Asbestos Management Plans
Mark Montgomery made this Official Information request to Tairawhiti District Health Board
The request was successful.
From: Mark Montgomery
Dear Tairawhiti District Health Board,
Pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982 please provide copies of all Asbestos Management Plans prepared under Regulation 13(2) of the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016 for all workplaces occupied or from time to time occupied by the District Health Board where asbestos or ACM (Asbestos Containing Material) is suspected to be or has been identified at the workplace.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Montgomery

Mark Montgomery left an annotation ()
Identical requests have been made to all District Health Boards.
From: Emily Oakley
Tairawhiti District Health Board
Kia ora Mark
Please find attached, a response to your OIA request regarding Hauora
Tairâwhiti’s asbestos management plans.
Ngâ mihi
Emily Oakley
Communications Advisor
Phone: 06 869 0500 ext: 8115
[mobile number]
Address: 421 Ormond Road,
Gisborne, 4010
show quoted sections
From: Mark Montgomery
Dear Emily Oakley,
Thank you for the information you've forwarded to me
Yours sincerely,
Mark Montgomery
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Mark Montgomery left an annotation ()
Release due on or before 3 March 2020
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