Greenhouse gas emissions

International Climate Safe Travel Institute made this Official Information request to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

The request was successful.

From: International Climate Safe Travel Institute

Dear Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority,

We seek information on the greenhouse gas emissions of your agency.

Specifically, please provide your reporting on greenhouse gas emissions of your agency:

1. In the last year of reporting under the Government's former sustainability programme (Govt3 Sustainability Programme);

2. The last reporting on greenhouse gas emissions before the Covid lockdown in March 2020;

3. Your most recent reporting on greenhouse gas emissions.

In each case, kindly include the breakdown of the activities causing the emissions. This should include separate reporting on domestic air travel and on international air travel.

To assist in your response, we note that in April 2021 the Department of Conservation was asked for its reporting on greenhouse gas emissions.

The Department's response is contained at this link on the site.

The Department provided a response against the Government's former sustainability programme, and also said that they were moving to the Toitū CarbonReduce Programme which would enable further detailed reporting.

4. Please also advise if your agency has joined any programme enabling detailed reporting such as the Toitū CarbonReduce Programme.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Watson & Tom Bennion
International Climate Safe Travel Institute

Link to this

From: Will Jensen
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
6K Download

Tena koe Chris and Tom


Thank you for your request. We will respond to your request as soon as
possible and in any event no later than 27 July 2022.


If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe.


Nga mihi


Will Jensen

Manager, Policy & Engagement




Level 8   ∙ 44 The Terrace  ∙  Wellington 6011  ∙  PO Box 388  ∙
 Wellington 6140

DDI +64 470 2235 | [mobile number]






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-----Original Message-----

From: International Climate Safe Travel Institute
<[4][FOI #19771 email]>

Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2022 11:06 am

To: EECA Enquiries <[5][EECA request email]>

Subject: Official Information request - Greenhouse gas emissions


Dear Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority,


We seek information on the greenhouse gas emissions of your agency.


Specifically, please provide your reporting on greenhouse gas emissions of
your agency:


1. In the last year of reporting under the Government's former
sustainability programme (Govt3 Sustainability Programme);


2. The last reporting on greenhouse gas emissions before the Covid
lockdown in March 2020;


3. Your most recent reporting on greenhouse gas emissions.


In each case, kindly include the breakdown of the activities causing the
emissions. This should include separate reporting on domestic air travel
and on international air travel.


To assist in your response, we note that in April 2021 the Department of
Conservation was asked for its reporting on greenhouse gas emissions.


The Department's response is contained at this link on the




The Department provided a response against the Government's former
sustainability programme, and also said that they were moving to the Toitū
CarbonReduce Programme which would enable further detailed reporting.


4. Please also advise if your agency has joined any programme enabling
detailed reporting such as the Toitū CarbonReduce Programme.


Yours faithfully,


Chris Watson & Tom Bennion


International Climate Safe Travel Institute




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[7][FOI #19771 email]


Is [8][EECA request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority? If so, please
contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA






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4. mailto:[FOI #19771 email]
5. mailto:[EECA request email]
7. mailto:[FOI #19771 email]
8. mailto:[EECA request email]

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Link to this

From: EECA Enquiries
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment 20220629 EECA OIA Response EECA greenhouse gas emissions.pdf
138K Download View as HTML

Good Afternoon Chris and Tom,


Please find attached EECA’s response to your OIA request.


Kind regards,


Ngā Mihi Nui
Enquiries Team
Level 8  ∙ 44 The Terrace  ∙  Wellington 6011  ∙  PO Box 388  ∙
 Wellington 6140







Visible links

Link to this

Things to do with this request

International Climate Safe Travel Institute only:
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority only: