Information regarding the prosecution of Peter Whitthall
Katherine Raue made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
The request was successful.
From: Katherine Raue
Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment,
Peter Whittall's lawyers have now issued a press release containing this statement "Mr Grieve QC has today written to the Ministry’s lawyer asking him to support Mr Grieve's intention to ensure that WorkSafe accurately represents to the New Zealand public what occurred in relation to the Ministry’s decision to offer no evidence in support of the charges.
This is important because, as Mr Whittall's lawyers see it, the way this matter has developed with regard to their role in the process which led to the charges being dismissed is being misrepresented.
Any suggestion it was Mr Whittall's defence team who initiated discussions about the prosecution being resolved without trial is incorrect. It was the Ministry which initiated discussions about the possibility of a resolution in July 2013.
Mr Whittall's lawyers had been writing to the Ministry since May 2013 expressing concerns about the integrity of the Ministry’s investigation and disclosure process. These were significant issues that the defence believed, and still believe, went to the heart of whether the prosecution against Mr Whittall could ever succeed. Such concerns were described in memoranda filed with the District Court in May, July and August 2013. "
Accordingly, I request copies of all correspondence and communication the Ministry holds about this matter - including any held by "Worksafe" and in particular the specific communications referred to in this report. The report is at this link:
Yours faithfully,
Katherine Raue
From: *OIA
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Dear Ms Raue ,
Please find attached a transfer letter to WorkSafe New Zealand in regards
to your recent Official Information Act request.
Amber McGovern-Wilson
On behalf of
Alan Witcombe
Manager, Ministerial Services
Organisational Strategy and Support, Ministry of Business, Innovation and
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From: WorkSafe NZ OIA
Kia ora,
Please find attached an acknowledgement letter in relation to your recent
Christopher Fletcher
Operations Advisor
Office of the Chief Executive
WorkSafe New Zealand | Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa
56 The Terrace | PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 | DX: SR57004
OIA [1][email address]
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government services
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1. mailto:[email address]
From: WorkSafe NZ OIA
Kia ora,
We tried sending this to you earlier and it bounced. Hopefully this goes
through to you.
Christopher Fletcher
Operations Advisor
Office of the Chief Executive
WorkSafe New Zealand | Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa
56 The Terrace | PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 | DX: SR57004
OIA [1][email address]
From: Anne Williams On Behalf Of WorkSafe NZ OIA
Sent: Tuesday, 18 March 2014 12:04 p.m.
To: [OIA #1508 email]
Subject: Your recent Official Information Act request (14/00108)
Kia ora,
Please find attached a response to your recent request for information to
WorkSafe New Zealand.
Anne Williams
Anne Williams
Business Advisor | Kaitohutohu Pakihi
Office of the Chief Executive
WorkSafe New Zealand
56 The Terrace | PO Box 165, Wellington 6140
[2]Work-Safe GIF file
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1. mailto:[email address]
From: Kayt Robinson
Good afternoon Katherine
WorkSafe New Zealand has received an Official Information Act request from
Stacey Shortall, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts, for the names of all other
people or parties who have made requests to either WorkSafe New Zealand or
the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment under the Official
Information Act for any information relating to the withdrawal of the
health and safety charges against Mr Whittall.
Can you please advise me by Friday 21 March 2014 at the latest if you have
any objection to your name being released in response to this request,
including the reasons for your objection.
While we will consider the reasons you provide, the final decision
regarding release of your name in response to this Official Information
Act request will be made by WorkSafe NZ.
~ Kayt
Kayt Robinson
Business Adviser
High Hazards & Specialist Services
56 The Terrace, PO Box 165, Wellington 6140
P +64 4 901 4975
E [1][email address]
W [2]
[3]Work-Safe GIF file
[4] - connecting you to New Zealand central & local
government services
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1. mailto:[email address]
From: Katherine Raue
Dear Kayt Robinson,
I do indeed object very strongly to my personal details being passed on, and the deadline given of tomorrow for me to respond to this request.
I request you ask them to provide reasons (in writing) for why they are requesting the information.
I am also seeking legal advice and initial advice is strongly in favour of denying the request that my details be disclosed, I look forward to receiving Minter Ellison's reasons for the request. I have several reasons for refusing the request, not the least of which are that I have a fundamental right to privacy if there is no good reason to share my private information whereas this is an "open letter" I have requested. I will elaborate on the other reasons after I've received Minter Ellison's reasons for requesting the information.
Yours sincerely,
Katherine Raue

Katherine Raue left an annotation ()
The letter, and other information can be viewed at this link,
I encourage interested parties to read it with no strings attached at that link rather than risk disclosing their private information to Mr Whittall's dodgy lawyers. At least Mr Grieve had the courage to write this "open letter", it seems to be Stacey Shortall who wants to know who is requesting access to it.
From: Katherine Raue
Dear Kayt Robinson,
I have had no response to the emails I sent yesterday and wish to make it perfectly clear that I DO NOT wish my details to be given to the firm until reasons are given for this request and I request an extension of time to give further reasons regarding my opposition to the request. Please acknowledge receipt of this message.
Yours sincerely,
Katherine Raue
From: WorkSafe NZ OIA
Dear Ms Raue
We have noted your objection to the release of your name to the requestor. We have considered whether there is any basis upon which this information may be withheld, including whether it is necessary to protect your privacy. We note however that your name, the OIA request which you made and the response which you received (as well as other related correspondence) is publicly available online at In the circumstances, our view is that there are no grounds on which to withhold your name.
Kind regards,
Christopher Fletcher
Operations Advisor
Office of the Chief Executive
WorkSafe New Zealand | Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa
56 The Terrace | PO Box 165, Wellington 6140 | DX: SR57004
OIA [email address] - connecting you to New Zealand central & local government services
Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of WorkSafe New Zealand. This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use
of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use is
strictly prohibited. Please contact the sender and delete the message and any attachment from your computer.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Katherine Raue left an annotation ()
I have received a copy of the letter from Stuart Grieve to "Worksafe" (the latest incarnation of the Department of Labour - one of the guilty parties to the deaths of the twenty nine men who remain inside the Pike River mine - the rest of the information has been refused, and I also received THIS:
"Good afternoon Katherine
WorkSafe New Zealand has received an Official Information Act request from Stacey Shortall, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts, for the names of all other
people or parties who have made requests to either WorkSafe New Zealand or the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment under the Official
Information Act for any information relating to the withdrawal of the health and safety charges against Mr Whittall.
Can you please advise me by Friday 21 March 2014 at the latest if you have any objection to your name being released in response to this request, including the reasons for your objection.
While we will consider the reasons you provide, the final decision regarding release of your name in response to this Official Information Act request will be made by WorkSafe NZ."
- For what reason do they want my personal information and on what grounds do they feel entitled to it???
Link to this