are the holder in “expectancy” of your Estate, which will descend to you as of right when you attain the “age of majority” (which states is 20).
Regis - ownership of the king
Once u r regis-tered u r owned by the king.
under Eclessiastical Law your Estate can only be held in trust by a male. But your Mother has given her maiden name on the first record, and your Father has not autographed to become the holder of your Estate until you come of age. On the birth register, an “Informant” (unknowingly) makes an accusation as to your illegitimate status. You will see these facts on your true documents which are kept and hidden from you, (but you can obtain all of this from Births deaths and marriages and internal affairs archives) these are = RG27 & RG9 & PRINTOUT
On the live birth doc you will see that it was in fact your mother and the midwife whom filled this form out, and you will also see that written under the word "informant" is your mother's name. Please see definition of Informant/er
'A person who informs or prefers an accusation against another.'
Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition].
With no father recorded now, you are bastardized, and the state becomes your father, the state is owned by the crown which is then owned by the vatican!!
The Status of Children Act 1969, 2. says that ‘For the purposes of this Act marriage includes a void marriage.’ You seem to be a bastard without birthrights. Considered as nullius filius, a bastard has no inheritable blood in him, and therefore no estate can descend to him.' See bastard definition -
Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition .
The State can now legally claim your Estate, making you a “ward of the State” in an “estates for life” Foreign Situs Trust. [Estate. 9.-2. The estates for life created by operation of law are Jointure. … The estate for life is somewhat similar to the usufruct of the civil law.'
See Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition].
Due to the state now becoming your father, or beneficiary to your trust, and also due to the fact that it has to be male to be set up, the vatican now becomes the overriding body. (Remembering that the vatican owns everything, all titles, lands, persons, and this is called the Holy See) Underneath the vatican, exists kilometres and kilometers of tunnels filled with filing systems and hidden ancient knowledge and teachings, here you will find the holy see vault which is the keeper of your souls. Your titles, estates, bonds, death certs etc etc etc and proving this dead jurisdiction is in plain sight to see for all at the vatican, outside the vatican itself written on the building is capital letters with -hyphens in between - (this is true english - living) but once you enter the vatican that truth is removed, as you walk inside the vatican you now also walk above the holy see vault and tunnels of titles. The very lettering that you see outside the vatican has been changed inside the vatican. The lettering is now in capitals with no - hyphens, this is called DOG LATIN, THE LANGUAGE FOR THE DEAD!! Inside the vatican you will also see that christ the living has BN removed in every way possible, garnished wit statues worshipping molech, faeces sticks and the anti christ everywhere that you look!!
This new Estate can involve “Jointure”(joinder), and is similar to “usufruct”(right to derive income from the property of another).
This bond (negotiable instrument) is sold to the World Bank (Bank of International Settlements, created by the Vatican in 1931) as Settlor of the Trust. Your weight in ounces, on the Record of Live Birth, is needed to calculate your market value relative to gold. Your bond becomes a registered Security, which the Treasury uses as Surety for new Treasury securities such as Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills. So you are now MONETISED. The people truly are the “Credit of the Nation.” Although the State can seize the “legal person,” the baby, as a “ward of the State” if their “investment” is threatened, its greatest value is realised from the “matured” working adult.
under the new Foreign Situs Trust (international private), bound by UCC for trade and bound by our banks in NZ which are rules by the federal reserve banks internationally, the government now becomes the Beneficiary, and you become the Trustee obligated to work for the Trust. The State has turned the tables on you right under your very nose, with you unknowingly accepting their fraudulent contracts every step of the way. Everything is contract - without your consent there can be no rule over you. To consent is to contract!!
The People are employed by the State as debtors for a private banking system, which is upheld by a private Bar Association Guild. While acting as the Trustee of the Foreign Situs Trust in your corporatized NAME, you will receive endless presentments (bills), which that employee of the State, the “legal person”, aka Strawman[FRANCHISE], is obliged to pay. Judges in court will enforce this rule, and the lawyers aka liars speak for you as the dead cannot speak. Whilst you stand silent not allowed to talk in the dock as the dead PERSON, the judge acts as the captain of the ship, the lawyers and public do not cross the bar, the court is the ship, under maritime admiralty law, jurisdiction of the vatican - the holy see!! Corruption to say the least
Angela left an annotation ()
what is with the cut and paste?
is this not content from freedom rivers website?
did you create the content you just cut and pasted?
i have seen this posted many times, and not sure why you posted your comment here and the relevance it has to my specific request?
please only comment if it is your own original work.

Sovereign sharna left an annotation ()
Angela I thought it would help you I was trying to help. It is awesome information

Sovereign sharna left an annotation ()
Angela, unsure as to why you would respond with confrontation when I was just trying to help you with the info I came across
Angela left an annotation ()
angela is not interested in help from those claiming to be "sovereign."
angela did not ask for any help, angela is self-determined and not incompetent and in need of help from those claiming and naming themselves as "sovereign."
Help yourself by standing in truth and honour and do not assume things about others you do not know
your comments were not your own, how can they help me when they come from the heart and mind of another, sent via your assumptive position about i
sovereignty is a responsibility to carry out the WILL of the Divine Creator, and the Divine Creator alone for a particular purpose that pertains to the individuals unique relationship with her living God
IRD do not have a right to charge taxes of anyone because they do not "define" what a human being is, and use natural person and person, resident and other legal terms that legalize their plunderous activities
sovereigns do not call themselves sovereign this or that, they just are by virtue of their own commitment to the truth and integrity of their own elevated consciousness
cut and paste came from no place of consciousness, it came from an impulse to espouse your 2 cents worth of anothers intellectual property
tina marie kahurangi left an annotation ()
Yes you must be able to have that deep innerstanding, enlightenment, shift in consciousness, to unravel the truth............we know or i believe that IRD is a privately owned company, under the torrens system, as trustees of our foreign situs trust accounts, who receives directions from the treasury, to release payment of investments of funds, according to the SSN, TAX #, converted by the Reserve bank NZ internationally owned & operated.......
Angela left an annotation ()
Sister Tina, you are correct
they are all private franchise corporations and they have entrapped people into their jurisdiction by way of insolvency notices placed under someones name in the land district where we have our ancestral whenua
They have no lawful basis for charging taxes, they are engaged in legal plunder
Andrew Carstensen was a man who through a series of OIA requests got to the bottom of the matter
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
tina marie kahurangi left an annotation ()
Hi Angela,
I received an email from Anne Morrow three years ago, she and her associates are still claiming that in 1984, i made an application for an ird number, thats false, i was not old enough to enter any contract -
Demanded that they provide a copy of the so called application aka contract, in which they are now claiming that after 10 years they no longer hold the applications.
I know there was never an application to start with, i know that they have no evidence to justify the ird number issued.
Notices have been sent to their commissioner over the years, and will continue to be sent until their tax number is cancelled.
It has now gone to the ombudsman, we will see what the agents of that corporation will do, their all the same and come under the same umbrella................
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