Water use

John Sims made this Official Information request to Upper Hutt City Council

The request was successful.

From: John Sims

Dear Upper Hutt City Council,

I would like to request all information including any documents related to the possible commercial extraction of water from a site at Refreshment Place in Trentham.

Yours faithfully,

John Sims

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From: UHCC
Upper Hutt City Council

Good afternoon John,

Thank you for your email which has been forwarded to the appropriate department for their response.

Kind Regards


Upper Hutt City Council | 838 - 842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907, Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
T: +64 4 527 2169 | E: [Upper Hutt City Council request email] | W: www.upperhuttcity.com | F: www.fb.com/upperhuttcitycouncil

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-----Original Message-----
From: John Sims [mailto:[FOI #10538 email]]
Sent: Friday, 14 June 2019 3:39 p.m.
Subject: Official Information request - Water use

Dear Upper Hutt City Council,

I would like to request all information including any documents related to the possible commercial extraction of water from a site at Refreshment Place in Trentham.

Yours faithfully,

John Sims


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #10538 email]

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If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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From: Meesh Holswich
Upper Hutt City Council

Attachment acknowledgment to J Sims 990.pdf
803K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe John,


Please see attached our acknowledgment of receipt of your request for
information: Commercial extraction of water dated 14 June 2019.


If you have any queries, please give me a call.


Ngâ mihi,


Meesh Holswich

Information and Communications Officer


Please note my usual hours of work are 9am – 2.30pm


Upper Hutt City Council | 838 – 842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907,
Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
Waea/Phone: 04 527 2792 | [1][email address] |
[2]www.upperhuttcity.com | [3]www.fb.com/upperhuttcitycouncil


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1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.upperhuttcity.com/
3. http://www.fb.com/upperhuttcitycouncil

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From: Matt Weavers
Upper Hutt City Council

Attachment decision letter JSims 990.pdf
312K Download View as HTML

Hi John,


Please find attached, our decision to your request for information. We
will be in touch next week.


Kind regards,


Matt Weavers
Senior Advisor Communications and Engagement


Upper Hutt City Council | 838 – 842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907,
Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
D: +64 4 527 2154 | M: +64 27 803 0105 | E: [1][email address] |
W: [2]www.upperhuttcity.com | F: [3]www.fb.com/upperhuttcitycouncil

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1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.upperhuttcity.com/
3. http://www.fb.com/upperhuttcitycouncil

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From: Rosie Jansen
Upper Hutt City Council

Attachment Response 990.pdf
664K Download View as HTML

Attachment RE Water Permits Upper Hutt Redacted.pdf
424K Download View as HTML

Attachment Research Water Supply Bylaw Redacted.pdf
161K Download View as HTML

Attachment Water bottling Wayne Message.pdf
115K Download View as HTML

Attachment Water consent Reply Redacted.pdf
237K Download View as HTML

Attachment Water Supply Bylaw.pdf
123K Download View as HTML

Attachment Consent Certificate.pdf
374K Download View as HTML

Attachment GWs site re water consent and monitoring effects.pdf
115K Download View as HTML

Attachment International Springs Refreshment Place Food Operation Registration Redacted.pdf
145K Download View as HTML

Attachment IS NP3 Scope of Operations May19.pdf
212K Download View as HTML

Attachment Map.jpg
597K Download

Attachment Memo to councillors Email 4.pdf
168K Download View as HTML

Attachment Memo to councillors Email 1.pdf
214K Download View as HTML

Attachment Memo to councillors Email 2 Redacted.pdf
193K Download View as HTML

Attachment Memo to councillors Email 3.pdf
158K Download View as HTML

Attachment Memo to Councillors on Commercial Bottling of Water 003.pdf
92K Download View as HTML

Hi John,
Please see attached our response to your request for information:
Commercial extraction of water dated 14 June 2019.
Can you please confirm receipt.
If you have any queries, please give me a call.
Kind regards,
Rosie Jansen
Information and Communications Officer
Upper Hutt City Council | 838 – 842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907,
Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
D: +64 4 527 2111 | E: [1][email address] | W:
[2]www.upperhuttcity.com | F: [3]www.fb.com/upperhuttcitycouncil

This email is intended only for the named recipient in this message and the information contained in it is confidential, maybe copyright and or legally privileged. If you are not the named recipient you must not use, read, distribute or copy it, please call the sender immediately on 04 527 2169 and erase the message and any attachments. Nothing in this e-mail message constitutes a designation of an information system for the purposes of section 11(a) of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002. You agree that if you respond to this e-mail, the time of receipt will be when the message actually comes to the attention of the addressee. All incoming e-mail messages are scanned for content and viruses and cleared by the Dimension Data Email Protection at the Upper Hutt City Council. This could result in the deletion of a legitimate e-mail before it is read by its intended recipient at Council. Please tell us if you have concerns about this automatic filtering. Thank you.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.upperhuttcity.com/
3. http://www.fb.com/upperhuttcitycouncil

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Things to do with this request

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