Re: Current referral system followed in Ophthalmology referrals received from GPs and Primary health care providers

Renoh Chalakkal made this Official Information request to Waitemata District Health Board

The request was successful.

From: Renoh Chalakkal

Dear Waitemata District Health Board,

I would like to confirm that I am currently residing in New Zealand and have provided the proof for the same with my previous OIA request.

I would like to know the details about the current referral system followed by Waitemata DHB in ophthalmology referrals. I have the following questions:

1. How are the ophthalmology referrals prioritized?
2. Is there any automatic referral system in place?
3. Are there any standards or operating procedures that are followed while placing referrals from GPs/primary care providers?
4. Can private eye care providers (Specsavers/OPSM etc.) refer a patient to specialist ophthalmologists in Waitemata DHB?
5. Can a patient consult with a specialist ophthalmologist at the ED directly without an appointment ? If not can a GP immediately refer a patient to a specialist ophthalmologist at the hospital? Are there any specialist ophthalmologists available in ED 24*7?
6. What criteria are followed in prioritizing the ophthalmology referrals?
7. In 2019-2020, what is the average time taken for a GP referral for different types (serious, moderately serious, and not serious, etc.) ) priorities to get an appointment with a specialist ophthalmologist/optometrist?
8. How many specialist ophthalmologists and optometrists are practicing in Waitemata DHB separately?
9. How many registered ophthalmologists/optometrists are there in whole New Zealand?
10. Were there any steps taken by DHBs across New Zeland (or at least by Auckland DHB) to conduct the ophthalmology clinics remotely over tele platforms so that patients get necessary eye care during the different stages of lockdown in New Zealand?

Expecting a reply soon. Thanks.

Yours faithfully,

Renoh Chalakkal

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From: Anna Monastra (WDHB)
Waitemata District Health Board

Attachment OIA20128 Transfer letter to requester.pdf
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Hi Renoh,

Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received yesterday. 


Please see the attached transfer letter regarding your request.





Anna Monastra I Senior Administration Assistant

Communications I Waitematā DHB

Level 2, 15 Shea Terrace, Private Bag 93-503, North Shore 0740




-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Rogers (WDHB)
Sent: Monday, 31 August 2020 1:13 p.m.
To: Denise Poole (WDHB); Anna Monastra (WDHB)
Subject: FW: Official Information request - Re: Current referral system
followed in Ophthalmology referrals received from GPs and Primary health
care providers




-----Original Message-----

From: Renoh Chalakkal
[[2]mailto:[FOI #13622 email]]

Sent: Monday, 31 August 2020 1:11 p.m.

To: Matthew Rogers (WDHB)

Subject: Official Information request - Re: Current referral system
followed in Ophthalmology referrals received from GPs and Primary health
care providers


Dear Waitemata District Health Board,


I would like to confirm that I am currently residing in New Zealand and
have provided the proof for the same with my previous OIA request.


I would like to know the details about the current referral system
followed by Waitemata DHB in ophthalmology referrals. I have the following


1. How are the ophthalmology referrals prioritized?

2. Is there any automatic referral system in place?

3. Are there any standards or operating procedures that are followed while
placing referrals from GPs/primary care providers?

4. Can private eye care providers (Specsavers/OPSM etc.) refer a patient
to specialist ophthalmologists in Waitemata DHB?

5. Can a patient consult with a specialist ophthalmologist at the ED
directly without an appointment ? If not can a GP immediately refer a
patient to a specialist ophthalmologist at the hospital? Are there any
specialist ophthalmologists available in ED 24*7?

6. What criteria are followed in prioritizing the ophthalmology referrals?

7. In 2019-2020, what is the average time taken for a GP referral for
different types (serious, moderately serious, and not serious, etc.) )
priorities to get an appointment with a specialist

8. How many specialist ophthalmologists and optometrists are practicing in
Waitemata DHB separately?

9. How many registered ophthalmologists/optometrists are there in whole
New Zealand?

10. Were there any steps taken by DHBs across New Zeland (or at least by
Auckland DHB) to conduct the ophthalmology clinics remotely over tele
platforms so that patients get necessary eye care during the different
stages of lockdown in New Zealand?


Expecting a reply soon. Thanks.


Yours faithfully,


Renoh Chalakkal




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