Ruapehu District Council
A public authority
92 requests
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Ohakune Spacial Plan dated 24 May 2022
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc on .
Partially successful.
Good morning,
Thank you for your email. We apologise for the oversight.
I have corrected the attachments via the OneDrive link now. Please find attac...
purchase price for land involved in Teitei development
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Warren Murdoch on .
Dear Mr Murdoch,
Thank you for your request dated 15 September 2023 under the Local Government Official Information Act 1987. Please see attached res...
Request for public excluded information that can now be released
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc on .
Kia ora,
Please find attached the response to your official information request
dated 7 November 2023.
Nga mihi
1 Decembe...
Internal emails regarding Teitei Drive
Long overdue.
Lodged with Ombudsman for time delay breach
Tree reports and planned development for 6 Teitei drive
Follow up sent to Ruapehu District Council by Barry Murphy on .
Partially successful.
This OIA was due for response 3 November however nothing has been received.
Please provide an update.
Yours sincerely,
Barry Murphy
All resolutions & delegations of authority relating to Teitei Drive
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc on .
Kia ora,
Please find attached the response to your official information request
dated 7 November 2023.
Nga mihi
7 November 20...
Resolutions by councillors or Mayor regarding Teitei
Follow up sent to Ruapehu District Council by Barry Murphy on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
This OIA was never responded to however we received a response via the Society, so closing this one off my end
Yours sincerely,
Barry Murphy
Clive Manley email to Marin Surgenor email 5th April
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Barry Murphy on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Barry,
Thank you for your Request for Official Information.
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event...
Ngati rangi special treatment
Long overdue.
giving up
Questions to Clive (CEO) and Weston (Mayor) and Councillors
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Barry Murphy on .
Partially successful.
Afternoon Mr Murphy,
Please see attached response to your request dated 11 August 2023 ref
Kind regards
CEO meetings as per agenda 20220831
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Rebekah Crook on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Rebekah,
Please find attached a response to your LGOIMA request.
Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga
CEO meetings as per agenda 20211130
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Rebekah Crook on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Rebekah,
Please find attached a response to your LGOIMA request.
Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga
CEO meetings as per agenda 20220525
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Rebekah Crook on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Rebekah,
Please find attached a response to your LGOIMA request.
Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga
CEO meetings as per agenda 20220921
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Rebekah Crook on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Rebekah,
Please find attached a response to your LGOIMA request.
Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga
Teitei breach of s 78(1) of the Local Government Act
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Barry Murphy on .
Kia ora Barry,
My sincere apologies for the oversight.
Thank you for your Request for Official Information received 8 September 2023 relating to co...
CEO meetings as per agenda 20210825
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Rebekah Crook on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Rebekah,
Please find attached a response to your LGOIMA request,
Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga
Legal advice received for Teitei on 5 July 2022 & 4 August 2022
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Barry Murphy on .
Kia ora Barry,
Please find attached a response to your LGOIMA request.
Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga
Contract / Agreement for Teitei Drive
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Barry Murphy on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Barry,
Please find attached a response to your LGOIM request.
Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga
Correspondence between Ruapehu District Council and the Minister of Housing Megan Woods
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Warren Murdoch on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Warren,
Our sincere apologies for the delay.
Please find attached a response in regards to your LGOIMA requests.
Ngā mihi
Sale of Ruapehu District Council public land at Teitei Drive
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Hamish Carnachan on .
Long overdue.
Mr Carnachan,
Please attached response to your official information request dated 15 August 2023 for information in relation to Teitei land sale.
Sale of Ruapehu District Council public land at Teitei Drive - clarifications required
Request sent to Ruapehu District Council by Hamish Carnachan on .
Long overdue.
Ruapehu District Council,
Regarding your response of September 21, 2023, to my questions.
On review I consider that there needs to be clarificatio...
Please see attached response to request below.
Kind regards
Original Message-----
From: Barry Murphy <[FOI #23858 email]>
Kainga Ora Teitei Drive Ohakune Development
J Write
These concerns are widespread, see comments from Ngāti Rangi -
See distr...
Teitei development
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Warren Murdoch on .
Partially successful.
5 July 2023.
Original Message-----
From: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 8:07 AM
To: Maggie Flonk <[e...
Puwhenua Ki Ruapehu Community Portal
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Rebekah Crook on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Rebekah
Thank you for your request below and answers as follows:
1. Information attached to this email.
2. Information attached to this email (...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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