He Whenua Taurikura

WGJ made this Official Information request to Victoria University of Wellington

Currently waiting for a response from Victoria University of Wellington, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: WGJ

Dear Victoria University of Wellington,

This letter is a formal request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
Financial Transactions between HWT and Victoria University

Could you detail the financial relationship between HWT and Victoria University? This includes:
Any funding provided by Victoria University to HWT.
Any financial transactions from HWT to Victoria University.
Victoria University's role in funding the journal mentioned in Question 8 (if applicable).
Victoria University's involvement in the HWT scholarship application and screening process.
The percentage of the five HWT staff salaries/wages covered by Victoria University.
Any instances of HWT funding activities that benefit Victoria University, potentially replacing university funding due to budgetary constraints.

The below questions have also been sent to DPMC but if Victoria University can also answer any that are applicable - Nga Mihi.

1. Staff at HWT**

* A recent media article indicated that there are five staff members at the HWT. Could you please provide a breakdown of these roles and their corresponding annual salary bands (e.g., $50,000-$60,000)?
* Do any of the staff currently hold Terrorism, Defence or Security qualifications?
* How were these staff positions filled? Was there a formal application process? If so, when and where was this process advertised?
* Are these staff members solely employed by Victoria University, or are they affiliated with other universities as well?
* Are the students all on site ? if not how often are they engaged with ?
* Given that HWT is described as a scholarship management entity, could you please explain the rationale behind having five staff members?
* Are staff conducting research that is funded by HWT

2. Location of HWT**

* Is there a plan to rotate the location of HWT among different universities, or will it remain permanently at Victoria University?

3. Scholarship Awards**

* Please provide details on the number of scholarships awarded to students each year, and the universities associated with these scholarship recipients (excluding personal names). HWT only have Masters and PHD advertised on the website. Are there others?

4. Scholarship Application Screening**

* Could you clarify the process for screening scholarship applications? Are applications screened before being presented to the board, or does the board conduct its own screening?
* is there a priortisation of candidates for any reason ? charateristics - gender, race, culture for example ?
* If applications are pre-screened, who performs this screening? Is this process subject to peer review or external audit? For example how is bias managed.

5. HWT Associates**

* Please outline the recruitment process for HWT associates.
* Was there a formal application process in place? If so, were these applications subject to peer review or audit? when were they advertised ?
* Do the HWT associates sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) as part of their involvement?
* Are the associates financially compensated for their contributions? If so, could you elaborate on the associated costs?

6. PCVE Qualifications**

* Do any of the HWT staff or associates possess qualifications in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE)?
* If not have HWT engaged with someone who is qualified ?

7. Involvement of Postdoctoral People (Emma Rakete and Kyle Matthews) and Costs and Overseas Conferences and Travel**

* Does HWT engage with researchers beyond PhD students, such as recent graduates like Ms. Emma Rakete and Mr. Kyle Matthews? If so, could you clarify the nature of their involvement with the program?
* Were these opportunities for Ms. Rakete and Mr. Matthews publicly advertised?
* Are there are post doctoral researchers with HWT?
* Does HWT fund overseas conferences and travel for its staff, associates, or collaborating researchers? If so, could you provide details on the associated costs, the expected outputs or deliverables resulting from this travel/research/projects, and the selection process for such funding?

8. Security Oversight

Could you describe the oversight mechanisms in place to ensure HWT's research focus aligns with or is at least learning about national security priorities? terrorism?
Do any staff have experience or qualifications in Security, Defence or Policing ?
Are the students provided access to security scholars/experts?
Is HWT funding the 'Crime Media Culture journal? if so why ?


9 Financial Audit
Has there been a check and balance on spending at HWT this year ?
If so when?
Can HWT still meet its objective to fund PHD and Masters?
Or is it restricted due to the costs related to the above matters ?

Thank you for your time in responding to these queries.
While there are a few questions they should be very straight forward.
Thank you

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From: OIA Requests
Victoria University of Wellington

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Kia ora Catherine


Official information request regarding He Whenua Taurikura


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your official information request
dated 4 July 2024.


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 1 August 2024, being 20 working days after the day
your request was received.


If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your
request, please do not hesitate to contact me so that these can be taken
into account.


Ngā mihi nui


Ngā mihi,


Blair Doherty

Senior Advisor, Official Information and Privacy

Legal Services

Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington





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