Tarras land purchases by CIAL
rob van der mark made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for rob van der mark to read recent responses and update the status.
From: rob van der mark
Dear Christchurch City Holdings Ltd,
Could you please provide all information pertaining to briefings from CIAL to CCHL (request 1) and from CCHL to Christchurch City Council (request 2) regarding any land purchases (considered or completed) in the Tarras area from 1 Jan 2023.
In particular we are interested whether CIAL informed CCHL of the impending additional land purchase (from Mr Parcell as reported in the national media) earlier this year (request 3), and if this took place whether CCHL informed CCC of this planned purchase (request 4).
Yours faithfully,
Cherry Nield
From: rob van der mark
Dear Christchurch City Holdings Ltd,
As I have not received your acknowledgement of my LGOIMA request dated 28 July, I would like to remind you of the 20 working day time limit (as per LGOIMA) on your answer, which makes for a due date of this upcoming Friday 25 August.
Yours faithfully,
Cherry Nield
From: Hyde, Kelly
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
Kia ora Cherry
I don't have a copy of your LGOIMA dated 28 July, I did receive a copy of the LGOIMA from Laurie Stephenson <[email address]> dated 1 August which I responded to confirming receipt, is this the same as your request, could you please send me a copy?
Ngā mihi
Corporate & Communications Support
[email address]
+64 3 941 6530
+64 274 426 377
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
Level 1, 151 Cambridge Tce,
PO Box 1151,
Christchurch 8140,
New Zealand
show quoted sections
From: rob van der mark
Dear Kelly,
My request is not the same as that from Laurie Stephenson (I don't know who she is). Presumably I am not the only one interested in what goes on with the proposed Tarras airport and how Christchurch City Council and CCHL are managing CIAL and their unbelievable plans...
My original request is listed in this thread (see above, or search for CCHL on this website) and sent on 28 August.
Thank you for your speedy reply, which is due by this coming Friday.
Yours sincerely,
Cherry Nield
From: Hyde, Kelly
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
Kia ora Cherry
I have just searched this request and did not receive it in our info email
inbox, can you please resend the original email so I can verify where
your email went. It is likely I will need to advise an extension, but
will contact you in the morning.
Nga mihi
Get [1]Outlook for iOS
From: rob van der mark <[FOI #23615 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 8:41:42 PM
To: Hyde, Kelly <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Tarras land purchases by CIAL
Dear Kelly,
My request is not the same as that from Laurie Stephenson (I don't know
who she is). Presumably I am not the only one interested in what goes on
with the proposed Tarras airport and how Christchurch City Council and
CCHL are managing CIAL and their unbelievable plans...
My original request is listed in this thread (see above, or search for
CCHL on this website) and sent on 28 August.
Thank you for your speedy reply, which is due by this coming Friday.
Yours sincerely,
Cherry Nield
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From: rob van der mark
Dear Kelly,
I am unable to resend the same request, as this is done via the fyi.org.nz website. Presumably you can contact them to see what happened. It seems odd, as the website shows you did receive the request from Laurie Stephenson.
I would appreciate a quick reply, the query is a simple one and has already taken 3 weeks.
Many thanks,
Yours sincerely,
From: Hyde, Kelly
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
Mōrena Cherry
I have cannot contact fyi.org.nz, this is the first time I have
encountered not receiving an email from them. I always respond straight
away so I suggest if you don't receive confirmation from us that you need
to follow up immediately or feel free to copy [1][Christchurch City Holdings Ltd request email] when you
make requests.
We are a very small team at CCHL (x4 people) and receive several LGOIMAs
each week. Because I haven't received your email until yesterday it is
not possible to process this request in two days. Now that I have your
request, I will endeavour to complete this as soon as possible.
CCHL wishes to advise an extension of time is required to respond to your
request, CCHL will provide you with its response no later than close of
business on Friday 8 September 2023.
Ngā mihi
Corporate & Communications Support
[email address]
+64 3 941 6530
+64 274 426 377
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
Level 1, 151 Cambridge Tce,
PO Box 1151,
Christchurch 8140,
New Zealand
show quoted sections
From: Info CCHL
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
Kia ora Cherry,
We are in receipt of your request (attached) and as per below. As per
CCHL’s email to you on 23 August 2023 we were unable to locate your
original email and advised you that an extension to respond was
requested. The information you have sought, and our comments are provided
Your Request 1 - All information pertaining to briefings from CIAL to CCHL
Verbal briefings only were provided by CIAL to CCHL – no material was
provided, and notes were not taken during any discussions held with CCHL.
As such we refuse this request under the following Section 17(e) of
LGOIMA, being that the documents you refer to do not exist.
Your Request 2 - All information relating to land purchases (considered or
completed) in the Tarras area from 1 January 2023
CCHL’s Enduring Statement of Expectations and CIAL’s SOI ([1]Microsoft
Word - CIAL SOI to 30 June 2024 FINAL (cchl.co.nz) page 38) requires CIAL
(as a Council-controlled Organisation) to notify CCHL/Council of any
transaction involving the purchase or disposal of land. As per this
obligation, CIAL notified CCHL on 4 May 2023 of its intention to purchase
Your Request 3 - Whether CIAL informed CCHL of the impending additional
land purchase (from Mr Parcell) as reported in the national media –
A redacted copy of the correspondence CCHL received from CIAL (attached)
with personal information removed. This information has been withheld
under Section 7(2)(a) – to protect the privacy of natural persons.
Your Request 4 - Whether CCHL informed CCC of this planned purchase –
A redacted copy of CCHL’s notification to CCC is attached with personal
information removed. This information has been withheld under Section
7(2)(a) – to protect the privacy of natural persons.
In the CCHL’s view the reasons for withholding these details are not
outweighed by public interest considerations in section 7(1) favouring
their release.
You have the right to request the Ombudsman to review this decision.
Complaints can be sent by email to [2][email address], by fax
to (04) 471 2254, or by post to The Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington
Ngâ mihi
From: Hyde, Kelly
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 9:06 AM
To: rob van der mark <[3][FOI #23615 email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Tarras land purchases by CIAL
Môrena Cherry
I have cannot contact fyi.org.nz, this is the first time I have
encountered not receiving an email from them. I always respond straight
away so I suggest if you don't receive confirmation from us that you need
to follow up immediately or feel free to copy [4][Christchurch City Holdings Ltd request email] when you
make requests.
We are a very small team at CCHL (x4 people) and receive several LGOIMAs
each week. Because I haven't received your email until yesterday it is
not possible to process this request in two days. Now that I have your
request, I will endeavour to complete this as soon as possible.
CCHL wishes to advise an extension of time is required to respond to your
request, CCHL will provide you with its response no later than close of
business on Friday 8 September 2023.
Ngâ mihi
Kelly Hyde
Corporate & Communications Support
[5][email address]
+64 3 941 6530
+64 274 426 377
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd
Level 1, 151 Cambridge Tce,
PO Box 1151,
Christchurch 8140,
New Zealand
show quoted sections
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence