Event that Board members and Chair participate - OIA/LGOIMA Act Request

john luke made this Official Information request to Auckland Conservation Board

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Auckland Conservation Board,

This is a OIA/LGOIMA request made from the fyi.org.nz website.

I noted from your facebook page, you have recently participate in the Auckland Mayoral Conservation Awards.

It was a privilege to be invited to be the keynote speaker at the Auckland Mayoral Conservation Awards as Chair of the Auckland Conservation Board. The quality of all the finalists was outstanding. In my speech I talked about the generational impacts of humans on our natural environment and raised a number of our Board's areas of advocacy including the RMS Niagara shipwreck, the impact of dredging vessel movements on our marine species and our concerns about the destruction of dunes caused by allowing vehicles on beaches.

I would like to understand how many similar event the board chair or members has been attended in the past 3 years.

Also, I understand from your website,

"Boards need to connect with iwi, manawhenua, community and volunteer groups and provide advice to the Department on partnership arrangements. The boards’ role is not so much to build partnerships but to advise on local issues and circumstances and act as a point of connection between the community and the Department."

I would like to know in the past 3 years how many engagement the board has with the iwi, manawhenua, community and volunteer groups? What sort of point of connection the board has made or represent? I noted in the past few years (minuets online), the attendance for Public Forum are so low, has the board taken any effect to enhance that? Given Auckland is a such diverse city, has the board taken effect to engage any other ethnic groups beside the iwi? Any community event in the past 3 years that Board has attend or any effort that Board has taken to get more attraction from the ethnic community (non-iwi)?

Further, aside from my information request, I would like to table this point (how the board going to engage and representing the other non-iwi ethnic group, such as Chinese, Indian, Korean etc. Also how to attract more public participation from non-iwi ethnic group) to the board as a public submission and for them to discuss in their next board meeting.

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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From: john luke

Dear Auckland Conservation Board,

Please confirm that you have received my OIA request above

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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From: john luke

Dear Auckland Conservation Board,

Can you please kindly confirm that you have received my request?

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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Things to do with this request

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