Correspondence between Ruapehu District Council and the Minister of Housing Megan Woods
Warren Murdoch made this Official Information request to Ruapehu District Council
Ruapehu District Council did not have the information requested.
From: Warren Murdoch
Dear Ruapehu District Council,
Can I please be provided with a copy of all correspondence between any employee or councillor of the Ruapehu District Council and the Minister of Housing Megan Woods or her office which is connected to the Tei tei development in Ohakune. This correspondence also includes txt messages and anything put on a social media platform.
Yours faithfully,
Warren Murdoch
From: Info
Ruapehu District Council
Good Afternoon,
Please find attached an acknowlegement to LGOIMA request.
TeRina Turanga
LGOIMA Officer
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From: Warren Murdoch
Dear Info,
Can you please advise me when I am going to receive the information that I requested as it is overdue
Yours sincerely,
Warren Murdoch
From: Warren Murdoch
Dear Info,
It has been 45 days since I made my request and I have not received any information. You are well outside the timeframes under the Official Information Act. If I do not receive this infomation by Wednesday 18th October I will be makeing a compaint to the Ombudsman.
Kind regards
Yours sincerely,
Warren Murdoch
From: Warren Murdoch
Dear Info,
It has been 45 days since I made my request and I have not received any information. You are well outside the timeframes under the Official Information Act. If I do not receive this infomation by Wednesday 18th October I will be makeing a compaint to the Ombudsman.
Kind regards
Yours sincerely,
Warren Murdoch
From: Info
Ruapehu District Council
Kia ora Warren,
Our sincere apologies for the delay.
Please find attached a response in regards to your LGOIMA requests.
Ngā mihi
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence