Solar panel with domes
Vince made this Official Information request to Dunedin City Council
The request was successful.
From: Vince
I am writing to request information about a solar power device with a black dome. Specifically, I am interested in the following: here are a few examples that shows how some are installed at traffic lights or along the roadside with the black dome always visible underneath the solar power panel
Jetty St
509 George St
44 Frederick St
* What type of data does the device capture?
* How long does the device hold the data for?
* Who has access to the data?
* How is the data secured?
* What purpose is the data used for?
* Who is responsible for the data?
* What are the legal and regulatory requirements for the collection and use of the data?
* What are the privacy implications of using the device?
* How can I request access to my own data?
* How can I opt out of having my data collected and used?
In addition to the above, I am also interested in the following information about the digital capturing device:
* What type of data does the device capture? (e.g., images, videos, audio, location data, etc.)
* How does the device capture the data? (e.g., using a camera, microphone, GPS sensor, etc.)
* What is the resolution and quality of the captured data?
* How is the data stored on the device? (e.g., on an internal memory card, in the cloud, etc.)
* How can I access and transfer the captured data?
* How is the data secured? (e.g., using encryption, password protection, etc.)
I would also appreciate any additional information you can provide about the device, such as its manufacturer, model number, and intended use.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your name]
Please note that the official body may not be able to answer all of your questions, and they may need some time to gather the information you have requested. However, they should be able to provide you with a basic understanding of how the device works and how your data is being used.
From: Jenny Lapham
Dunedin City Council
I refer to your e-mail of 22 September 2023 requesting information “about
a solar power device with a black dome. Specifically, I am interested in
the following: here are a few examples that shows how some are installed
at traffic lights or along the roadside with the black dome always visible
underneath the solar power panel.”
Our response to your questions is in italics underneath the question.
* What type of data does the device capture?
Bluetooth data from vehicle stereos, which is combined with the location
of the roadside sensor and date/time within AddInsight to measure travel
time between sensors.
* How long does the device hold the data for?
It is uploaded to the server via the internet, the device holds data for a
very short period.
* Who has access to the data?
DCC Transport staff, WTOC (Wellington Transport Operations Centre, part of
* How is the data secured?
Addinsight requires a password for access.
* What purpose is the data used for?
Monitoring traffic flow, managing incidents, transport planning.
* Who is responsible for the data?
DCC Transport department.
* What are the legal and regulatory requirements for the collection and
use of the data?
The Privacy Act 2020 sets out obligations on the collection and use of
* What are the privacy implications of using the device?
There is no privacy implication because the data is not identifiable and
cannot be linked to any vehicle.
* How can I request access to my own data?
You are entitled under the Privacy Act 2020 to apply for any information
that the Council holds on you. In this instance the data is not
identifiable so cannot be linked to any vehicle and therefore we would be
unable to supply it.
* How can I opt out of having my data collected and used?
Having a car stereo without Bluetooth or switching your car stereo off
will prevent the data from being collected.
In addition to the above, I am also interested in the following
information about the digital capturing device:
* What type of data does the device capture? (e.g., images, videos, audio,
location data, etc.)
Bluetooth identifier of your car stereo (which is anonymised), location,
date and time.
* How does the device capture the data? (e.g., using a camera, microphone,
GPS sensor, etc.)
Bluetooth detector.
* What is the resolution and quality of the captured data?
This question is not applicable as the data being collected is not a
* How is the data stored on the device? (e.g., on an internal memory card,
in the cloud, etc.)
The data is uploaded to the cloud.
* How can I access and transfer the captured data?
If you are referring to any data captured as you travel, as advised
earlier the data is anonymised so there is no way to access an individual
vehicle’s data,
* How is the data secured? (e.g., using encryption, password protection,
Addinsight is password protected.
There is further information available at:
Kā mihi
Jennifer Lapham
Mana Whakahaere Kairuruku/Governance Support Officer
Governance Group
P 03 477 4000 | E [4][email address]
Te Kaunihera a Rohe o Ōtepoti - Dunedin City Council
PO Box 5045, Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
[6]DCC Main Page
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From: Vince <[7][FOI #24209 email]>
Sent: Friday, 22 September 2023 6:25 p.m.
To: Official Information <[8][Dunedin City Council request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Solar panel with domes
I am writing to request information about a solar power device with a
black dome. Specifically, I am interested in the following: here are a few
examples that shows how some are installed at traffic lights or along the
roadside with the black dome always visible underneath the solar power
Jetty St
509 George St
44 Frederick St
* What type of data does the device capture?
* How long does the device hold the data for?
* Who has access to the data?
* How is the data secured?
* What purpose is the data used for?
* Who is responsible for the data?
* What are the legal and regulatory requirements for the collection and
use of the data?
* What are the privacy implications of using the device?
* How can I request access to my own data?
* How can I opt out of having my data collected and used?
In addition to the above, I am also interested in the following
information about the digital capturing device:
* What type of data does the device capture? (e.g., images, videos, audio,
location data, etc.)
* How does the device capture the data? (e.g., using a camera, microphone,
GPS sensor, etc.)
* What is the resolution and quality of the captured data?
* How is the data stored on the device? (e.g., on an internal memory card,
in the cloud, etc.)
* How can I access and transfer the captured data?
* How is the data secured? (e.g., using encryption, password protection,
I would also appreciate any additional information you can provide about
the device, such as its manufacturer, model number, and intended use.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your name]
Please note that the official body may not be able to answer all of your
questions, and they may need some time to gather the information you have
requested. However, they should be able to provide you with a basic
understanding of how the device works and how your data is being used.
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[13][FOI #24209 email]
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