Objectionable book classified as children book
Sophie made this Official Information request to Auckland Council
The request was successful.
From: Sophie
Dear Auckland Council,
I came across a book in one of your libraries that is classified as a children's book, however the content is very disturbing. The images are pornographic. Just because they are illustrated does not make them OK for young children. If you saw this image on a show, it would be at least rated R.
The book is called How to make a baby by Anna Fiske.
This book should be a tool resourced by parents who can address adult topics. This is a fail for children to be exposed without mature/responsible adults.
Under the Official Information Act I would like to know:
1. When Auckland Council bought this book?
2. Before buying children's book is there any sort of filter or discussion to decide what is appropriate to be held in the library and what is not appropriate for children young as 4?
3.How many times this book has been checked out?
4. Have you received any other complaint about this book being part of the kids section?
I would like this book removed from the kids section or removed from the library all together. Exposing children to pornography not ok and is considered child abuse.
Thank you,
From: Sophie
Please add the following to my list of questions:
5. Can Dr.Claudia Wyss let me know what is her view on this book? Especially about the fact that it is targeting kids as young as 4? How can Auckland Council say they work for the wellbeing of their community when you allow content like this for children? I am very interested in your thoughts.
Some of the illustrations that are part of this book can be seen at:
Kind regards,
From: Sophie
Dear Auckland Council,
I haven't received an acknowledgement. Could you please confirm receipt.
Thank you,
From: Official Information
Auckland Council
Kia ora Sophie,
We acknowledge receipt of your request Objectionable book classified as
children book.
We have forwarded this request to Library and Learning Services department
as they have the information readily available and will be able to respond
promptly and directly to you.
If you have any further queries please contact us on 09 301 0101 or email
[1][Auckland Council request email]
Ngā mihi,
The Privacy and LGOIMA team
Auckland Council
From: Sophie <[FOI #21159 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 26 November 2022 2:02 pm
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Official Information request - Objectionable book classified
as children book
Dear Auckland Council,
I haven't received an acknowledgement. Could you please confirm receipt.
Thank you,
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[2][FOI #21159 email]
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show quoted sections
From: Catherine Leonard
Auckland Council
Kia ora Sophie
Thank you for your official information request about the book How do you
make a baby? by Anna Fiske. We take on-board feedback and requests that we
receive from our customers as it helps ensure we are developing and
strengthening our collections for the diverse communities of Tâmaki
Makaurau. I appreciate you taking the time to contact us about this.
1. When Auckland Council bought this book?
Auckland Libraries purchased this book for the collection on 16 September
2. Before buying children's book is there any sort of filter or
discussion to decide what is appropriate to be held in the library and
what is not appropriate for children young as 4?
We use an extensive range of reviews, publisher and supplier information
to ensure selection aligns with our policies and to assign titles to
age-appropriate collections when purchased. We seldom have the
opportunity to view individual books before publication.
This book is classified as children’s nonfiction on our supplier’s website
and the publisher’s website states that it is suitable for children.
Auckland Libraries’ children’s nonfiction collection is aimed at
6–12-year-olds. This is a broad age range and we don’t expect that all
titles in that collection will be of interest to all children and their
parents. We also acknowledge that this book is more likely to be read by
children at the older end of that spectrum. However, parents and
caregivers are responsible for their child’s selection and viewing of
library materials. Every choice is an opportunity for a conversation
between the parent and child.
Since receiving your questions, we have assessed this book and found it
suitable for the children’s nonfiction collection. We have, however,
updated the target audience note on the catalogue record to indicate that
8-12 years is a better age range for the intended audience.
3. How many times this book has been checked out?
To date, there have been 253 checkouts from 25 copies.
4. Have you received any other complaint about this book being part of
the kids section?
No complaints at all have been received about this book; this is the first
5. Can Dr.Claudia Wyss let me know what is her view on this book?
Especially about the fact that it is targeting kids as young as 4? How
can Auckland Council say they work for the wellbeing of their
community when you allow content like this for children? I am very
interested in your thoughts.
Please find a note from Dr Wyss that responds to your query:
Thank you for your enquiry of this matter and sharing your concerns. In
my role as Executive Lead Team member, I support the management of the
Auckland Council Libraries’ Collection Development policy. This policy is
endorsed by Council’s Governing Body. Amongst other principles, this
policy provides for developing broad and deep collections, and engaging
children and young people in reading, learning and discovery. The
delivery on the policy is entrusted to our specialist library teams, who
work closely with vendors and publishers. Along with the rest of
Councils’ Executive Leadership Team, I support and trust the decisions
made by our library specialists on inclusion and placement of titles in
all our collections.
We are grateful for you letting us know of your concerns. As a result of
you raising this matter, the team has refined the age range for the
audience, and we hope this is seen as a good outcome for everyone.
I would like this book removed from the kids section or removed from the
library all together. Exposing children to pornography is not ok and is
considered child abuse.
Auckland Libraries, like all public libraries in New Zealand, is committed
to freedom of access of information. This means that sometimes we make
books available that some individuals and/or communities may find
offensive or misleading. In this case, we have a book that approaches the
topic of human reproduction with an “eyes wide open” perspective, as one
reviewing journal describes it; with humour and a straight-forward factual
portrayal. It has been popular; we’ve reviewed it ourselves and assessed
it as suitable for our collections.
There is more information in our Collection Development Policy [1]here.
We rely on, and follow, the judgments of the Classification Office as to
whether controversial material should be restricted or banned. Anyone is
free to lodge a complaint with the Office. There is information on the
Classification Office website [2]here and you can email them at this
address: [3][email address].
A service we are pleased to offer our communities who wish to comment on
our holdings, is our online reviewing tool. Below each record in our
online catalogue, you will see the words “Be the first to review” or “add
a review”, which links to the reviewing form. The reviews are visible to
the public and provide an opportunity to critique any item in our
I hope this has provided the context for the inclusion of this book in our
Ngâ mihi nui,
Catherine Leonard
Head of Library and Learning Services
Ngâ Pâtaka Kôrero o Tâmaki Makaurau - Auckland Libraries | Connected
P: 021-242-9767
Auckland Council: Te Wharau o Tâmaki - Auckland House, 135 Albert St,
Auckland 1010
Visit our website: [5]www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz
[6]Child and woman reading together and the words 'Every year 16,151,500
pirates, dragons and detectives come alive
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Visible links
1. https://www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz/Do...
2. https://www.classificationoffice.govt.nz...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. https://discover.aucklandlibraries.govt....
5. http://www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz/
6. https://www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz/?u...
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