University of Auckland
A public authority
774 requests
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Consultations made up to December 13 2013 regarding 2023-OIA-0199-Massey request.
Response by University of Auckland to Shane Massey on .
Information not held.
Dear Shane,
I refer to your request of 21 December 2023. The University’s response
“I request all information regarding any consu...
Dear K Jack,
I refer to your request of 16 October 2024. We apologise for the delay in providing a response. The University’s response follows.
Dear George,
I refer to your request of 4 November 2022. The University does not hold
the custom statistics requested, and the Official Informat...
Dear Amanda,
I refer to your request of 18 July 2024. The University’s response
“1) Can you please provide the LLB GPAs of the top gr...
Dear Timmy,
I refer to your email of 3 November 2022. Under section 12(2) of the
Official Information Act, requests for official information mus...
Registered psychologists applying for clinical psychology
Response by University of Auckland to H. G. on .
Information not held.
Dear H.G.,
I refer to your email of 26 November 2024. The University’s response
- the number of registered psychologists who have applie...
Dear W Donald,
I refer to your request of 28 March 2023. The New Zealand Law Review Prize
regulations stipulate that three Prizes are awarded an...
Dear Cooper,
I refer to your email of 26 August 2024 and your request of 23 September
2024. The University's response follows.
"All email...
MBChb entrance information 2025
Response by University of Auckland to Kiratpreet Kaur on .
Information not held.
Dear Kiratpreet,
I refer to your request of 25 April 2024. The information requested about
2025 admissions does not exist yet. This constitutes...
Lowest GPA for top 10% of each graduating LLB cohort (2021-2023)
Response by University of Auckland to JR on .
Dear requester,
A decision to create statistics in response to an OIA request on one
occasion does not require the University to create the same o...
undergraduate GPA admission to MbChb
Response by University of Auckland to James Ng on .
Information not held.
Dear James,
I refer to your request of 19 June 2024. The University's response follows.
"1. the mean core GPA for those applying to MbChB"
The mean c...
Dear requester,
I refer to your request of 13 June 2024 under the Official Information Act 1982 ("OIA"). The University has previously provided statis...
Dear MR,
I refer to your request of 6 January 2023. The University does not hold
the custom statistics requested, and the Official Information A...
MBChb entry information 2024
Response by University of Auckland to Neeraj Yarlagadda on .
Information not held.
Dear Neeraj,
I refer to your request of 12 December 2023. The University’s response
“Please provide the following information reg...
MBChB seats commencing 2025
Response by University of Auckland to Kanwaldeep Singh on .
Information not held.
Dear Kanwal,
I refer to your request of 31 March 2024, in which you requested “any
updates” regarding whether another 50 places would be added t...
Dear requester,
I refer to your requests for information of 10 and 11 March 2024. The
University’s response follows:
“I would like to requ...
Dear requester,
I refer to your requests for information of 10 and 11 March 2024. The
University’s response follows:
“I would like to requ...
Request refused, no such document(s) or correspondence could be found.
According to Steve Kirsch both scientists have viewed the leaked data, furtherm...
Dear requester,
I refer to your request of 6 December 2023. The University’s response
The University does hold the weighted avera...
Dear Johnny,
I refer to your request of 20 January 2022. The University’s response
“(1) The number of students in the past 10 yea...
Total headcount of students enrolled in Faculty of Engineering Part I for 2023
Response by University of Auckland to G. Nicola on .
Information not held.
Dear G. Nicola
I refer to your request of 4 January 2022. The University does not hold a
final figure for the number of students enrolled in Par...
Dear requester,
I refer to your amended request of 2 August. Unfortunately, the
information requested would take an excessive amount of staff ti...
Dear Noah,
I note that you have refused to narrow your request. Further to my email
below, your request is refused under section 18(f) of the Of...
MBChB 2023 Entry Information
Response by University of Auckland to Isaac Liu on .
Information not held.
Dear Isaac,
Further to my emails of 1 February and 17 February 2023, the information
requested in the remainder of your request is attached.
Pharmacology, biomedical science or medicinal chemistry major?
Response by University of Auckland to Annie on .
Information not held.
Dear Annie,
Thank you for your email of 31 March 2022. This is not a request for
official information under the Official Information Act 1982, b...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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