Phil Twyford

An agency that no longer exists or person who no longer holds office

Portfolios and responsibilities previously held:

  • Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control;
  • Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth;
  • Associate Minister for the Environment;
  • Associate Minister of Immigration;
  • Minister of Housing and Urban Development;
  • Minister for Urban Development;
  • Minister for Economic Development;
  • Minister of Transport.

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

43 requests
Kiwibuild invitation to participate 2.0
Response by Phil Twyford to Nick Palmer on .
Dear Mr Palmer,   Please find attached a response from the Minister of Housing and Urban Development to your request for information.     Re...
Response by Phil Twyford to D Smith on .
Partially successful.
Hello Mr Smith,   Please find attached a letter from Minister Twyford in response to your OIA request of 12 May 2018.   Kind regards,   Ca...
Ref. 2223-0429   Tçnâ koe Sameer   Please find attached the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s response to your Official Inform...
Safer driving
Response by Phil Twyford to Charles Finley on .
Tēnā koe e Charles, On behalf of Hon Julie Anne Genter, Associate Minister of Transport, please find attached the response to your request under the O...
Disarmament and AUKUS briefings
Response by Phil Twyford to Scott on .
Kia ora Scott,   On behalf of Hon. Phil Twyford, Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control, please find attached the second tranche of released do...
List of disarmament and arms control briefings
Response by Phil Twyford to Scott on .
Dear Scott,   Please find attached response to your OIA request received on Tuesday, 4th October 2022.     Kind regards,   Office of Hon...
Disarmament and arms control briefings
Response by Phil Twyford to Harold on .
Dear Harold Thank you for writing in. The full document was not sent to you initially, and I have reattached it here. This was our error and I offer m...
Costings for SH58 Upgrade
Response by Phil Twyford to Dianne Trevors on .
Dear Dianne   Please find attached the response to your request of 27 August 2019 for information under the Official Information Act 1982.   R...
Fletcher Residential
Response by Phil Twyford to Luke Chandler on .
Dear Luke,   Please find attached the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development’s response to your request made under the Official Information Act...
Contractor Spend
Response by Phil Twyford to Laura Evans on .
Dear Ms Evans   Please find attached the response to your 5 June 2019 Official Information Act request.   Kind regards   Ministerial Service...
Good evening Tony Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 14 August 2019. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you...
Breif given to Sir Peter Gluckman
Response by Phil Twyford to Jo Kirk on .
Partially successful.
Hello Ms Kirk,   Thank you for your email as below requesting further information under the Official Information Act.   As the information req...
Meeting Twyford/Gluckman
Response by Phil Twyford to Jo Kirk on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Kirk Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 11 October 2018 from Hon Phil Twyford. Kind regards Office of Hon Phil Twyford M...
Land Transport Act
Response by Phil Twyford to Joseph on .
Tēnā koe e Jacob Please find attached a response to your official information request. Ngā mihi, Olivia. Olivia Kitson Private Secretary | Office of...
E-mail communications
Response by Phil Twyford to David Farrar on .
Dear Mr Farrar Please find attached a response to your OIA request. King regards Office of Hon Phil Twyford Minister of Transport | Minister of Hous...
Dear Mr Hooton   Please find attached a response to your request made on 2 February 2019 under the Official Information Act 1982.     Kind r...
Dear Mr Hooton   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 21 December 2018.   Kind regards   Ministerial...
Departure of KiwiBuild CEO
Response by Phil Twyford to Matthew Hooton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Hooton Please find attached a response to your OIA request. Kind regards Office of Hon Phil Twyford Minister of Transport | Minister of Hous...
KiwiBuild: Group Home Builders: Market Briefing
Response by Phil Twyford to Matthew Hooton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Hooton   Please find attached a letter in response to your Official Information Act request of 5 November 2018.   Kind regards   Min...
KiwiBuild Houses
Response by Phil Twyford to Matthew Hooton on .
Dear Mr Hooton   Please find attached a letter in response to your Official Information Act request of 28 October 2018.   Kind regards   Min...
Dear Mr Jenkins   Please find attached a letter in response to your Official Information Act request of 17 October 2018.   Kind regards   Mi...
Dear Mr Ross Please find attached a response to your request of 11 October 2018 from Hon Phil Twyford. Kind regards Office of Hon Phil Twyford Minis...
KiwiBuild Houses
Response by Phil Twyford to Matthew Hooton on .
Hello Mr Hooton,   Please find attached a letter from Minister Twyford in response to your OIA request of 17 August 2018.   Kind regards,  ...
Breif given to Sir Peter Gluckman - further information required
Response by Phil Twyford to Jo Kirk on .
Partially successful.
Hi there,   Please find attached a letter from Minister Twyford in response to your OIA request of 13 August 2018.   Kind regards,   Carla...
Cabinet communications regarding methamphetamine
Response by Phil Twyford to Miles Stratford on .
Partially successful.
Hello Mr Stratford,   Please find attached a letter and documents from Minister Twyford in response to your OIA request of 2 July 2018.   Apol...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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