Tarras Airport - what's actually been decided? Second request

Suze Keith made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Holdings Ltd

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Christchurch City Holdings Ltd should normally have responded promptly and by (details and exceptions)

From: Suze Keith

Tēnā koutou Christchurch City Holdings,

Further to our information request on April 4, 2024, and your corresponding response on May 10, we are seeking clarification.

Your response appears to give no weight to the presumption of openess of information as a publicly owned entity. There is a high level of public interest in Christchurch Airport's proposal for a greenfield airport in Tarras, yet you have not provided any elaboration on how you balanced this public interest against commercial sensitivity as required under the LGOIMA. These questions relate directly to the investment of funds derived from a public asset, which has direct implications for debt levels and dividends.

We ask for further detail as to how you weighed up public interest against commercial sensitivity.

You cite that our questions 2-8 are refused because of commercial sensitivity. We ask for greater detail and explanations about your specific reasons for commercial secrecy.

The proposal is publicly known and has been promoted by CIAL, CCHL already owns the land in Tarras, and no competitor owns such a landholding, so we would dispute that there is an issue of trade secrets or commercial sensitivity.

As such we would like a response to our questions unless you are able to fully explain the use of the sections 7(2)(b)(i)), (7(2)(b)(ii)), (7(2)(h)), and (7(2)(i)) of the LGOIMA.

1. What are the project costs to date?
2. What debt has been incurred to finance the proposal to date?
3. What current ongoing expenditures will be canceled?
4. What is the number of full-time equivalent staff planned for the quarter April-June 2024 on the project?
5. What is the number of consultants working on the project?
6. What is the return on the land in its current use?
7. How much more dividend could CIAL return if all project costs were stopped and the land sold?

Additionally, please provide a copy of any memos, reports, advice from KPMG relating to the detailed business case on CIAL as reported here on May 22 2024: https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/05/22/how-tr...

Ngā mihi

Suze Keith
Sustainable Tarras

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From: Suze Keith

Tēnā koutou Christchurch City Holdings,

Under the Local Government Official Information Management Act you were, by law, expected to respond to my questions yesterday, June 24. I look forward to hearing from you promptly.

Ngā mihi,

Suze Keith

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Things to do with this request

Christchurch City Holdings Ltd only: