We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Andrew Green please sign in and let everyone know.

Request for Investigation and Information under the Official Information Act

Andrew Green made this Official Information request to Serious Fraud Office

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Andrew Green to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Andrew Green

Dear Serious Fraud Office,

I am writing to express my concerns and request information under the Official Information Act regarding potential misconduct in the procurement process for ministers appointing report writers. Specifically, I am deeply concerned about Minister Bishop's appointment of former National Party leader Bill English to write a partisan report on KO using public funds without undergoing any procurement checks. This situation raises significant questions about the integrity of public finance management.

Furthermore, I am concerned about how the rate of pay for Bill English was determined and whether this process was transparent. Additionally, I am troubled by the text messages that directly inquire with Minister Bishop about his expectations for the review, along with the funding source for his and his daughter's company's review.

I would appreciate it if your office could investigate whether any fraudulent activities or misconduct occurred in these processes. Additionally, I seek clarification on the steps your office will take to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of public funds for such appointments.

Lastly, can you please advise if your office comes under the executive branch of government and can be influenced by politicians, or if it is under judicial branch and is independent of political interference?

Your prompt attention to these concerns and inquiries is greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Green

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Dear Andrew Green,

Thank you for your request to the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). Due to the
content of your request, we will be treating the matter as a complaint and
have transferred it to our Evaluations team.

Each complaint is assessed to determine whether the SFO can use its
statutory powers to investigate the allegations made. In order for the SFO
to use its statutory powers there must be reason to suspect that an
investigation may disclose serious or complex fraud. We aim to respond to
complainants with the outcome of our evaluation within 30 working days.

As your request was made through the FYI website, your request and this
response will be published. Could you please provide your personal email
address for us to contact you in relation to your complaint.

In response to your query about the independence of the SFO, section 30 of
the SFO Act 1990 establishes that the Director of the SFO should act
independently in relation to investigations and legal proceedings.

Kind regards,
Serious Fraud Office



PO Box 7124, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1141

09 303 0121  |  0800 109 800  |   +64 9 303 0121 for overseas callers .

Email: [1]www.sfo.govt.nz




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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Andrew Green please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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