What happen if the MSD Fraud Investigation Team never take any action against a benefit fraud?

Sophie made this Official Information request to Serious Fraud Office

Serious Fraud Office did not have the information requested.

From: Sophie

Dear Serious Fraud Office,

I fully respect fraud investigation requires a high level of expertise. Still, there are some apparent benefit frauds happening around me that any average person would be able to notice they are benefit frauds.

We have presented very clear evidence regarding the benefit fraud happening, but after fours months, the MSD Fraud Investigation Office has not take any action, not even a call or an email to the person being reported.

The person being reported was actually my husband, so I surely know if any action has been made against his misconduct or not.
If he does not stop at this stage, he might commit more serious benefit frauds in the future.

What can we do if the MSD fails to enforce the law?

Yours faithfully

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From: Serious Fraud Office Notification

Dear Sophie Anonymous

Thank you for contacting the Serious Fraud Office. We are considering your
request for information under the Privacy Act 1993. The reference number
for your request is CON0008877. 

You can expect a response as soon as reasonably practicable, and not later
than 20 working days after the day on which the request was received. 

Please see our website for further information on what to expect when
requesting information: 




Visible links
1. https://www.sfo.govt.nz/request-official...

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Serious Fraud Office

Attachment Response 24062021.pdf
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Dear Ms Sophie


Please find attached our response to your request for information.


Kind regards,

The Serious Fraud Office

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