Callaghan Innovation IP Programme - next year's programme

Simon Waalkens made this Official Information request to Callaghan Innovation

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Callaghan Innovation should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Simon Waalkens

Dear Callaghan Innovation,

This is a request for official information pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982, as follows.

1. Please advise whether, and if so why, Callaghan Innovation is running the Innovation IP programme (or an equivalent programme) next year?

2. Does Callaghan Innovation intend to limit the number of Intellectual Property Service providers?

3. If Callaghan Innovation intends to restrict the number of service providers, please advise why?

4. Has Callaghan Innovation communicated with Intellectual Property service providers over any details of the design of the programme to be offered next year? If so, please share these details.

5. At this point, does Callaghan Innovation have information identifying specific intellectual property related services that may be needed by New Zealand businesses, so as to necessitate the Innovation IP programme or a similar programme next year? If so, please share this information.

We look forward to receiving your response within 20 working days.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Waalkens

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