WGJ (Account suspended)
Joined FYI in 2024
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They have been given the following explanation:
Your account is suspended while we consider recent activity.
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This person's 4 Official Information requests
He Whenua Taurikura Applications, Staff, Funds , Etc
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Catherine
Official information request regarding He Whenua Taurikura
I refer to your official information request dated 21 Septemb...
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by WGJ (Account suspended). Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
HWT Enquiry
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Catherine
Official information request regarding He Whenua Taurikura
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your official informati...
He Whenua Taurikura
Follow up sent to Victoria University of Wellington by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
I responded to your 1 August reply and it still sits unanswered .. ... Not good enough.
Dear OIA Requests - Victoria University - HWT
Thank yo...
This person's 13 annotations
Pseudo Driver Licences
Awaiting classification.
I like that they are not answering these types of questions it is a waste of taxdollars to please you conspiracy folks
Fast Food purchased for residents at Korowai Manaaki (Wiri)
Request to Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children by Bruce. Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
are you being a grinch .. ?
Costs incurred
Awaiting classification.
whatever the costs were it was WORTH it . !
It is the right of every New Zealander to be involved in Civil dissent it is the greatest education of civi duty - when ACT go to schools to peddle the...
Blocked advocacy service sites on school internet
Long overdue.
Who cares what a out of touch rich bigot has to say , he is part of the reason the world is a mess and deluded people wo't stop sending OIAs due to the...
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by WGJ (Account suspended). Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by WGJ (Account suspended). Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Thank you.
It is very disappointing to see the nepotism Victoria University has been taking with this as it is clearly not what was intended by DPMC...
Waikato Police Facebook Post
What a weird OIA and it just being petty .
He Whenua Taurikura Applications, Staff, Funds , Etc
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by WGJ (Account suspended). Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
My annoatations are directed at Victoria but I hope that DPMC take note of these issues.
Bill of Rights Assesments
Awaiting classification.
Look at State Of Emergency legalisation and internaional law iot allows nations to restrict rights in certain situations such as a global pandemic ....
He Whenua Taurikura Communications
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by John. Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Go to the Ombudsmen John. This reply does not make sense. 100's of emails, I think not tbh, they are not running the country. Not even partial provi...
He Whenua Taurikura Applications, Staff, Funds , Etc
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by WGJ (Account suspended). Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
The above note is relating to VICTORIA UNI answer to my OIA not DPMC
He Whenua Taurikura Applications, Staff, Funds , Etc
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by WGJ (Account suspended). Annotated by WGJ (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
This is a very superficial response and does not make any sense when DPMC said that Victoria University would answer those questions. Very concerning t...