Becoming a Stateless person
Mark Brown made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs
The request was partially successful.
From: Mark Brown
Dear Department of Internal Affairs,
Under the Official Information Act we request:
1) instructions on the process of ceasing all contracts, accounts, and/or relations with the NZ Government so that person would then be recognised by the NZ Government as being a Stateless person.
2) As a naturally born person on the lands internationally recognised as New Zealand one has knowingly acquired the following documents/accounts over their lifetime:
i) NZ Passport
ii) NZ Drivers License
iii) IRD Number
iv) Birth Certificate
Please provide a list of any other documents, accounts, or contracts unknowingly binding a natural born person with the NZ Government?
3) Please provide instructions of how to surrender ones Birth Certificate and Birth registration.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Brown
From: SDO Official Correspondence
Department of Internal Affairs
Tēnā koe Mark
Thank you for your email.
Your request has been classed as a general enquiry and not an Official
Information Act request as the information requested is readily available
and/or accessible to the public.
We have answered your 3 questions as follows.
1. The [1]Citizenship Act 1977 states the following:
15 Renunciation of citizenship
1. A New Zealand citizen who has attained the age of 18 years and is of
full capacity and who is recognised by the law of another country as a
citizen of that country may, at any time, make a declaration of
renunciation of his New Zealand citizenship in the prescribed manner.
This means that you are not able to renounce your New Zealand Citizenship
to become stateless. You may only renounce your citizenship if you are a
citizen of another country.
2. The Department of Internal Affairs is unable to provide information on
documents, accounts or contracts that other NZ Government may hold on
you, as a New Zealand born person.
Te Tari Taiwhenua/Department of Internal Affairs guards the [2]information
and privacy of our citizens very closely. We have a responsibility and
obligation to ensure that the best possible standards around data security
are set and maintained. We have a range of practices, protocols and
safeguards to ensure that the integrity of our data is secure.
You will unfortunately need to approach each government department
individually on the information they hold on you.
If you wish to make a Privacy Act request for your personal information
that The Department of Internal Affairs holds, you can do so here
[3]Privacy -
3. You can surrender your paper copy birth certificate if you wish. The
Department of Internal Affairs is however unable to delete the details
associated with your birth registration in New Zealand. This can be
done by sending your certificate to the following including a note
with your request:
Birth Deaths and Marriages
Department of Internal Affairs
PO Box 10-526
Nāku noa, nā
Micheala Ngaia [4](ia/she/her)| Official Correspondence Manager
Te Pāhekoheko, Kāwai ki te iwi | Operations, Service Delivery and
Te Tari Taiwhenua The Department of Internal Affairs
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Garrick Cameron left an annotation ()
Surely a living man cannot contract with a fictional identity ie Government as they are not of equal mind so the contract is void based on fraud and no meeting of the minds. Ask them to provide a wet ink signature of both parties. i about to do the same
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