What are the numbers of native animals and domestic pets that have been killed as a side effect from 1080 drops in the past 10 years in New Zealand, if any?

Dianne Maxwell made this Official Information request to Eugenie Sage

The request was refused by Eugenie Sage.

From: Dianne Maxwell

Dear Eugenie Sage,
On 12 September 2018, in parliamentary questions, order 21285, put by Dr Shane Reti, you were asked "What are the numbers of native animals and domestic pets that have been killed as a side effect from 1080 drops in the past 10 years in New Zealand, if any?"

You stated that the exact numbers are unknown. I would like to know what numbers you do have recorded; could you please provide me the following information:

- How many domestic animals have been killed in areas where aerial 1080 drops have occurred in the past 20 years; please list the animal type, the area it occurred and the date. This is to include pets, farm animals, and others.
- How many native birds and other species have been killed in areas where aerial 1080 drops have occurred in the past 20 years; please list the species name, the area it occurred and the date.

Nga mihi

Dianne Maxwell

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From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


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From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage


Tēnā koe Dianne Maxwell

I refer to your Official Information Act request of 7 August 2019 (copied below).

We have transferred your request to the Department of Conservation as the information to which your request relates is believed to be more closely connected with the functions of the department. In these circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the Official Information Act to transfer your request.

You will hear further from the Department concerning your request. If needed you can contact them at: [email address].

Nāku iti noa, nā

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information |
Associate Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House | Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160 | P: 04 817 8727
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]

-----Original Message-----
From: Dianne Maxwell [mailto:[FOI #10919 email]]
Sent: Wednesday, 7 August 2019 9:15 PM
To: E Sage (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - What are the numbers of native animals and domestic pets that have been killed as a side effect from 1080 drops in the past 10 years in New Zealand, if any?

Dear Eugenie Sage,
On 12 September 2018, in parliamentary questions, order 21285, put by Dr Shane Reti, you were asked "What are the numbers of native animals and domestic pets that have been killed as a side effect from 1080 drops in the past 10 years in New Zealand, if any?"

You stated that the exact numbers are unknown. I would like to know what numbers you do have recorded; could you please provide me the following information:

- How many domestic animals have been killed in areas where aerial 1080 drops have occurred in the past 20 years; please list the animal type, the area it occurred and the date. This is to include pets, farm animals, and others.
- How many native birds and other species have been killed in areas where aerial 1080 drops have occurred in the past 20 years; please list the species name, the area it occurred and the date.

Nga mihi

Dianne Maxwell


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #10919 email]

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From: replies

Attachment 19 E 0563 Departmental OIA Maxwell decision letter.pdf
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Dear Ms Maxwell


Please find attached a decision letter relating to your Official
Information Act request dated 7 August 2019.


Kind regards

The Department of Conservation


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Things to do with this request

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