China Scholarship Council scholarships
Mr Black made this Official Information request to University of Auckland
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From: Mr Black
Dear University of Auckland,
I would like to request information on the number of China Scholarship Council scholarships issued at the University of Auckland, the amount of funding provided by the University of Auckland and the amount of funding provided by the China Scholarship Council.
I would also like information on the titles of PhD theses completed with CSC funding.
Thank you!
Yours faithfully,
Mr Black
From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland
Dear Mr Black,
I refer to your request of 22 June 2020. Unfortunately, your request is for a large quantity of information or necessitates a search through a large quantity of information and meeting the original time limit for your request would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the University. Accordingly the University has extended the time limit for your request until 10 August 2020 under section 15A of the Official Information Act. You have the right to make a complaint about this extension to an Ombudsman.
Yours sincerely,
Rebeca Ewert
General Counsel
University of Auckland
show quoted sections
From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland
Dear Mr Black,
I refer to your email of 22 June 2020. The University’s response follows:
You have requested “the number of China Scholarship Council (CSC)
scholarships issued at the University of Auckland”. As CSC scholarships
are not issued at the University of Auckland, we have interpreted this as
a request for the number of CSC scholarships awarded to University of
Auckland students: 2013 – 23; 2014 – 30; 2015 – 23; 2016 – 16; 2017 – 26;
2018 – 15; 2019 – 21; 2020 (as at the date of your request) – 1.
“I would like to request information on… the amount of funding provided by
the University of Auckland and the amount of funding provided by the CSC
[in relation to CSC scholarships].”
The University does not award or administer these scholarships, or provide
funds to their recipients. We do not know what funds are provided by the
CSC to scholarship recipients. This technically constitutes a refusal of
this part of your request under section 18(g) of the Official Information
Act, as the information requested is not held by the University.
“I would also like information on the titles of PhD theses completed with
CSC funding.”
Titles of PhD theses completed by CSC scholarship recipients are provided
below, for those published theses which note the support of the CSC in the
acknowledgements section:
Evaluation of Functional Properties and Microstructure of Mozzarella
Cheese, and their Correlation
Development of an Interoperable Cloud-based Manufacturing System
Becoming English language teachers: A multiple case study of transnational
native English-speaking teachers’ identities construction
Powder/Sol-enhanced Au–Ni Electroplated Composite Coatings: Structures,
Properties and Mechanisms
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of a Polymer Electro-Optic
Platinum-DNA Damage-Induced Transcriptional Inhibition and Neuronal
Fabrication, Kinetics and Crystallography of Lithium Disilicate
A Comparative Study of Physician-Writers': Representations of What Makes a
Good Doctor
Improving Effectiveness of Robot-Assisted Ankle Rehabilitation via
Biomechanical Assessment and Interaction Control
Transport of Bacteria in Column for in situ Bioremediation Application:
Effect of dissolved surfactant and microbubble on bacterial mobility in
Students' Voices Becoming: Feedback Dialogues in Intercultural Doctoral
Methodology in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL):
Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in Native and Non-Native Chinese-Speaking
Seismic Design of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Walls
Total Synthesis of the 2-Nitropyrrole Natural Product Heronapyrrole C
Computer Vision Meets Arts - Stereo Computational Photography
A Redundantly Actuated Masticatory Robot of Spatial Parallel Mechanism
with Two Higher Kinematic Pairs — Kinematics, Optimal Torque Distribution
and Motion Control
Dynamic testing and model updating of an eleven-span concrete motorway
Design of a Hybrid Cloud Manufacturing Environment for Production of
Personalised Products
Analysis of impact on New Zealand's economy of the New Zealand emissions
trading scheme
Characterisation of Surfactant and Protein Foams using a Polarised Light
Scattering Technique.
An IPMC Driven Valveless Pump for Biomedical Applications
Measuring and estimating evapotranspiration in a raingarden.
Improved Lipase Immobilization on Woollen Cloth and Its Application in a
Novel Spinning Cloth Disc Reactor
Textural complexity in solid foods & its influence on satiation
Corporate Political Spending Information Disclosure Regime: Economic
Consequences and Future Development
Characterization of the endothelial cells response to trophoblast debris
The Environmental and Geotechnical Properties of Lime-Amended Wastewater
CaCu3Ti4O12 Dielectric Composites: Synthesis, Characterization and
Electrical Properties
Flying Kites: How Chinese International Students in New Zealand Reflect on
Chinese Citizenship in a Third Space
Cleft Constructions in Chinese: An Information Structure Analysis
Scour at Submerged Weirs
Institutional Divergence in International Society
Peristalsis Control and Sensing of a Soft-bodied Swallowing Robot
Characterisation and Evaluation of Marginal Basecourse Aggregates and the
Performance Improvement with Stabilisers
Synthesis, Characterization and Environmental Applications of ZnO Based
Development of Ternary Fe-Mn-Si Biodegradable Alloys Via Powder Metallurgy
Total Synthesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Component Acortatarin A
and Studies towards Polyketide Tenuipyrone
Development of a Multi-Objective Optimisation Technique for Long-Term and
Network-Level Decision Making in Infrastructure Asset Management
Reservoir Modeling Using Automated Solution Techniques: Solver
Development, Application, and Optimization
Patient-Specific Neuromusculoskeletal Models for Improving the
Effectiveness of Human-Inspired Gait Rehabilitation Robots
Performing the Revolution: Socialist Realism and Its Heterogeneity in the
Model Performances
The Effects of East Asian Free Trade Agreements on Foreign Direct
Fictive Motion in Chinese
Antimicrobial Copper Containing Coatings for Food and Health Industries
Assessment of the dynamics and performance of an in-service twelve-span
twin bridge using in-situ testing and finite element modelling
Micro-mechanical Modelling of Polymeric Closed-cell Foams: Effect of
Microstructural Variability on the Mechanical Properties
Combined abutment and contraction scour in compound channels for extreme
Native English Speakers’ Acquisition of Mandarin Vowels - From Perception
and Production Perspectives
Three Essays on the Spatial Analysis of Sustainable Dairy Farming in New
An Exploratory Study of Chinese University English-as-a-Foreign Language
(EFL) Teachers’ Cognitions and Practices about English Grammar Teaching.
Capacitive Power Transfer with Advanced Compensation and Power Flow
Reactions and Phase Transformations in Monocalcium Phosphate Monohydrate
(MCPM) Systems
Chinese as a Second Language Learners’ Speech Competence and Speech
Performance in Classroom Contexts: Cognitive, Affective, and
Socio-Cultural Perspectives
Enhancing Quality of Life: The Social Support of Elderly Chinese Migrants
in New Zealand
Infiltration Models for Engineered Media in Living Roofs and Bioretention
The Impact of Interacting Binary Stars on Core-collapse Supernovae and
Emission Nebulae
Powder metallurgical titanium alloys (TiNi and Ti-6Al-4V): injection
moulding, press-and-sinter, and hot pressing
Becoming Cosmopolitan? Roots, Emotions, and Everyday Diversity Encounters
amongst New Chinese Migrants in New Zealand
A Cloud-Based Smart Machine Control System
Evaluating β-catenin related pathways in insulin secretion
Transfer Optimization in Public Transport Networks: Timetable
Synchronization, Operational Control and a New Service-Design Concept
Flow condensation of CO2 in a horizontal tube low temperatures
Electrodeposition, Characterization, Physicochemical Properties and
Application of Lead Dioxide Coatings
Eating and Drinking Expressions in Mongolian: a Corpus-based study
Vibroacoustics Analysis of Panels using a wave and finite element method
An Intelligent Bilateral System for Upper-limb Rehabilitation Based on
Industrial Robots.
Cyber-Physical Machine Tools for Smart Manufacturing
Transition Metal Oxides ( MₓOᵧ, M = Ti, W, Zn) prepared by electrochemical
anodization: synthesis, modifications, and applications
Understanding the Formation Mechanism of Plasma-sprayed Ni and Ni20Cr
Splats through Experimental and Numerical Study.
Response of Cryolite-based Electrolytes and Side-ledges to Flexible
Potline Power Shifts at Smelters
Atlas Based Analysis of Heart Shape and Motion in Cardiovascular Disease
Peptide-Assisted Intracellular Drug Delivery for Boron Neutron Capture
Real-time Structural Health Monitoring Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Female Chinese and Māori Sport Participants' Embodied Experiences of Risk,
Pain and Injury
Probability Density Approximation Methods with Applications in Ecology and
Population Genetics
Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Pain
The Darkening Arctic from Space: Quantification and Application
Establishing the Foundation for a Diagnostic Assessment of Reading in
English for Academic Purposes
Behaviour of natural fibre reinforced concrete composite under impact
Fiber-Optic Raman Sensing on Tissue Identification and Bladder Cancer
A needle-tip embedded fibre optical force sensor for tissue identification
Effect of Sintering Conditions and Compositions on the Fabrication and
Properties of Electrically Conductive β-Sialon-ZrN Composites
The Value Of Analyst Recommendations: An International Perspective
Metacognitive Perspectives on Learning to Write in English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) in Multimedia Environments at the Tertiary Level in China
Product Configuration System for Cloud Manufacturing
Vibration analysis of structures with uncertain located attachments.
One-of-a-Kind Product Development for Mass Personalisation in a
Cloud-Based Environment
Kindergarten Teachers' Understandings and Implementation of the Theory of
Multiple Intelligences in China.
Lora Jo Foo: Activist and Advocate for Immigrant Women Workers in the USA,
Chinese EFL Learners' Motivation and Anxiety in a Task Context and the
Effects of Individual Difference on Task Performance
The Preparation of Assessment Literate Teachers: Examining Language
Testing and Assessment Courses in China and New Zealand
A Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective on Pre-service Chinese Language
Teachers’ Professional Identity
Continuous Performance: Film, Memory and the Senses in Dorothy
Richardson’s Pilgrimage
Real-Time Labour Allocation in Retail Stores
Local scour at submerged weirs
Use of multi cellular spheroids and agent-based modelling to optimise
combination therapies with hypoxia-activated prodrug SN 30000
Investigating microencapsulation of fermented noni juice based on
hydrocolloids and exploring their structure-function relationship and
application for functional food
A Bespoke Neural Chip Platform & Novel Microelectrode Design for the
Recording of HumanhNT Neurons
Evolution of a Long-lived Magmatic System Leading to Caldera-forming
Eruptions in the Jemez Mountains Volcanic Field, USA
Metamaterial systems for energy harvesting and vibration suppression
An Anatomically Accurate Modelling of Hepatic Perfusion and Biliary Fluid
Dynamics in the Human Liver for Clinical Applications
Formal Verification Based Design Model Repair
Broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting and vibration suppression using
nonlinear mechanisms
TAU+VP and Clause-final TAU in Xiaolongmen, a Xiang dialect
The titles of 23 PhD theses which do not note CSC support have been
withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the Official Information Act, to protect
the privacy of their authors.
If you are dissatisfied with this response, you have the right to make a
complaint to an Ombudsman.
Yours sincerely,
Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland
From: Mr Black <[1][FOI #13125 email]>
Sent: Monday, 22 June 2020 5:41 PM
To: legal <[2][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - China Scholarship Council
Dear University of Auckland,
I would like to request information on the number of China Scholarship
Council scholarships issued at the University of Auckland, the amount of
funding provided by the University of Auckland and the amount of funding
provided by the China Scholarship Council.
I would also like information on the titles of PhD theses completed
with CSC funding.
Thank you!
Yours faithfully,
Mr Black
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #13125 email]
2. mailto:[email address]
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