New Zealand Police
A top 10 most requested agency
Before you make a request to Police
- Do not ask for information about yourself. We do not allow users to make requests about themselves. Instead, use the Request for Personal Information online form on the Police website. If you ignore this instruction, your request here may be hidden.
- Check if the information is already online. Here are some useful resources:
- Police' Publications & Statistics pages have many Police documents: policies, manual chapters, reports, data &l statistics.
- NZ Police Policy Directory is a volunteer effort to collect all Police policies, including old versions, in one place from OIA requests and other sources.
- Police advice to the Minister is listed by title. To request a copy of this advice, make your request to the Minister of Police.
Things Police might ask
- Police often ask for proof of eligibility to make an OIA request. They are allowed to ask this. Usually they will want some identification.
- Please state that you reside in New Zealand, if that is true. It is our hope that in time making this statement will be considered sufficient.
- Please do not send your contact information using as it will automatically be published. If you already have, contact us and we will hide it for you.
- You do not have to fill out another form. If Police respond with a link to another form to fill in, you do not need to do so. Politely remind them that by law they must accept requests in any form. If necessary, point them to the Ombudsman guidance which specifically confirms that requests sent through must be accepted.
Contact outside of
Note that we do not share your user details with Police. If you are contacted outside, please:
- Discuss your request with them if you feel comfortable doing so. If not, you may ask for correspondence to be through
- Note in an annotation that you were contacted. Summarise the discussion if possible.
- Regardless, insist that the formal OIA response be sent to you through, to the email address from which the original request was sent (see below).
Response received outside of
If you have received your response outside the system (such as by direct email or post), the response will not be published - which may be intentional. You may:
- Reply to them asking that they re-send the response to the email address of the original request. We can provide this if they have lost it. Under OIA s16(2) they must usually provide the response in the way you prefer.
- Let us know in a comment that you received your response bypassing
1878 requests
(page 3)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
DS D. Read investigation into Heidi Pakkonen and Urban Hoglin
Response by New Zealand Police to k on .
Good afternoon
I refer to your request for information made under the Official
Information Act 1982
You have asked for:
I request the full intervi...
Hi Lisa,
Ask them for any documentations and/or meeting minuets they have discussing policy and/or appropriateness of recording members of the publi...
Take it to the ombudsman. There is a clear public interest in this topic and it is likely that this response is over-redacted.
Tēnā koe John
Please find attached the response relating to your Official Information
Act request, received by Police on 30 November 2023.
Theft ex Shop - Hamilton Police
Response by New Zealand Police to Joshua Rogers on .
Information not held.
Good Afternoon Joshua Rogers,
I refer to your request for information made under the Official
Information Act 1982 (Information Request IR-01-23-3423...
Tēnā koe Angela
On 30th June and 3rd July we emailed you requesting identity/authorisation information to authenticate your Privacy Act request entitl...
Tēnā koe Hemant
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealan...
Internal communications by Police regarding OIA request
Response by New Zealand Police to Mohammed Khan on .
Tēnā koe Mohammed
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zeal...
Radio traffic from the pursuit of Jerrim Toms in Auckland in March of 2018
Response by New Zealand Police to R. Anthony on .
Kia ora,
We refer to your request for information:
“I request under the Official Information Act the pursuit radio traffic
and audio from...
Require names of all female police employees for the year 1998 for Henderson Police Station Auckland
Response by New Zealand Police to Cybergranny (Account suspended) on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand P...
A New Zealand police officers full name and rank
Response by New Zealand Police to :dominic-henry: on .
Good afternoon Dominic
Please see the attached letter of response to your question raised with
Kind regards
Supervisor – Norther...
Extract of Accounts Payable Summary Spend Information
Response by New Zealand Police to Shane Gibson on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Shane
Please find attached a letter of apology for the delay on your OIA request
Again, please accept our sincere apologi...
Kia ora Grant
Police have provided you with the most accurate information available, given the challenges described in the response with capturing acc...
Dear Bruce,
Please refer to the final response attached for your OIA request of 19^th
June 23.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Elsa Wu...
Dear Bruce,
Thank you for your follow up request of 1st Aug 2023, pertaining to our
response to your previous OIA request (IR-01-23-19003).
Kia ora Amanda,
Police has responded to this question. Please refer to the response reference IR-01-23-24920. Police stand by this response and have n...
General armament orders in Auckland, August 10, 2023
Response by New Zealand Police to Ti Lamusse on .
Dear Ti,
Please refer to the attached response letter for your OIA request of 10^th
August 2023.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Request to New Zealand Police by [User 7569 name removed] (Account suspended). Annotated by Connor Johnson on .
This is why I have a personal database of every unmarked police car at palmerston north for myselff. if the police wont give it to you gotta make your...
Tēnā koe
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand P...
Documents related to release of footage from Eagle helicopter
Response by New Zealand Police to Bruce on .
Information not held.
Dear Bure,
Please refer to the final response letter attached for your OIA request of
20^th May 2023.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Presence of Static ANPR camera(s) in Ellerslie Village
Response by New Zealand Police to J Deyell on .
Kia ora J
We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for
On 27/04/2023 you asked for information relating to a ANPR camera
Tactical Options Reporting Data January-December 2021
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Mr Hanna
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, which consist...
Tçnâ koe Mr Carroll
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New...
Wanganui Central Police Station
Response by New Zealand Police to Cybergranny (Account suspended) on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe Cybergranny,
Your request has been considered in accordance with the Official
Information Act 1982.
I enclose the following infor...
Measures in place to ensure conformance with 4.1 of ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Sean Doyle on .
The original request was made on March 16 2023. A delay was reported by Ministerial Services on April 12 because a "proper response" could not be de...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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