Average late fees per book at South Library within 3 months of national Covid-19 lockdowns
Michele Wallace made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Michele Wallace to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Michele Wallace
Dear Christchurch City Council,
Please advise of the average late return fee per book applied to late returns at South Library within the 3 month period following National Covid-19 lockdowns.
Yours faithfully,
Michele Wallace
From: Official Information
Christchurch City Council
Kia ora,
Thank you for your email.
We are handling your request under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). We have forwarded it to the
appropriate Christchurch City Council staff, and we will provide a
response or update within 20 working days of the date we received your
request. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me. If any additional
factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not
hesitate to contact me so that these can be taken into account.
William Bloemraad
Information Coordinator
Office of the Mayor and Chief Executive
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From: Official Information
Christchurch City Council
Dear Michele,
Thank you for your email, received on 15.05.2023. You requested the
following information, under the Local Government Official Information and
Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA):
“Please advise of the average late return fee per book applied to late
returns at South Library within the 3-month period following National
Covid-19 lockdowns”.
Please find below a response to your LGOIMA request.
During both lockdowns, the library extended the loan periods of books that
would, in normal circumstances, been due during lockdown. For the 2020
lockdown, there were no fines charged on books due from 22 March through
to Saturday 9 May as books were extended through to 15 June. In the 2021
lockdown, there were no fines charged on books due from 20 August through
to 9 September, as items were extended through to 22 September 2021.
However, fines that accumulated each day on overdue books before lockdown
remained on customers’ records, were not added to during the lockdown
period, and then started accumulating again once libraries reopened. Fines
were calculated at 70 cents per day per book with the maximum fine being
$21 per book.
Books issued to children and young adult members have been fine free for
over 25 years.
We are unable to provide any further information on what the average late
return fee per book was at South Library, as this is a level of detail we
do not keep.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review our
decision. Complaints can be sent by email to
[1][email address].
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Christchurch
City Council website a month after they have been responded to, with
requesters’ personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about
this, please contact the Official Information team on
[2][Christchurch City Council request email].
William Bloemraad
Information Coordinator
Office of the Mayor and Chief Executive
This electronic email and any files transmitted with it are intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
The views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and
may not necessarily reflect the views of the Christchurch City Council.
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sender and delete the email.
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Things to do with this request
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