18 EDGECUMBE Road, Tauranga

Angela made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

The request was refused by New Zealand Police.

From: Angela

Dear New Zealand Police,

Please provide any information you hold about any callouts, arrests, or fines given on the occupants of the above address from September 2019 until June 2020, and any information held about the damage caused to the back door when entering to investigate a Marijuana operation.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

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32K Download

Tēnā koe Angela,


I acknowledge receipt of your information request below, received by
Police on 24/06/2023.


Your request reference number is IR-01-23-20385.


As your request raises privacy considerations, we seek further information
to assist us in making an assessment of any public interest considerations
favouring disclosure that might outweigh the protection of any privacy


Please reply to this email with the following:   

- a copy of a tenancy agreement to show your interest in the property and
to assist us in identifying information relevant to your request.


The information you provide will be deleted upon completion of your


You will receive a response to your request on or before 24/07/2023,
unless an extension is needed.


❗ Please note that we have a new email address. Please send all future
emails to * [1][email address] *, and update your
records accordingly.


Ngā mihi


Jimmy Avery

Information Request Officer
Information Requests | Service Group


P  105
E  [2][email address]





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From: Angela

Dear Information Requests,

If someone admits to growing weed to the prospective tenants and then shows where the door has been broken through a police raid, is this not considered public information?

Providing a tenancy agreement would violate my privacy.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Attachment image001.png
32K Download

Tēnā koe Angela,


Thank you for your email.


Police operations are not necessarily public knowledge.


In order for Police to determine whether you are entitled to this
information under the Official Information Act (1982), we ask that you
please clarify your interest in this matter.  


If you own the property, this could be by way of a rates demand. If you
are a tenant, a tenancy agreement.


Ngā mihi


Jimmy Avery

Information Request Officer
Information Requests | Service Group


P  105
E  [1][email address]




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From: Angela

Dear Information Requests,

The interest pertains to the landlord making accusations against a previous tenant that the moisture, mould, etc in her home was caused by dehydration of catnip downstairs, even when using a dehumidifier the whole time, and only for a short period when the viability was not worth continuing;

She is claiming her home needed wallpaper replacing and all sorts of other ridiculous claims when they were already peeling off and mould was already present due to closing up a hole in the wall that was unsustainable to fix;
I cannot put the individual contractor at risk by revealing what he knows to be true, i cannot betray that trust and cause enmity for him;
In her attempts to get a tenant to pay her repairs on her property;
She had previously told the tenants she just got a smack on the hand for having a grow up that filled the entire house and showed the damage to the backdoor, and downstairs door where the police had gained entry;
She is a wealthy Tauranga local who cannot get enough money, so she is using this as an excuse to withhold bond which she told us will sit in disputes for 10yrs if she has her way;
It would help the case at my end;
But as i know she only paid a fine, she most likely had good lawyers;

Yours faithfully


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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Kia ora,

Thanks for your email.

I have updated your request with the below.

However, in order for Police to determine whether you are entitled to this information under the Official Information Act (1982), we ask that you please clarify your interest in this matter.

If you own the property, this could be by way of a rates demand. If you are a tenant, a tenancy agreement.

Ngā mihi

Elena Tou
File Management Support Officer
Information Requests | Service Group
P  105
E  [email address]

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From: Angela

Kia ora Elena,

I thought i answered the same question asked twice, by way of information provided, do i still need to send the information you are asking for and if so, where?

Stay blessed,


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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Kia Ora

Thankyou for your email.

Please send through the appropriate documents via the email address: [email address]

Upon reviewing previous email, it had mentioned if landlord to provide property rates- however that advise is not valid. Sincerest Apologies for providing the wrong advise
Whether you are the landlord or tenant- we would need a copy of the tenancy agreement.

Kind regards
File management Support Officer
Information Requests | Service Group
P  105
E  [email address]


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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

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Tēnā koe Angela


I acknowledge receipt of your information request below, received by
Police on 24/06/23


Your request reference number is IR-01-23-19757


As your request raises privacy considerations, we seek further information
to assist us in making an assessment of any public interest considerations
favouring disclosure that might outweigh the protection of any privacy


Please reply to this email with information about how you are related to
this address plus  one or more  the following:

- The consent of the person with who you are wanting the information about

- evidence of your relationship with the person whose information you have

- a copy of a tenancy agreement to show your interest in the property and
to assist us in identifying information relevant to your request.


The information you provide will be deleted upon completion of your


❗ Please note that we have a new email address. Please send all future
emails to * [1][email address] *, and update your
records accordingly.


If we have not received this  information by 24/07/23 your request will be



Kind regards



Information Request Officer
Southern Information Requests | Service Group


P  105
E  [email address]







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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Information Requests would like to recall the message, "Further information required | Reference IR-01-23-19757 Official Information request - 18 EDGECUMBE Road, Tauranga".

The information contained in this email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged information. It may also be subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this message or any of its contents.
Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in error, please email or telephone the sender immediately

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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Tēnā koe Angela

On 30th June and 3rd July we emailed you requesting identity/authorisation information to authenticate your Privacy Act request entitlement.

It appears that we have not received a reply.

As the 20 working day timeframe in which we must respond to a valid Privacy Act request has expired, we will be closing your request.

If you would still like the requested information, please submit a new request with the identity/authorisation information attached.

Please note that information requests can be made via the Police website at http://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/reque....

❗ We have a new email address. Please send all future emails to * [email address] *, and update your records accordingly.

Ngā mihi

Wendy Griffiths
Information Request Advisor
Information Requests | Service Group
P  105
E  [email address]


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Things to do with this request

New Zealand Police only: