The number of heart issue related visits to hospital or surgeries
Paul Blackham made this Official Information request to Lakes District Health Board
The request was successful.
From: Paul Blackham
Dear Lakes District Health Board,
I am seeking the number of people that have visited any/all hospitals and
doctor's surgeries within the HBDHB for any/all heart related issues,
(including but not limited to pericarditis, myocarditis, heart attacks and
strokes). The data requested is for the 11 month period from February 2021
until December 2021 inclusive, displayed in month by month format, and
compared to the monthly data for the previous three years.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Blackham
From: Shan Tapsell
Lakes District Health Board
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information Act. This request has been logged and will be responded to within the required 20 working days.
Please note, we may publish the letter and any related documents you have requested on the Lakes DHB's website. The personal details of the requester will be removed.
Shan Tapsell
Communications Advisor
Lakes District Health Board
Rotorua Hospital
Pukeroa Hill
Private Bag 3923
Rotorua Mail Centre
Rotorua 3046
Phone (07) 349 7955 extn:8491
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From: Theresa Fraser
Lakes District Health Board
Good Afternoon
Please find attached the Lakes DHB response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Theresa Fraser
Executive Assistant to Chief Executive, Lakes District Health Board | Ph DDI - 07 349 7982 | Cell: 027 4309 948 | Email [email address] | Private Bag 3023 | Rotorua Mail Centre| Rotorua 3046 |
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- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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